"Wait a moment!"

   Hearing these words from behind, Lin Shu tensed his whole body, tried to make himself feel less nervous, turned around without any exception, and saw the service staff in the store walking out with a bag.

   Xu Hui also turned around and saw that the service staff was holding a bag and sending it out.

   "It's mine, thank you."

   Xu Hui saw that it was a bag she had dropped, and quickly took it over.

   The ordinary middle-aged man also stopped and turned his head and glanced at Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu's eyes and the middle-aged man's eyes met at that moment, just a moment.

   Very calm and ordinary gaze.

   The dark face can't see any shadow of murder, it's just an ordinary face.

   But the head of that face clearly bears the words [Murder].

   The man just glanced at him, and then he continued to walk into the restaurant.

   Lin Shu also quickly shifted his eyes, his voice calm, and said to Xu Hui: "Let's go."

   Lin Hua pulled Xu Hui a bit, and signaled Xu Hui to leave quickly.

   Xu Hui also hurriedly said thank you, and was dragged away by Lin Hua.

   Xu Hui is still going to ask something, but Lin Shu has already shook her head at her, begging not to say more.

   Xu Hui thought that she was about to ask who was the murderer just now. Lin Shu severely stopped her, and her heart jumped. Could it be that the man who passed by them just now was the murderer?

   Xu Hui also planned to look back. Lin Hua took Xu Hui's hand and signaled not to look back.

   Lin Shu took Lin Hua and Xu Hui to a shop that turned on the side of the road. This location should not be noticed, and the hotel entrance can be seen through the glass door.

   "Lin Shu, we are now--?"

Lin Shu felt that it would not be good for him to go straight now. Seeing Lin Hua’s worried look, he didn’t hide it, and said directly: “If I’m not mistaken, the man who went in just now is a murderer. Let’s wait here and see. When will the police come?"

   "The man who just went in was a murderer?"

   Xu Hui was shocked. She also saw the man, but she didn't even see that he was a murderer. She had a dark face and looked like an honest person. Could she really be a murderer?

   Did they really pass the murderer just now?

   Xu Hui has a sense of trance and unreality, and even some doubts that what Lin Shu said is true or false.

   Lin Hua did not speak, she glanced at Lin Shu's frowning brows, she could feel Lin Shu's nervousness and anxiety, and the sweat on Lin Shu's hands still remained in her palms.

   Actually, Lin Shu hoped that he made a mistake.

   Although this possibility is very small.

   "Lin Shu, how did you recognize it?"

   Lin Shu hesitated, he also thought about this question, and directly replied: "I should have seen the wanted order on the Internet, but I am not sure."

   "Wanted, not sure?"

   Xu Hui and Lin Hua were very puzzled, not sure why they reported the crime directly and were so nervous?

   While waiting restlessly, Lin Shu's cell phone rang, and Lin Shu connected the phone. It was the police.

   Obviously, the police station has also left Lin Shu's contact information, and he needs to further communicate with Lin Shu. After all, Lin Shu reported that he saw a murderer.

   A case like this is too much involved, and a criminal case is involved. Naturally, it is necessary to notify the criminal investigation team as soon as possible.

   "Yes, he has just entered the restaurant and has not yet come out."

   "I am a handicraft shop at the corner of the road right now! I am right here!"

   Lin Hua and Xu Hui both watched Lin Shu communicate with the police. They didn't know why Lin Shu was so sure that the man who walked in was the murderer.

   But obviously, they all felt the seriousness of this matter very clearly.

   After a while, Lin Shu saw people from the police force coming.

   Lin Shu asked Lin Hua and Xu Hui to stay here and not move. He went over and said to the police.


Xu Hui looked at Lin Shu's back, and saw that the police were really coming, and the atmosphere became very tense. The doubt in her heart gradually disappeared, and she asked uncertainly: "Lin Hua, do you say that man is really a murderer? Lin Shu is not sure."

   Lin Hua hesitated for a moment, with a serious expression, and replied in a deep voice: "It is very likely to be true."

   All this is indescribable to Lin Hua. She never thought that she was just going out for a trip, and that she would see so many police officers, and it was very likely that she had met a murderer just now.

   "If it is true, then it is really terrible."

   Xu Hui was a little nervous, and at the same time said anxiously: "You said Lin Shu how did he see it?"


   Lin Shu, how did he see it?

   This made Lin Hua very curious. He wanted to know how Lin Shu recognized the murderer. The key point was that he reported to the police directly.

   "If you really saw a wanted order on the Internet, you would always remember what it looked like? That would be amazing."

   Lin Hua nodded, agreeing very much with Xu Hui.

As soon as Xu Hui couldn’t see the police in the distance, she felt calm in her heart. Suddenly she remembered the scene just now, and said, “Lin Hua, if that person is really a murderer, it seems that this handsome guy, Lin Shu, has a genuine character. It’s very good, he also keeps us behind and protects us."

Listening to Xu Hui’s words, Lin Hua couldn’t help but think of the scene just now. Lin Shu stood between them and the murderer, holding her hand tightly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ At this moment, Lin Hua's heartbeat It's fast.

   "He is brave."

   Xu Hui couldn't help laughing when he heard Lin Hua's words, and asked, "Is it just brave?"

   Xu Hui was still about to say something, when she saw a noise coming from the shop, and then she saw that ordinary middle-aged man walked out under the police escort.

   Lin Shu stood not far away, did not appear in front of the monster [Murder], he was still a little scared in his heart, and he was also afraid of being stared at by this monster.

   After all, he caught this monster to the police.

   "Team Zhou, the identity information has been compared. This person is a fugitive A-level wanted fugitive. He has been a fugitive for 23 years. He has six lives on his hands. He is the real culprit of the '1997 Extraordinary Murder Case' in Yongcheng."

   really killed people!

   Lin Shu, who was standing by, naturally heard this sentence, and his mind felt a little trance and unreality for an instant.

   Six lives?

   Hearing these words, Lin Shu shuddered.

   In other words, that monster [murderer] really killed six people?

   Lin Shu doesn’t know how to describe how he feels when he hears this sentence. There is really a momentary blank in his mind. He just feels that everything becomes unreal, even if the system appears the sentence——

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are awe-inspiring and fearless, cast the great summoning technique, summon the justice messenger, and successfully capture the Lv24 monster murderer alive, gain 1. experience +148484; 2. gold coins +14848. 】

   Lin Shu did not respond.

   He still didn't react.

  That sentence in my mind, six lives, six lives.

   That monster [murderer] really killed six people!

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