Every Exam must be Full Marks! The Whole People Kneel and Beg Me to Repeat The Reading

Chapter 103: The 1 Perspective Series! The Beautiful Spy Seduces Su Chen! (The 16th!)

Chapter 103: The First Perspective Series! Su Chen is a spy next to him!

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Several beauties are very interested,

Gu Xiaoxi immediately checked the ticket,

And quickly booked a few business class!

For a rich woman like her,

A direct flight ticket from the mainland magic capital to the country,

Economy class also costs ten or twenty thousand!

Business class costs tens of thousands!

She just asked for a few women's ID cards!

Buy it without frowning!

She also inquired about local hotels in Tuguo.

Lin Youwei can't match their economic strength,

After all, Lin Youwei's family is medium-sized. Her parents are ordinary Hangzhou aborigines civil servants. They are relatively ordinary little rich families in Hangzhou.

But it can't compare to Gu Xiaoxi!

She can only make plans by the side...

Check it out right away for a walkthrough or something.

On the other hand, she praised Gu Xiaoxi's sister for her vigorous and resolute manner, and her heroic appearance..

Gu Xiaoxi is stupid and cute, with a simple mind,

Not the opponent of this sweet and teasy girl Lin Youwei!

Look at the busy goddesses.

. . . . . .

Han Haoyang is stunned!


A second ago, you said you were bored!

He also said he would not go to death!

Now that Su Chen may go,

Not sure!

It's just a possibility, it's crazy!

Looking at those few tickets, hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands went in,

Gu Xiaoxi didn't even blink her brows,

Han Haoyang is envious!

His annual salary is only 500,000 yuan a year!

Han Haoyang's family is medium, and hundreds of thousands are really big money!

People are more mad than people!

Double standard!

Too double standard!

. . . . . . .


For those present,

Jiang Xinyue has no problem getting a group's exhibitor tickets!

the strength of her family,

It's not too easy to do this.

Jiang Xinyue is thinking about this,

Jiang Xinyue also started to send WeChat to her father,

Ask about the number of exhibitors....

0. . . . . . .

Looking at the goddesses who are so interested,

Chen Haoze is full of unpleasant feelings,


Planning a scene with babes appearing gracefully,


mention the airshow you want to participate in,

As a result, the topic came to Su Chen again!

Although he has a girlfriend now,

But Lin Youwei, Gu Xiaoxi, Jiang Xinyue, which one is not good?

Even the monitor Liu Yuli, the unattractive female scholar at that time,

After studying in the UK, I also became able to dress up!

In a man's heart, there is always a former female classmate living there!

. . . . . . .

When the party leaves,

Chen Haoze is unhappy!

Su Chen!

It's because of Su Chen again!

"Why, why do I live in his shadow forever!?"

"Why, they never see me!?"


I thought,

Even if Su Chen is the god of the college entrance examination,

He is also a god who stays where he is, and has not contributed to this society at all,

As a result, he proved the Riemann conjecture!


0. . . . .


"When you arrive in the country, when you arrive at the air show,

I'll be presenting on behalf of state-of-the-art in beauty!

"It must be the focus of the audience!"

"When the time comes, I'm going to show off fiercely!"

"At that time, those technicians in the country will not all lick their faces and come to me for consultation!?"

Chen Haoze thought happily in his heart!

Use knowledge to force, use technology to force!


It's here!

Chen Haoze has also recently participated in a similar project at the Masheng Institute of Technology,

It stands to reason that he, a former international student in China,

will not be reused!

At most, it's doing chores in the laboratory, even if it is not bad!


the strange thing is,

The instructor of the laboratory, very good to him!

Even getting him involved in major aircraft projects!

Chen Haoze believes that he is the son of destiny!

In this air show in Turkey, some of the projects are represented by him!

Now Chen Haoze can't tell the difference between primary and secondary,

to be able to join MIT's engine lab,

became the thing he was most proud of,

Make him feel that he is superior to others!

Those big men in the country will definitely pay great attention to themselves,

It's like they value Su Chen!

Wait until you are at the air show,



At that time, many domestic bigwigs and enterprises will invite themselves back to China!

. . . . . . .


did not expect,

At the class reunion, this coercion has not yet been installed,

He was stole the show by Su Chen who didn't show up!

Chen Haoze was extremely depressed,

His psychology has been vaguely abnormal!

. . . . . .

What's even more depressing is that his girlfriend, that beautiful beauty, is even more excited! As if hearing the name Su Chen directly touched her, her face turned red with excitement! She said, "We must go"

"This time I'll go back to your homeland with you,

Just because you said you knew Su Chen,

The party will see Su Chen, but he didn't come...""

His girlfriend's name is Lilith,

We met on a university campus, and we met by chance.

The two soon established a romantic relationship.

Between chats, very speculative!

during the New Year,

Lilith hopes to return to her hometown with Chen Haoze.

Said to be the mathematician Su Chen who admired the proof of Riemann's conjecture.

"Lilith, I'm your boyfriend..."

Chen Haoze burst into evil fire. After all, Lilith's figure is too explosive. There is basically no such style in China. With long wavy golden hair, fair skin as snow, and a perfect figure, it is impossible to know the bottom line. , But I also want to try it! However, Lilith avoided Chen Haoze's hand.

"Chen, I said, I'm a Puritan, and I won't be until the moment I get married.

Chen Haoze was immediately embarrassed.

"Let's make arrangements first. I hope to see that Su Chen at the air show."

Lilith said in English.

two people talking,

are in English,

Because Lilith can't speak Chinese.

Chen Haoze was so angry that he cursed his mother, but there was really no way!

Can only leave in anger.

It's been half a year and I haven't even held hands!

What a fucking pain!

The hotel where two people live is also next door.

. . . . . . .

After Lilith returned to her room,

she closed the door,

That charming face immediately became cold and contemptuous.


"Big idiot."

Big fool three words, the words are round and round,

Although not pure and authentic,

But there are already seventy to eighty percent resemblance,

This tone, at least spent five years in the country,

Why don't you understand Chinese?

0. . . . .

Then she took out a phone and dialed it.

"Colonel James,

it's me.


"I have now arrived in Hangcheng,

But the target person is not there. 35

"Further engagement planning is required.""

"The person I used, Chen Haoze, has high value, and he exists in Su Chen's social network.

'It is not advisable to attack his social relations characters, as this will cause a hostile effect, and this is Dongshen, and using force is an act of courting death. 99

"It is very likely that the target will appear at this year's air show.

. . . . . .

over the phone,

It was James, the head of the strategic secret service on the beautiful side.

these years,

He has always been afraid of Su Chen,

While developing the weaponization of the Riemann hypothesis,

Follow Su Chen closely,

And want to investigate what is the real Achilles heel plan!

this time,

He specially prepared a strategy of recruiting and seducing for Su Chen,

They have studied very carefully,

Information search for Su Chen, character portrait,

Specially arranged a coup for Su Chen!

This is tailor-made for Su Chen,

Don't be afraid that Su Chen won't take the bait!

. . . . . . .

last year,

After Chen Haoze arrived beautiful,

They quickly get an important point from the message,

That is, Chen Haoze and Su Chen are both from the High School Affiliated to Hangzhou University!

As a result of the investigation, it was found that Chen Haoze and Su Chen were actually classmates!


Under their arrangement,

Agent Lilith dispatched!

Made this acquaintance process of Lilith and Chen Haoze...

Poor Chen Haoze, he didn't know that he was a big hater, a tool man!

He also kept bragging about how popular he was in a foreign country, by chance, like an idol drama,


He is a tool!

and also,

the instructor of his laboratory,

Assign him important tasks and accept him as a disciple...

It's also James's inspiration!

This is the normal way they develop spies offline,

Give Chen Haoze the benefits little by little, and when Chen Haoze reacts,

already firmly bound to them in a boat,

We can only fight against Su Chen together!

Traitor, spy!

That's how it was born!

. . . . . . .

at this time,

inside the hotel,

Lilith made the phone call calmly, admiring her body in front of the large floor-to-ceiling mirror. It was simply the most perfect masterpiece, just like a succubus, Lilith said with a smile:

"Chen Haoze's identity is the best cover,

When the time comes, I will hook Su Chen in my own way..."

Lilith said, there is no man who can refuse her body, right? Moreover, they have done a detailed investigation of Su Chen!

They are 100% sure!

Su Chen, very good this bite!

They found out Su Chenid's over-the-wall reading network records,

Although Su Chen became famous, all his id and ip were encrypted. After he became famous, Su Chen's mobile phone was encrypted by technology, and browsing any website in the world would not leave traces.

And Su Chen's records before he became famous were also hidden, but they were beautiful and found out. After all, ins, twitter, etc. are their home ground!

After inquiries, they found that in the early years, before Su Chen became famous, that is, before 2022, Su Chen's browsing records outside were all looking at photos of some people with explosive bodies similar to Lilith on ins and Twitter. I also give them frequent likes! I leave comments from time to time! They are all very dirty words! At that time, when their people found out about this, they were all shocked. The great mathematician Su Chen was so... They were completely stunned when they saw Su Chen's dirty messages to these female bloggers!

Even Su Chen often sent private messages to these female bloggers to flirt, but before becoming famous in 2025, those female doctors did not reply to Su Chen. After all, Su Chen was not famous at that time!

After 25 years of proving the Riemann conjecture, he became famous.

These female bloggers are remorseful, send private messages to Su Chen frantically one by one, and even give Su Chen their contact information, and even ask to be parachuted to Su Chen's location, Su Chen only needs to give an address,

But the information is lost in the sea!

Because at that time, Su Chen was no longer suitable for watching these things, lest the society die!


Su Chen quit the Internet directly!

However, this is the case. The female bloggers on these Twitter ins are also making crazy money, and many videos are widely circulated, such as "Riemann Conjecture Prover Su Chen's Favorite Twitter Female Blogger Series" and so on. In addition, after investigating Su Chen by James and others, they found that his id shows that before 2022, he also frequently paid to watch the first-view series.

The styles of the heroine are basically similar to Lilith's figure, and they are all styles like Cassette Shan, which shows that Su Chen's taste is very specific! So they decided to do what they like, and let Lilith, who has an explosive body, perform the seduction. Plan! This Lilith is the type that Su Chen often sees online!



Lilith nodded,

"Rest assured, once the prey takes the bait, I will give my all, and I will do a great job! 95


"When I see Su Chen for the first time, I won't be too proactive, I will act according to the plan, and when he has a deeper understanding of me, I will implement the follow-up seduction plan! 35

"I will definitely take the bait and make him rejoice!"


. . . . . .

The woman hangs up.

In the blue eyes, I don't know what I'm planning.

"Su Chen, disappeared..."

"The news from Han Haoyang is that he is very likely to appear at the air show...

"Is it possible that you really participated in the manufacture of fighter jets?"


"What is a mathematician, the planner of the Achilles heel, going to the air show for?"


. . . . 0. . . .

"Impossible! 35

And this time...

In Dongshen, Rongcheng, aircraft factory.

A stern voice sounded!

It's Zhang Yanghao!

Zhang Yanghao looked at Su Chen in shock at this time,

Su Chen didn't know at this time,

His secrets before he became famous were exposed, his browsing records on the Internet were found out, and even his preferences were dug up!

Fortunately, these are only on the Internet outside, there is no news about this in China. After all, the excessive rumors about Su (De Li's) Chen were suppressed at the first time!

Otherwise, Su Chen must be dead!

. . . . . .

"You...how can you learn to fight?"

"Su Chen, I can agree to all your offers, and conditions. 35

"But this is absolutely impossible!"

. . . . .

Zhang Yanghao said that he may have felt that his tone was a little harsher just now,

eased down.

"Master Su! The finished product!

"You know your preciousness and importance, let alone such a dangerous thing as driving a fighter jet, I don't even want you to drive a car...

"I can't wait to let you make armored bulletproof and missile-proof vehicles every day when I go out."

"How can you fly a fighter jet with your status?"

. . . . . . .

Zhang Yanghao is not saying that he cannot learn,

But can't open!

It's too dangerous to fly a fighter jet!


Ordinary people learn to drive a fighter jet from scratch, that is a terrifying natural moat, this thing is not a car!

Only a very few people have the amazing driving talent, they can distinguish the direction above the sky, distinguish the upper and lower,

Able to keep the brain calm in the midst of a few g overloads...

Such a person is rare!

For a country to train a real top fighter pilot, the training period will be at least ten years, and the training cost is more expensive than a J-20!

Even if Su Chen is such a person,

is such a one-of-a-kind genius,

His status, and his value, do not allow him to drive by himself!

"No, absolutely impossible!"

Zhang Yanghao said,

"Chief Su, you are too important, even if I agree here, Si Zuo will not agree! 35

Su Chen had already thought of this result.

he asked to drive,

It's a tick that will definitely not be approved!


Su Chen has had this idea for a long time!

That was before I joined the group, when I heard the director say that the air show was a simulated battle!

as a man,

Which one doesn't yearn for blue sea and blue sky?

Which, don't want to drive a fighter jet that truly belongs to you, galloping across the blue sky and across the air battle battlefield?

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