Hemp egg!

   Is this door stuck in rust?

   Lin Shu vigorously twisted the handle to open the door, but he didn't open the door. He couldn't wait to kick it up and open the door.

   Lin Shu thought for a while, it should be the phrase "different levels of transmission distance are different" in the instruction manual. It seems that the distance between Africa and Kenya is too far.

   Lin Shu is very curious, wanting to know how far his current level can teleport.

Egyptian Pyramids!

   Lin Shu began to think of another location in his heart, planning to change to a closer Egypt to see the pyramids.

   As soon as I twist the doorknob, it still cannot be opened.

   Change to the next one, the Greek Aegean!

   Okay, it still doesn’t work...

   Lin Shu doesn't know how far this distance is, and he has to try one by one. The key point is that Lin Shu doesn't plan to go there. Forget it, let's take a domestic trip.

   If you can’t go to the African prairie, go to the Inner Mongolia prairie.

   Lin Shu thought about HHHT City in his heart, and went to twist the doorknob, but there was still no movement.

   This makes Lin Shu a little worried.

   Inner Mongolia shouldn't be too far away from here, right? His level can't be teleported here.

   How about going to the land of abundance?

   Lin Shu thought of the wide and narrow alleys in the land of abundance, thinking like that, and then turned the doorknob, but still couldn't do it!


   It won’t work so close!

   Lin Shu became very irritable in an instant, did you want me to travel in Star City?

   Lin Shu decided to change to another location, planning to go to the Phoenix Ancient City in Xiangxi a little closer.

   Lin Shu was thinking about the ancient city of Phoenix in Xiangxi.

  In an instant, the doorknob actually moved.

Lin Shu's heart became tense at that moment. When he opened the door, he saw a light curtain like water in front of him. Lin Shu stretched out his hand to touch it, and saw that his hand could enter the light, and then he became nervous again. Uneasy, Lin Shu raised his foot and walked in.

   A flash of light flickered.

   In an instant, Lin Shu found out that he was already in front of a shop in the ancient city of Phoenix.

   He just came out of it.

   Lin Shu looked back, and there was a shop door behind him.

   looked around, it was not in the rented house where he was before.

   In a blink of an eye, the world changed.

   This day, this cloud, this wind, all this!


   really teleported to other places!

Oh my God!

   is incredible!


   This is really amazing!

   Lin Shu's heart is pounding non-stop, very excited and excited, this kind of instantaneous feeling is really indescribable, it's too exciting.

   Lin Shu wanted to scream a few times, but it was obvious that there were also people coming and going on the ancient city road.

   Lin Shu didn't want others to think that he was a fool. He suppressed his excitement and tried to make himself seem calm, but it was really difficult to calm down.

   This is the legendary teleportation!

   is really an instant!

   Lin Shu carried his backpack and walked into the ancient city with an excited smile on his face.

   The extremely real feeling made him clearly know that he is now in the ancient city of Phoenix, and occasionally he can see passers-by wearing Miao costumes passing by.

   Lin Shu tried to calm himself down, began to visit the ancient city of Phoenix in earnest, and then took some photos and videos with his mobile phone.

  The ancient city of Phoenix takes Huilongge Ancient Street as its central axis, connects countless stone alleys and communicates with the whole city. Huilongge Ancient Street is a bluestone road lined vertically and staggered horizontally. It has been a lively market since ancient times.

   Fenghuang Ancient City is an ancient city with national characteristics and temperament. Tourists who come here are half to see the scenery and half to experience the culture. Although the two are mostly inseparable, they are inseparable.

  Although it is not the peak tourist season, there are many tourists. Lin Shu is just one of them, not eye-catching.

  The ancient city floor tiles are carved with traces of history, and the Tuojiang River on the side is the mother river of the ancient city Phoenix. A century-old Tujia stilt building on both sides of the strait. Down the river, crossing the Hongqiao is the Wanshou Palace, Wanming Pagoda, and Duocui Tower. The water of Tuojiang River is clear, the river beside the city wall is very shallow, and the water flow is relaxed and slow. The stilt buildings built along the Tuojiang River near the Dongmen Hongqiao and Beimen Jumping Rocks, stand quietly in the Tuojiang River, like a painting with strong charm. landscape painting.

   I have to say that the scenery of the ancient city of Phoenix is ​​still very beautiful, and it has also been used as a location for film and television dramas. But for Lin Shu, it was just him who came to Phoenix Ancient City this time—

   Once retreat, retreat, retreat, and then retreat!

   The ancient city of Phoenix is ​​really not big. It took half a day to walk through the streets and alleys of the ancient city of Phoenix. Lin Shu finally came here, so naturally he wouldn't be in a hurry to go back.

   After all, they are here, and it is not easy for him.

   Lin Shu stayed directly in the ancient city for one night. In the evening, he also took a lot of night scenes of the ancient city, and then went to the bar for a few drinks, but unfortunately there was no encounter.

   Lin Shu's circle of friends posted the beautiful scenery of the ancient city with four square grids, accompanied by a sentence, "Looking back, I never walked far."

   This caused some ripples of envy in the circle of friends.


   After visiting the ancient city of Phoenix, Lin Shu planned to go back.

   Lin Shu took out his mobile phone and searched it. Star City is more than 400 kilometers away from the ancient city of Phoenix. The distance shows that it takes more than five hours to drive.

   Lin Shu's mood became fascinated for a while, a little indescribable.


   He didn't know if he used more than 20,000 gold coins to instantly teleport from Star City to Phoenix Ancient City, whether the distance of more than 500 kilometers was really worthwhile.

   Why is there a faint feeling of loss?


   Although it can save more than five hours, but more than 20,000 gold coins, he might as well use [Puppet Man] to drive him and take him for a drive to Phoenix Ancient City.


   should be like this!

   It's better to drive the [Puppet Man] to drive him and take him around the country by car.

   This feels like automatic driverless technology!

   Lin Shu, why are you so smart? !

   I can think of such a witty way. I really admire you. The point is that the puppet doesn’t need to rest. He just needs to keep driving. He is his full-time driver.

   The little puppet needs to provide gold coin energy for 24 hours, and he only needs the little puppet to drive him a long-distance car, so that he can fully drain every minute and every second of the little puppet.

   He can still sit in the car to sleep and rest, so he doesn't need to worry about driving at all.

   Of course, the premise is that the puppet man’s driving skills will not worry him.

   In Lin Shu's view, he only needs a puppet to drive him a long-distance highway~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and when he arrives at the city's attractions, he can really drive around by car.

   However, it may be very tiring to ride in the car all the time.

   Or just take a plane and then rent a car to let the puppet take him on a self-driving trip?

   Lin Shu feels that he is too much, no matter what, he has to keep calling the puppeteer, a child laborer, inexplicably feels guilty and guilty.

   But the trace of guilt disappeared quickly.

   The little puppet is really his intimate little padded jacket,

   He really loves puppets!

   Lin Shu has already begun to consider how to let the little puppet take him on a self-driving trip.

Lin Shu searched on his mobile phone. The distance between Star City and HHHT is more than 1,700 kilometers, and the distance between Star City and the Kingdom of Abundance is more than 1,500 kilometers. This makes Lin Shu know about his artifact [Portal] Have a certain understanding of distance.

   At least at his current level, he can only teleport a distance of more than 500 kilometers.

Lin Shu glanced at the [Portal] placed in the inventory, and he couldn't help but feel that it was a bit tasteless. It was too far away to be teleported, and the cost of teleporting too close was too high, and the cost of teleportation required too much spirit stone gold coins. , No matter how you look at it, the price/performance ratio of Teleport is not high.

   Of course, I have to say that the instant teleportation is really amazing.

   indescribable feeling.

   As for sending to a closer place, if it is sent to the money vault of a nearby bank...

   Forget it, that result may only be sent to prison in the end.

   Lin Shu shook his head, don't think about the [rice crab monster] easy to haunt things, what he needs to consider now is how to get back.


  【Portal】Transfer in an instant, or buy a ticket and ride in a car?

this is a problem.

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