#Student jumped off the building and was rescued by the younger brother#

   Now this topic is ranked third on the Weibo hot search list, and it can be said that the topic is very hot.

Because the thrilling video of jumping off the building really moved all the netizens who have watched it. The scene in the video really made people cry. While tugging at the heart, it also kept holding on to the one upstairs. Moved by hand.

   This incident is really thrilling, and a little carelessness is a life.

   was able to save the student in such a dangerous time, which really moved netizens to tears.

   Netizens naturally quickly figured out that the younger student upstairs is called Lin Shu, a freshman in graduate school.

If this video has moved countless netizens by Lin Shu's behavior, then some netizens broke that Lin Shu was the handsome guy who caught the thief on the bus last year. This really surprised the netizens. The news broke. , So that Lin Shu, a brave and respectable student, aroused heated discussion.

   Last year, the video on the bus also reappeared on hot search topics and was reposted by netizens for comments.

"Oh my God, I didn’t expect that he was the handsome guy last year. I watched that video. He was really handsome. I still remember what he said. Don’t scare me. I’m not from Xiamen University. I He graduated from Shonan University. I didn’t expect him to be admitted to a postgraduate at Shonan University again. He really has a sense of justice, too brave, and so handsome!"

   "It's so handsome, watching him firmly grasp the hand of the senior who jumped off the building, the scene is really moving."

   "This handsome guy really has a sense of justice!"

   "He is really like a light, full of justice, this is the real handsome guy, the representative of positive energy!"

   "The handsome guy is great. After graduation, he will enter the postgraduate entrance examination and re-study graduate school. The kind and warm heart that has always remained the same is really amazing!"

  #Save Xuechang’s younger brother who had seen the righteous brave to catch the thief last year#

This topic also emerged. This discovery really made netizens admire the handsome Lin Shu even more. Obviously, whether it was standing up to catch the thief last year, or this time, on the verge of life and death, grabbing the hand of the senior, will be the senior Rescue from the brink of death, what I did these two times is really admirable.

   really appeared like a light!

   The key light has always been there, and it has never changed. It has always been a young man who has done what is right and is full of passion and sense of justice.

Even more surprising and shocking information also appeared for netizens. At this time, the relevant information about Lin Shu’s postgraduate entrance examination was known to netizens. Lin Shu resigned for postgraduate entrance examination after three years of work and was admitted to Shonan University as a postgraduate major in mechanical engineering. About Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination results even more shocked a lot of netizens.

   Political postgraduate entrance examination score 88 points!

   92 points in English postgraduate entrance examination!

  The scores in mathematics and professional courses are scary.

   Such scores really refreshed the world view of many netizens, and Lin Shu, a science and engineering graduate student who took the law test not long ago, scores even more ridiculously high on the objective test.

   246 points for objective questions in the French Examination!

   Whether it is the high score of objective test 246 in the law test, or the scores of the postgraduate entrance examination in English and politics, this is really not something that the human species can test.

   "It's terrible. The political postgraduate entrance examination score is 88 points. No wonder his mental consciousness is so high. He is really too strong, too strong."

   "It’s really strong to come and worship the Weibo of Xueshen at close range. He is kind-hearted and has a sense of justice. The key academic performance is so good. This is the real idol!"

   "My God, I really kneel, this result is too scary!"

   "This result is really good, I admire it to the point of no good, handsome and kind, good grades, and brave, really cool!"

   "The law major is crying. It turns out that he is the **** of the illegal science major of the objective test 246 passed earlier. It's really amazing! You don't know how outrageous this score is!"

   "Learning God is really learning God, he really is God, he can stand up under such circumstances, he is really brave, great!"


   It can be said that netizens have been talking about Lin Shu, a young man with a sense of justice, and it is really full of praise and exclamation.

   Not to mention Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination results, only to say that the two things that Lin Shu stood up to make people moved, especially the senior who was about to jump off a high building, that really saved a life.

   Netizens highly praised Lin Shu, an excellent young man in all aspects.

   Of course, in this hot discussion, the matter behind Lin Shujiu's senior did not diminish, on the contrary, this incident of jumping off the building was also discussed more by netizens.


   This topic unknowingly climbed to the sixth position on the hot search list.

   "Lin Shu is very good, but please also pay attention to Yang Gui from Shonan University. It was this scum professor who forced Lin Yiming to jump off the building. Don’t let Yang Gui go."

   "Shonan University has not given a reasonable explanation until now. Do you think that the student is not dead, so this incident can pass?"

   "@湘南大学~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Your school has a tutor forcing students to jump off the building! Please come out and explain!"

   "Yang Gui of Shonan University bullied and squeezed students for a long time, forcing them to jump off the building!"

   "Fuck! Is it interesting for you to withdraw from the hot search at Shonan University? It was the sixth place in the hot search just now, and now it's more than a dozen, and it's still falling down! Do you want to keep it down like this?"

   "Shonan University, you have time to withdraw hot searches, why can't you respond to the student jumping incident? If it wasn't for Lin Shu who rescued the student, the young student would have died! Dead! Do you know!!!"


   Obviously, as netizens have seen, the topic of #湘南大学杨标# has dropped unknowingly. Obviously, the discussion has a high degree of attention, but it just can’t be searched. This makes many netizens who are concerned about this matter angry.

Although netizens also admire Lin Shu in their hearts, they think Lin Shu is great, but they don’t want to just let the professor go. They hope that Shonan University can respond to this matter and give an explanation, but until now, Shonan University hasn’t Any response, and still pressing hot search, this is obviously to suppress this matter.

   Many netizens ran directly to the official Weibo of Shonan University and scolded them, asking about the incident of jumping off the building and asking whether Professor Yang Gui was suspended.

   However, some netizens broke the news directly on Weibo and said--

"That Yang Gui has nothing to do, and I don't know how big a face is. Now that we are still in class, the school strictly forbids us to discuss this matter. The counselors of various colleges have interviewed many people and are not allowed to talk about jumping off the building. Thing."

   Along with this revelation, some netizens directly added a picture, which is a photo of Professor Yang Gui still in the classroom.

   This really made countless netizens so angry!

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