Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 128 Genetic optimization! The 1 stage of the rock project! (Please customize!)

Chapter 128 Genetic optimization! The first stage of the rock project! (Please customize!)

"That is--"


Su Chen found the best method, the most effective and the safest....

At the same time, the current technological conditions,

Under his authority, it can be fully achieved!

"Genetic optimization!"

This is the best way!


On Su Chen's huge and long road to full defense,

In the beginning, it can be done through exercise, even drug soaks, special methods and tricks, etc.

Increase the body's ability to withstand some external injuries...

But this approach is minimal and has huge limitations!

Some even require long hours of practice day after day!

For example, there is a way to increase endurance, which is similar to the iron sand palms used in ancient martial arts...

Practice your palms over and over again...

Until the skin is rubbed out thick calluses and so on, in order to increase the endurance,

For Su Chen,

This answer directly passes!

And genetic optimization is a method that can be achieved overnight and reach a very high level!

in nature,


Human genes are the best overall.

Excellent Brain, Excellent Cooling System.....Excellent Shape.....


There are still some plants and animals that have supreme genetic dominance in some aspects of the world!

In terms of endurance!

For example, the longevity gene of turtles has an extraordinary tolerance time!

For example, the super tolerance gene of tardigrades can tolerate extremely high temperature, extremely low temperature, extreme hypoxia, and high pressure.

For example, the ant's endurance strength can withstand hundreds of times the weight from 26...

For example, the devil beetle written on the college entrance examination question just now can withstand super pressure.... super strong!

these genes,

In all aspects of endurance!

far superior to human beings!

The advantages of these genes,

If it is fully utilized by Su Chen, use technological means to integrate...

That's the best way to improve!

Su Chen had read a genetically optimized online novel before, and the protagonist was through various animal genes,

Make yourself a true god on earth!


"This topic is only about endurance...

"In other respects, I can't extract and utilize genes similar to the invincible attack power of prawns, and I don't understand at all!

"This part of knowledge is not in the law of circular expansion."

Su Chen has some regrets.


full defense,

Also very nice,

The remaining attack power, destructive power, etc., it will not be too late to talk about it later!

At this time, he is like a cheater with infinite bonus points,

But he can only add this infinite point, little by little, to the defense,

Nothing else can be added!

0. . . . .


"Including external pressure tolerance, temperature tolerance, radiation tolerance...and even aging tolerance, etc..

In an instant,

Numerous animal and plant genetic samples, extraction methods, transformation methods, fusion methods...  

All entered Su Chen's mind, very clear!

Among these experiments,

Applied raw materials, chemical biological agents, special materials, all raw materials...

Including the required experimental equipment and experimental instruments that are currently on the earth...

All appeared in Su Chen's mind!

"This test is different from the last time. 99

"Last time I happened to know that C7H5N5O3, that kind of super human medicine, doesn't change its own human genes, it's just an improvement at the level of muscle and brain."

"There is a limit to this kind of improvement, that is, it cannot exceed the scope of human beings!"

"And this time, it's genetic optimization!"

"Optimize the genes that humans don't have...""

"Mixed in...  

"Forming new life signatures....

"Strictly speaking, after this kind of success, I am beyond human beings!"

"No longer within the limits of human beings! 99

"And it is necessary to extract genes from animals and plants for fusion transformation. Fortunately, the unsightly parts of these genes that are expressed in the human body are removed... Only the characteristics are left, and the structure of the human body is not changed... "

"This amount of work is particularly huge..."

"I can't complete a laboratory by myself!"

"We must coordinate and collaborate to form a systematic project..."

"But I can't be known by outsiders about my true purpose and results...

Su Chen thought carefully,

A set of formed plans,

Complete it according to your own plan!

In the state of God, he takes into account all factors,

can be under the eyes of the state,

Use all resources to achieve your goals,

And it doesn't roll over!

And give the country an account!

after all,

This time.... the reason why I put this biology topic,

In essence, the main goal is that Zhang Yanghao wants to improve the pilot's pressure resistance and overload resistance...


Su Chen took this goal as the surface goal!

Create a giant bioengineering!

And then in this gigantic bioengineering, beneath the surface goal,

Hide your true goal and complete it!

In the state of God,

Su Chen even took every laboratory and every laboratory staff into consideration,

Make sure nothing goes wrong!

. . . . . . .

"very good!

After two minutes.

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Chen's mouth!

"This plan...I will name it....""

"Project Rock!

"The goal is to make my body into a state of endurance—that is, a state of immortality with full defense!

"Like a cosmic rock, it lasts forever!"

rock plan,

Dedicated to serving Su Chen personally, it is impossible for him to publicize these knowledge, methods, data, etc. to others!

The rock plan is also a rather long plan,

It is estimated that it will take decades or even hundreds of years to start!

The current human technology, the rock project can only progress to the initial stage,

If you want to continue the progress of the rock project,

It is necessary to open up new technological situation,

This is also what Su Chen will do in the future!

And now!

The initial stage is to use the earth's genes......

Reach the level of super gene warrior,

But this is just a start.

Far from reaching the level of a cosmic rock!

After that, there will be some use of high-tech material technology,

Later, even the earth could not provide resources, and it was necessary to dig deep for new resources, and even need to go to alien planets to find the required resources and energy materials. …


This plan is what Su Chen desires most!

Other programs and technologies are dedicated to the country and belong to the country!

And rock!

It really belongs to you!

It's your last trump card and capital!

And this trump card can make him stand forever!

Let the technological civilization develop no matter how,

Human civilization jumped from the first-level civilization to the third-level civilization,

He Su Chen,

It's like a rock...

in the middle of the universe,


0. . . . . .

'As soon as the college entrance examination is over.

"Rock Phase I Project!

"Genetic optimization..."

"Officially launched!

There is a sharp light in Su Chen's eyes!

This is the largest and most self-interested plan since he obtained this system!

The project that excites him the most!

after all,

as a man,

Who doesn't want to live forever and have an invincible defense..

No one can shake it, immortal and immortal!?

. . . . . .

He calmed down...

180 At this time,

Several invigilators were watching Su Chen,

Three teachers, two women and one man,

all looking at Su Chen,

After all, Su Chen is the object of national attention!

And now, Su Chen takes the college entrance examination again, naturally attracting the attention of thousands of people,

The two female teachers looked at each other!

It's been ten minutes since the exam started, why did Su Chen sit there in a daze?

He didn't write a word!

Staring blankly at the biology topic!

According to previous online sayings, Su Chen answered questions very quickly!

I can write a comprehensive essay in ten minutes.


Why are you so stupid!?

Two beauties invigilate the exam, looking at each other,

Is it...

Su Chen,

Jiang Lang is done?


"What difficult problem has he encountered!?"

. . . . . .

At this time, Su Chen has not answered the question yet!

He continued to look at the physics problem!

He didn't answer just now, he was maximizing all the results of the biology question,

After ensuring the plan,

Just take your eyes off the biology topic!

And even more awesome!

When he looked at the subject of physics...

Su Chen's expression,

become more exciting!!!

"If, say, biology questions, can forge my rock plan...  

"It can make me step by step to become an invincible life form with full defense...

"Let me be a human god who really can't break through defenses...

"Then this physics question...."

"It will cause the whole world...

"Do not!"

"A major change in the entire human civilization on Earth!"

"New World Project!"

"From now on, it's officially on the fast track!

"New world!

"Come on!!!!35

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