Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 82: [The first test with little difficulty]

   Star City, Jiangyuan International.

Yao Chen sat on the sofa and looked at Lin Shu’s living room, with a look of envy, turned around and looked at Lin Shu with a flattering face, and said: "Brother Lin, Brother Lin, your house is well decorated, do you want to Am I moving over to live with you? I can rent out the house."

   Hearing what Yao Chen said, Lin Shu pondered for a second, looked at Yao Chen's expectant gaze, and refused mercilessly: "No!"

   "I don't want to live with you."


   Yao Chen was full of grief, feeling like being abandoned, and asked: "You are too lonely to live, isn't it okay for me to accompany you?"

   "No, I am a big man, what do I want you to accompany? If you are a girl, I can still think about it."

   "I'm going, Brother Lin, you are too much, I treat you as a brother, you actually think I am a man."

   Yao Chen blinked his eyes and asked with a smile: "Would you want me to wear a dress?"

   "Don't, don't you, I'm far from your company, why do you live with me."

   "I don't think you are lonely. I think it would be more fun to live with two people."

   Lin Shu shook his head and said, "I still have to study, but I don't have time to play games with you, but you can come and live on weekends occasionally."

Yao Chen nodded when he heard Lin Shu's words, and he just said that. He also felt that it was not good to live in Lin Shu's place all the time, and it would be nice to come over to live on weekends occasionally, but he thought that Lin Shu mentioned that he had to study. , Couldn’t help asking: "What else do you want to study? This is not a postgraduate school yet, right?"

   Lin Shu pointed to the study, Yao Chen got up curiously and went into the study to take a look.

   "My God, Brother Lin... Lord Lin, where do you get so many law books?"

   "Could it be that you are studying law by yourself?"

Yao Chen stared at the legal books on the desk and bookcase in front of him, such as "Jurisprudence", "Chinese Legal History", "Constitution", "International Law", "Judicial System and Legal Professional Ethics", "Criminal Law", "Criminal Procedure Law", "Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure Law", "Social Attention to the Rule of Law Theory with Chinese Characteristics", "Economic Law", "Private International Law", "International Economic Law", "Civil Law", "Commercial Law" , "Civil Procedure Law and Arbitration System", "Intellectual Property Law", "Labor and Social Security Law", "Environmental Resources Law"...

   There are a lot of real test papers, which really made him speechless in an instant. I don't know how to describe my shock at the moment.

   Yao Chen was dumbfounded, completely speechless, and his jaw dropped.

   was really scared by these books.

   Lin Shu walked in and said, "I have already signed up for this year's law test, and I will take an objective test before school starts."

When Yao Chen heard Lin Shu's words, he gave Lin Shu a thumbs up and shouted 666 in his heart. This illegal student wanted to participate in the law test. It really surprised him and couldn't help asking. : "Are you planning to change careers and become a lawyer in the future?"

   Lin Shu shook his head, and said, "No, I think I can learn the law well, and I should be able to use it in the future."

   This is no longer a weapon, but eighteen weapons, all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds can defend themselves.

   If you think it will be useful in the future, go to the law test?

   really unbelievable!

Yao Chen flipped through those celestial books at random. The content on it really made him feel that his head was big. He quickly put down the book and couldn't afford it. He really couldn't afford it. He shook his head and said: It’s you, you are really terrible."

   Yao Chen asked: "Are you sure? It's not long since the exam."

   "It's not difficult."

   Isn’t that difficult?

Hearing Lin Shu’s words, Yao Chen only felt that his head was big. It shouldn’t take long to prepare. Why is it not that difficult? What I want to say in my heart is that if Lin Shu can pass the law test so easily, then It's too strong to be human.

   must not be a person, but a monster!


I have to say that Yao Chen’s idea is correct, because the law test is known as the "first test in China", and the passing rate is very low. Of course, the CPA test will definitely have opinions on the title of this first test, and want to fight with the wrist. Something.

   But one can imagine how difficult the law test is.

   At the end of August, near the beginning of freshmen's school, Lin Shu did not have any excitement about the beginning of graduate school.

Because he is going to take the legal professional qualification examination here, in fact, as she and Yao Chen said, he feels that it is not difficult to pass the legal examination, because he already has [four-rate legal skills], and he mostly does real exercises. , Have a certain degree of understanding of the question type distribution of the real questions in the law examination, and focus on reviewing relevant knowledge.

   is about the same as all exams~www.wuxiamtl.com~ endorsements and questions.

  Law test candidates must first pass the objective questions of the law test before they can take the subjective questions.

The objective questions of the law examination are divided into single choice, multiple choice, and indefinite items. The objective questions of the law examination in the past were tested in a batch, so there was only one test paper, but the objective questions of the law examination are tested in two batches, so there are Two examination papers, one public law paper and two private law papers. Each test paper has 100 test questions, including 50 multiple-choice questions, 1 point for each question, 50 multiple-choice questions and indefinite multiple-choice questions, 2 points for each question, the total score of the test paper is 150 points, and the total score of the two test papers It is 300 points, and the distribution of question volume and question type is quite large.

   Generally speaking, the test time in the morning is from 9 am to 12 am, and the second paper in the afternoon is from 2:30 to 5:30. The test time is 180 minutes and 3 hours.

   Candidates who have passed the objective test scores will retain their scores and be valid for two years, and can apply for subjective tests. In other words, candidates who passed the objective test but failed the subjective test will be exempted from the objective test if they take the test in the following year and only need to take the subjective test.

   Although it is said that Lin Shu thinks it is not difficult for him to pass the law test. But he still prepared very carefully, and because of the large amount of questions, he deliberately planned to use the [One Mind and Two Use Pills], which had been in the inventory before, for the test. The second is to do things, so he can do two questions with one heart, so that he will have more time for the exam to do the questions.

   If the effect is very good, Lin Shu thinks he can also spend money to buy another [One Heart, Two Use Pills] in the mall.

   After all, this is definitely a super invincible killer when used in exams.

On August 31, at nine o'clock in the morning, Lin Shu arrived in the examination room early. Because it is a computer-based test, there is no need to answer on paper. Relatively speaking, the answering speed may be faster. Of course, the test time of 3 hours has been staring at the screen. The eyes are also easy to flower.

   Lin Shu still didn't dare to be careless. Although he tried [One Heart and Two Use Pills], he only had one hour to use it.

   1. Regarding the interpretation of the criminal law, which of the following statements is correct ()?

   A. Interpreting the "family members" who are the targets of the crime of abuse as including the nanny is an analogy interpretation.

  B. According to the interpretation of the system, the crime of spreading obscene materials and the crime of spreading sexually transmitted diseases have the same meaning as "transmission".

  C. Interpreted the vice mayor pretending to be the mayor to swindle and swindle as a swindle and swindle pretending to be a staff member of a state agency, which violates the interpretation of the arts and sciences.

  D. According to the theoretical explanation, scalping in the crime of reselling cultural relics refers to the purchase or sale of cultural relics prohibited by the state for profit-making purposes.

  Lin Shu looked at this question, A is correct, nanny usually belongs to a labor relationship, not a member living together, so "family members" cannot be interpreted as including nanny, this interpretation is analogous. B is obviously wrong. C is also wrong, and D is correct. The "scalping" of the crime of reselling cultural relics does not need to be strictly limited to "sell after buying", including simple buying or selling.

   Therefore, the answer is AD.

Using [One Heart and Two Pills] is a very wonderful feeling. Just when Lin Shu was doing the first question, it seemed that there was another one who was doing the next question independently. It was really done simultaneously, completely. Independent thinking and thinking.

2. After A sucked du at home, he had hallucinations. The courier B came to A’s home to deliver the courier. A thought that the courier B who came to deliver the courier would kill himself and severely injured B. Regarding A’s behavior, the following statement is correct. ()?

   A. A's conduct constitutes the crime of intentional injury and does not require a lighter or mitigated punishment

   B. A has hallucinations, no freedom of will, lack of the ability to recognize and control his own behavior, and does not constitute a crime

   C. A has hallucinations, but it is caused by inhaling du himself, and can be given a lighter or mitigated punishment

  D. Although A intentionally sucked du, he did not intentionally hurt others, and was only convicted of negligence causing serious injury

There is no need to think about it. This question is very simple. The answer is A. Lin Shu knows very well that the criminal law clearly stipulates that people who are drunk should be criminally liable for crimes. Although there is no clear stipulation for people who smoke du, it is illegal to smoke du. The behavior is not a statutory non-criminal liability situation, and the crime of intentional injury is still established, and there is no corresponding mitigation of punishment.


   Lin Shu just kept doing it very seriously——

3. The first woman and the second man meet for a drink~www.wuxiamtl.com~ After the party, the first woman asks the second man drunk to drive the car to take him home, the second man refuses, after the second woman repeatedly requests, the second man sends him The woman went home. B ran a red light and killed pedestrian C while driving. Which of the following statements is correct ()?

   A. A constitutes a traffic accident crime

   B. B constitutes a traffic accident crime

  C.. A constitutes an instigator of the crime of traffic accident

  D. Both A and B constitute the crime of causing traffic accidents, but are not punished as joint crimes


  11. A used a counterfeit currency of 100,000 yuan to pretend to be a real currency and gave it to national worker B. After A left, B immediately discovered that the counterfeit currency was accepted, but B continued to use the counterfeit currency to make purchases. Regarding this case, which of the following statements are correct?

   A, A's behavior constitutes a crime of fraud

   B. A’s behavior constitutes an imaginary joint offender of bribery and counterfeit currency, and shall be punished as a felony

   C. Since what B received was counterfeit currency with no actual value, B’s behavior did not constitute the crime of accepting bribes

   The behavior of D and B only constitutes the crime of holding and using counterfeit currency


   I have to say that the atmosphere in the examination room is very tense.

The candidates present all know that they are taking the "First Big Exam". Every minute and every second is very precious. Time is pressing. Everyone is fighting as hard as they can. Every move is between every second and every second. It really does not matter. Right or wrong, it's good to be able to kill the enemy and finish it.

   Time is tight, and every step is shocking. From reading the question to analyzing the legal relationship, and then choosing the answer, it can be said that every step is thrilling and quite exciting.

   However, for Lin Shu, it doesn't seem to be too difficult.

   The killing is over before the time is up, it should be over.

   Unknowingly, Lin Shu has already killed 100 corpses.


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