Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Two Live Together, Two Women Meet!

Su Chen suddenly felt Alexander,

Might as well send him to the exam room!

I never told Gu Xiaoxi about Ouyang Xue's existence!

Ouyang Xue didn't know that she often went out in those days and came back very tired because she went to find Gu Xiaoxi!

This scene is a little embarrassing,

However, to Su Chen's surprise...

The two women did not face each other!

To know the book, although Gu Xiaoxi is weak, his character is that of a water town in the south of the Yangtze River~,

But in fact a restrained character - is also a strong woman!


How could she be so good at school?

Needless to say, Ouyang Xue....a flower in the army, a proper top!


The two of them were by Su Chen's side, and they restrained their sharpness!

For example, Ouyang Xue, in the eyes of outsiders, is a strong female.... Fighting, foreign languages, firearms, etc., are proficient in everything, not inferior to male special forces!

And Gu Xiaoxi is the unattainable goddess in the hearts of others...

"Sister Ouyang told me..."

"She's taking care of you these days...

"I have to thank Sister Ouyang for you!"

Gu Xiaoxi hugged Su Chen's arm and said, pulled Su Chen to sit down, and sat down on Su Chen's lap, the standard couple sitting posture.

Ouyang Xue's eyes suddenly changed...

There is something in this!

Thank myself for Su Chen.

There is also the action between the couple, although the smile is like a flower, but they are all showing their sovereignty!

After all, Gu Xiaoxi is twenty-two or three years old, and her mind has grown a lot.

Especially in the summer vacation, the sweet and tea-like girl Lin Youwei often comes back to play with Gu Xiaoxi, subtly, close to the tea, and Gu Xiaoxi also learned some small skills!

Ouyang Xue lowered her head...

If it were otherwise, Ouyang Xue would definitely live to lose a few words:

For example: "Thank you for what, it's my own person, isn't it right for me to take care of him? It's all these years, you've been helping him, I should thank you for him, Ouyang Xue!

Even more extreme: "Su Chen, change your clothes soon, my sister helps you wash your hands, I put the underwear you changed yesterday in your wardrobe, go and change...

As soon as these few words come out, it is directly the killer!

Gu Xiaoxi can directly break the defense!


Ouyang Xue did not do this.

Because she knows the proportions and knows that Su Chen likes this girl.


Even if he said that, he could only make Su Chen dissatisfied with himself!

Therefore, she must get along well with this Gu Xiaoxi.


She squatted down to clean up the dishes on the table.

"These are all orders from above, and military orders must not be violated..."

"And for me and Su Chen, it's all work."

"My job is to take care of Consultant Su, and I can't be sloppy in the slightest..."

Ouyang Xue said.


Gu Xiaoxi's heart softened, this sister...

It's pretty good, did you think too much about what you said?

Too much?


She took care of Su Chen for so long, and was willing to be a waiter... All this is to serve the country, isn't she too small?

Soon, the kind-hearted Gu Xiaoxi changed his mind...

In the next encounter,

During the conversation, the two women had an in-depth conversation, and they discovered more and more of each other's bright spots.

They got along so well together!

Su Chen is also silent, it's okay if there is no situation, what he dislikes the most is trouble, and when the two women really quarrel, Su Chen will be the most annoying, and even has a disgusting feeling towards them!

So, just right!

Su Chen's mind will soon stop on this, when he eats

I'm still thinking about my plans carefully.

According to my own guess...

That is to say, in these few days, Zhang Yanghao will find himself again!

This time to find his own Zhang Yanghao, he must have been in a panic!

Must be panic!

because!. .

He won't get anything he wants from the answer sheet!

Including the biological problem, to improve the human endurance, the original intention is to increase the pilot's overload and pressure resistance!


Including the physics question, the main idea is to let the fighter have the strongest rapid-fire barrel!!

Zhang Yanghao must be waiting for his answer in the marking group,

He knows Su Chen's quirks,

But this time!

I am afraid he will be disappointed!

Su Chen secretly laughed, Zhang Yanghao's expression must be very funny!

Finish a meal soon...  

Ouyang Xue packed up the tableware...

Said to Gu Xiaoxi and Su Chen,

"Sister Xiaoxi, Mr. Su, the double room above the RV is ready, you can go to rest, Mr. Su has exams in the afternoon! It is 12 o'clock, and I will wake you up at 2:30 in the afternoon and leave at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Test, you can rest for more than two hours."


Although Ouyang Xue has a taste in her heart, after all, they are a couple, and in her opinion, it is very reasonable for couples to go to the same room. And for the sake of Consultant Su's afternoon exam status, they had to rest. Ten thousand steps back, there are only two beds in the RV, one is Su Chen's double bed and the other is Ouyang Xue's single bed. Can't let Gu Xiaoxi and her squeeze into the single bed? That would be rude!

Suddenly, Gu Xiaoxi blushed.

After all, the bold actions he just made were all to swear sovereignty, and he and Su Chen were actually not that far.

However, in front of Ouyang Xue, everything was said,

You can't even look like you're not a couple!

So, the two can only go in.

this car,

Quite luxurious, built on a modified version of a bulletproof bus.

at the rear end of the tail,

There was a huge double bed room, the bed was immaculately clean and clean.

Obviously, Ouyang Xue has sorted it out.

There are TVs, remote controls for air conditioners, a small bathroom and other facilities~

In the small space of this bus, it can be said that the space and structure are used to the extreme!


At this moment, there were only two people left. Su Chen closed the door. This door is a special wooden door, which is very thick and has sealing tape. The sound insulation is perfect! He looked at Gu Xiaoxi, who was hot at this time, and said:

"Shall we rest?" the door.

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