Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 118 The 1 flight of the J 67! Witness the history! Shock the whole country!

Chapter 118 The first flight of the J-67! Witness the history! Shock the whole country!


Zhang Shaozhong almost turned his back in anger, can you talk without gasping for breath!?

"He's in the sky!?

"Participate in the flight!?"

"Aren't you joking!?"

"Neglect of duty!"

"The identity and status of such an important chief designer as Su Chen...

"You let him follow him to the sky!?"

Zhang Shaozhong was very dissatisfied,

At this time, he didn't know about Su Chen's learning to drive a fighter jet.

Don't dare to report to him!

Because he will definitely dismiss it!

Whatever the reason!

He still thinks,

Su Chen was on the plane!

The J-10 model aircraft has a two-seater version, and the rear seat basically does not require any operation...

He thought Su Chen followed suit like this!

"Young people are eager to fly in fighter jets and want to fly to the sky!"

"You can't stop him as an elder"?

. . . . . . .



at this time,

Zhang Yanghao couldn't hide it,

Just say it!

"Su Chen, he didn't follow...

"He, he drove it up by himself!;

"The new fighter, the J-67...

"He was driving it!

"Just now, the video you watched is his!!!35


at this time!

Zhang Shaozhong was completely dumbfounded!

The whole person is like a soul out of body, standing on the spot!

Rao is that he has passed through many strong winds and waves, and at this time he has also stopped in Bengbu!


"Is Su Chen driving the J-67!?

"What are you kidding!?

. . . . . .

Only then did Zhang Yanghao tell about Su Chen's learning to drive,

And highlighting Su Chen's talent...

There were several fighter pilots testifying for him next to him,

Zhang Shaozhong also looked through Su Chen's flight records, as well as previous flight videos,

There is also a video of Su Chen when he was under 10 g overload!

After reading,

He was completely silent!

"Genius...a peerless genius!


He looked at the comments from the tower Liu Zhiyun to Su Chen——

"A true beast of the sky, Predator Top!

. . . . . . .

"It turns out that there really are all-rounders in this world!

Zhang Shaozhong looked up!

in his mind,

The importance of Su Chen is even more self-evident!

"Furthermore, Sizuo, the reason why we didn't report you is because we were afraid that you would disagree...

Zhang Yanghao said,

"Su Chen's point is right, except him, no one can control this fighter in the shortest time,

The human-machine interface is completely different from the previous J-20, and there is no possibility of repeated learning!"

"Even a talented pilot like Jiang Feng and Mu Lingzhen needs at least half a year to study!"

"Only Su Chen can do it!"

. . . . .

"He can go to the air show!"

. . . . .

Zhang Shaozhong pondered,

Although emotionally unacceptable,

I also don't want Su Chen to take risks,


In fact, it really is!

"That's all, that's all... let him go!

. . . . .

Zhang Shaozhong waved his hand!

. . . . . .

At the same time,

In the sky hundreds of kilometers away!

above the clouds,

A blue.

Below is a small city north of the Huai River in Hui Province.

Several young people are eating breakfast, eating fried buns, drinking soy milk, and reading the news.

"Have you heard, last night, the military official blog, the official announced a new fighter plane!

"But it's too advanced to be displayed!

Several young people said happily!

As you can see, they are very excited!

The 00 generation of young people are the most patriotic!

"Have netizens found out the identity of the designer!?"

A post-05 girl asked, the girl's focus is different,

Her main focus is on the chief designer in that picture!

Young, stalwart, slender back...

What a girl's dream!?

Such a young fighter designer.....

Who has such a good life to accommodate such a man?

Just at this time!


Boom boom boom!


There were a few explosions in the sky!

It was a voice from above the clouds,

Several plane cables are quickly painting in the blue sky!

the sound is far away,

Otherwise people's eardrums would have been shattered!

All young people look up!

I was almost deaf when I was shocked by this unparalleled gas explosion!

"Gosh! What fighter is this!?;

A military fan is just blinded!

He got goosebumps instantly!

At the beginning of a few cables behind, there are several black-gray fighter jets. Although they are far apart, the shape of the J-20 can be vaguely recognized!

And the pilot at the forefront...

The speed is very fast, almost twenty-one times more than the JF behind!

Going crazy...

Like a bullet!

Never seen such a fighter!

"Release early in the morning, first flight during the day... This should be the 180 advanced fighter that is inconvenient to display!! 35

Grass! Is he too awesome,

We have witnessed history!!

The young man was so excited to take the photo!

. . . . . .

at this time!

all over the middle,

Almost all heard the deafening roar,

The fighter formation made an actual flight within the range of half a country!

Many people took pictures, and many people saw it with binoculars...


The video is very blurry, it's too far after all!

But they were all stunned by this never-before-seen sci-fi appearance!

"What speed is that! Does this have to break through Mach 3!?

"f*ck! This is a real sixth generation machine, not five and a half generations!""

"The real sixth generation machine!!

""He's flying east!"



"5 The direction of the East China Sea!!! 66

An old military fan burst into tears with excitement!!

He looked in the direction of the East China Sea,

There, there was once the death of the Eastern God in the sky!


The driver of the Eastern God is there...

Buried in the blue ocean!!!

(The climax is coming, please subscribe to support automatically, one automatic subscription plus one more!)

(The author has been working hard for a month, and the sleep is too poor. I will sleep for a while, and then I will get up to update! I woke up and hoped to see Dad's customization! I beg!).

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