Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 73: [Can’t pretend not to see it]

  Nanyun Province.

   Lin Shu was going to visit the ancient city for the last day, and then he went back to his hometown. He has been playing here in Nanyun Province for more than half a month. Before going back, he would naturally bring some local specialties and handicrafts to his friends and family as gifts.

   There are many people in the ancient city, and tourists coming and going are shooting and playing, it is very lively.

   Just when Lin Shu was about to enter a store, among the people who came and went, he saw two men with a familiar monster's name on their heads.

   [Three Hands]: The skill is to take the sheep hand in hand. Remarks: Good disguise, offensive.

   Well, Lin Shu is already familiar with these two monsters, after all, he had captured one such monster alive.

   The level of the two monsters now appearing in front of him is one or two levels lower than the monster that threatened him. One is [Lv10 three hands] and the other is [Lv9 three hands].

  Although it has been out to play for a while, this is the first time that Lin Shu has seen the [Three Hands] monster outside.

   Lin Shu took out his cell phone with an unmoving expression, called the police, and kept his eyes secretly following the two monsters at the same time.

   Lin Shu can clearly see that the two monsters are divided into one on the left and the other on the right. Following the two young girls, they seem to have locked their targets.

   The two women walking in the front grew up very nicely, each carrying a satchel. At first glance, they were tourists who came to travel, without realizing that they had become the target of monsters.

If it was before, Lin Shu might still be worried about asking for trouble, causing trouble to his upper body and incurring revenge, but Lin Shu’s brain was short-circuited last time, he was young and ignorant, blinded by a sense of justice, and he was very satisfied with the rewards he received after catching the monster. of.

   Of course, there may still be great risks.

   After all, he is only a foreign tourist here, in case there is a big gang behind this...

   Lin Shu glanced around again, but fortunately, there were no other monsters around [Three Hands].

   One is born again, and the other is cooked again.

   Lin Shu was still a little nervous, but when he took out his mobile phone to call the police, he had already given his choice. After all, he was flooded again and blinded by the sense of justice.

   Lin Shu has already called the police, but it is clear that the police did not have a [portal gate], and could not directly move instantaneously and immediately appeared here.

   The two girls walking in front were shopping for food at the food stalls on the side of the road. They didn't even know that the danger was coming. They were enthusiastically buying food and snacks to taste.

There were a lot of tourists around   , Lin Shu saw several people in the narrow corridor, two monsters had also approached the two girls, and seemed to be ready to start. Because there was a certain distance, Lin Shu didn't see if the monster had shot.

   But he still yelled.

   "There is a thief!"

   Lin Shu stood not far away and shouted.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you shouted, the light of the righteous way caused a certain amount of damage to the three hands of the Lv10 monster, and gained 1. experience + 2980; 2. gold coins + 290.]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you shouted, the light of the righteous way caused a certain amount of damage to the three hands of the Lv9 monster, and gained 1. experience + 2530; 2. gold coins + 251.]

   As soon as these words came out, the tourists in the whole promenade snack street were shocked instantly. They all protected their mobile wallets for the first time and were very nervous. I don't know if they were stolen.

【Danger! The Lv10 monster glared at you with three hands angrily, ready to escape. 】

   "My phone! My phone is gone!"

   a girl in front yelled anxiously.

The two monsters were about to flee. Lin Shu didn't see the police appearing, and didn't know how long it would take or whether the two monsters would escape. He hesitated, but he still came out and shouted to the monster: "You give your phone back. give her!"

"what are you saying!"

   "What mobile phone, I'm just a tourist."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for your righteous words, the light of the righteous way caused upset on the three hands of the Lv9 monster, gain 1. experience +1890; 2. gold coins ++189.]

   The monster who was stopped by Lin Shu was restless, but tried his best not to be too nervous, and said, "You are sick!"

   said, the monster was anxiously preparing to leave. .

   But when the monster was about to leave, two policemen from the ancient city police station rushed over.

   In fact, the ancient city has always been careful about the security of the scenic spot. After all, if theft is rampant in a scenic spot, it will undoubtedly cause foreign tourists to stay away from the scenic spot, which will seriously affect the reputation and development of the scenic spot.

   "It was the police who called me, it was the two of them."

   Lin Shu came out immediately and admitted that he had called the police, and he pointed out the two [three hands] monsters for the first time.

   The police also found the girl’s stolen cell phone from the monster.

   This was caught on the spot.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you cast spells with blood, summoned the messenger of justice, caused serious damage to the three hands of the Lv10 monster, resulting in capture, gaining 1. experience + 20101; 2. gold coins + 2001. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you cast spells with blood, cast spells to summon justice messengers, causing serious damage to the three hands of the L9 monster, resulting in capture, gaining 1. Experience +18500; 2. Gold coins +1802. 】


Once he was born, and the second time Shudi made a transcript at the police station at the gate of the ancient city. Lin Shu was naturally praised here. After all, this was Lin Shu calling the police. Otherwise, he would not be so stolen and caught the two. A thief.

   After finishing the transcript, the policeman asked in a particularly puzzled manner: "Brother Lin, I am curious how you knew that the thief was two associates? Are you a major in investigation?"

   This question made the two girls next to him also very curious, and their eyes couldn't help but fall on Lin Shu.


   Lin Shu was embarrassed for a moment. He was not studying investigating. There was no way for the monster to walk freely under the title of the monster during the day. He couldn't pretend that he didn't see anything.

   "I noticed that the two of them had eye contact."

   "You are a keen observer, very powerful, and very suitable for being a policeman."

   Hearing these words, Lin Shu couldn't help laughing. It was not the first time he heard this. Zhao Yuan, the policeman in Star City, had said this to him before.

   Lin Shu really didn't think about being a policeman. Although his eyesight could be said to be the nemesis of any [three-handed] monster, he never thought about being a policeman.

  Because Lin Shu is a tourist, the police station will not keep Lin Shu from delaying, so Lin Shu and the person concerned will leave after making a transcript.

   "Man, thank you so much!"

   The young girl whose cell phone was stolen was Xu Hui. She was a little offensive. Fortunately, she got her stolen cell phone back.

   Another girl with long hair is Lin Hua, who looks very good-looking. This is the first thought that flashed in Lin Shu's mind. There is a sense of intelligence in her delicate and gentle, and she doesn't say much.

   Coincidentally, the two of them are from Shonan like Lin Shu, so they are also fellow villagers. After passing the postgraduate exam, they both come out to play together.

Both of them wanted to thank the handsome guy Lin Shu very much. After all, if it weren’t for Lin Shu to help them, it would be a very troublesome thing to lose the phone. It just happened to be dinner time, so I wanted to invite Lin Shu to have a meal. ,

   Because of the chat, I know that Lin Hua and Xu Hui are real academic masters~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Hua was sent to the Yanjing University Law School as a graduate student, and Xu Hui was a graduate student in the Chinese Department of Yenching Normal University.

   But here, Lin Shu lamented that Lin Hua and Xu Hui are academic masters, but Lin Hua and Xu Hui also admire Lin Shu, who was admitted to Shonan University as a graduate student after three years of work.

   "Lin Shu, are you traveling alone? Not with your girlfriend?"


   Why would I be hurt like this when I travel.

   Lin Shu replied that he was single.

Xu Hui frowned when he heard Lin Shu's words about being single. She secretly blinked at her best friend Lin Hua, and said with a smile: "Your name is Lin Shu, and her name is Lin Hua. You have such a predestined name. Do you want to know him? "

   Lin Shu looked at Lin Hua, smiled and said, "I don't know you already."

   Lin Shu's eyebrows curled, and nodded with a smile.

   Because of the strange encounter between the fellow villagers and the thief, the contact information was added to each other. However, if the contact information was added, it might just be left lying in the WeChat friends list.

   Hearing that Lin Shu had to buy special products as gifts, Xu Hui also said that he would go to the specialty store with Lin Shu.

   "Let’s go together, we just happen to have a look too."

   Lin's painting was hesitant to speak, but I felt that it was a bit bad. Don't bother others all the time, but I didn't refuse to read Lin's book, so I didn't say anything.

   However, when the group of people first left the hotel, Lin Shu stopped abruptly, and his face changed in an instant.

   If a monster walks freely under the title of a monster during the day, he can't pretend to see nothing.

   But I saw the name of the monster in front of him——

   Lin Shu's cold hair all stand up.

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