【Ding! Player, you have left the secret realm of space-time cracks! 】

   Hearing these words, Lin Shu was shocked. He was actually stepping on the ground, who had thought that he could not stand firmly in the air. Lin Shu really didn't understand, why did he suddenly leave the secret realm of time-space crack?

   What is the reason for this?

   In the still dark surroundings, Lin Shu felt a little dazed, not knowing where he was now.

correct! Where is his car?

   What about the car he spent a lot of money on?

   Such a thought flashed in Lin Shu's mind, and a dazzling light appeared in front of the gradually dark surroundings, and gradually the light disappeared.

  Is there water falling on his face?

   Lin Shu He clearly felt a trace of cool water falling on his face and head, and then the feeling became stronger and stronger, and the surrounding scenes became clearer and clearer.

   Okay, it's really rain.

   Lin Shu was a little dazed. He remembered that when he accidentally entered the Secret Realm of Time and Space, it rained heavily on the highway, so now here is——

   Lin Shu found that he was sitting in the car, the window was not closed, and the rain came in from the window.

   I looked around and found it at a high-speed service station.

   Lin Shu took a look at the destination navigation on the phone, but it hasn’t arrived yet, and there is still more than an hour left according to the navigation.

   Lin Shu did not intend to leave immediately, he must calm down now and think about what is going on.

   Is the secret realm of space-time crack real or virtual?

In fact, Lin Shu clearly knows that the secret realm of space-time cracks is real, because the legal knowledge clearly appeared in his mind, which he had never learned before, so he really used [Copy Gloves] with Lawyer Jiang to obtain skills .

And in his mind he still clearly remembered that Senior Brother Lin Yiming died in front of him, his parents were crying, and the angry eyes of the monster [Cannibal] trying to eat him raw, those pictures are so clear Engraved in his mind, it was really like what he had experienced in the last second.

   Lin Shu glanced at the time. If he remembered correctly, the time he entered the secret realm of space-time cracks was about this time, but he had been there for almost two days, but the time in the real world didn't seem to go forward.

   Although Lin Shu doesn't remember the exact time, it should be this time, and the rain hasn't stopped.

More importantly, he clearly saw a mysterious gift appeared in the inventory of the virtual panel in front of him. Obviously this is the item he obtained in the secret realm, and his current personal panel information [Skills] column is true Added a skill, which is [Four-rate Legal Skills].

   And his current level of experience value industry has really increased a lot.

   The current level of experience is about to be upgraded to the next level.

  The level is [Lv25]

  The level experience progress bar is [21085/240000].

   Lin Shu sat in the car, watching the rain outside. He didn't know what was going on, why he entered that secret realm, and how he came out.

   This seems to be a mystery, and he needs to explore it by himself.

   The key Lin Shu really wants to know whether the time-space crack is the future world.

   Because he still remembers, the time in the secret realm was Shonan University on March 26.

   Then, does Shonan University have that [cannibal] monster?

   Lin Shu took out his cell phone and planned to search the School of Mechanical Engineering of Shonan University to see if there was Xu Gui.

   Through the portal website of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Shonan University on the mobile web page, Lin Shu was earnestly looking for the [Cannibal] monster in the list of graduate teachers.

   But Lin Shu carefully searched the list of every major, and did not find the name Xu Gui.

   Lin Shu couldn't tell and heaved a sigh of relief.

   For this result, Lin Shu felt a little fortunate, because this result also means that the things in the secret realm are fake and not real, at least in the future March 25th, it will not happen in this real world.

   This discovery made Lin Shu also happy. He has already decided to apply for Shonan University, and his undergraduate degree is at Shonan University. He doesn't want this to happen to his alma mater.

   At the same time, he even more did not want Senior Brother Lin of Yansan to commit suicide.

   As for the things in the secret realm, Lin Shu thinks that it may be just a virtual game experience, perhaps because the secret realm is really too real.

   Lin Shu shook his head, trying hard to stop thinking about the secret realm. Since there is no monster in the list, it proves that the time-space crack is not the same as the real world, not the future world.

   Thinking of this, the burden in Lin Shu's heart disappeared, and the stone that was pressing on his chest was gone, making him less uncomfortable.

   Lin Shu no longer thinks about those pictures, try to get rid of those memories as much as possible, he tries hard to focus his attention on the secrets.

   I have to say, it really is a game secret, where there are monsters and opportunities.

Although he has been in this secret realm for a short time, he has gained a lot. He has gained a lot of experience points, and he also gained a mysterious gift. Of course, the biggest gain is the [four-rate legal technique] this skill~www.wuxiamtl .com~As long as he masters this weapon, he may be better at killing monsters and gaining experience.

  Lin Shu thinks so, and my mood improves.

   Now he wants to see what kind of magical equipment this mysterious gift will reveal.

   Without thinking about it, Lin Shu soon thought about it and opened the mysterious gift. A bottle of [Memory Potion] appeared in the inventory of the virtual panel.

   is [memory potion] again?

   Lin Shu was a little surprised, but also surprised.

   Because he knows exactly the magic of this equipment.

   Although it is not as magical as the [Eye of Prophecy], which allows him to see the future, it is quite good to have such a bottle of [Memory Potion].

   Lin Shu is already very satisfied.

   He plans to use this bottle of [Memory Potion] later to prepare for the knowledge of the law test. Although he now has the skills of [four-rate legal skills], after all, it is an exam and still needs preparation.

   Lin Shu has decided to participate in the later law examinations, to master the weapon of true mastery of the law.

   A trip to the secret realm, a lot of gains.

   The rain is getting smaller, and Lin Shu is going to leave after refueling at the service station.

However, when Lin Shu was driving to leave, Lin Yiming's face appeared in his mind again, and that doubtful thought emerged, because the memory and feelings were really too clear, which happened in front of him yesterday. Yes, even if he wants to forget, it is not so easy.

   Lin Shu did not notice that in the list of teachers on that college’s postgraduate website, he did not see the name of the monster [Cannibal] Xu Gui, but—

   There is another person's name on that list.

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