Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 5: [I am going to be a monster]

   Yes, or not?

this is a problem.

  Go or not?

   This is the same question.

   Lin Shu glanced at his friend’s Mahjong invitation, and then at the high math textbook in front of him. After hesitating, tangling, considering, hesitating, and struggling, he quickly replied with two words on WeChat——

   don't go——

   is impossible!


   Comes with a nodding emoticon [Hmm (o'ω`o)].

   Lin Shu closed the high mathematics textbook and got up to play mahjong.

   Just when Lin Shu was changing shoes, he noticed the mysterious gift for the first monster killing reward that appeared in the personal items on the panel. With a thought, he opened the gift, and then what appeared was——

   [Reward: [Spirit] Attribute Point +1]

  [Spirit] Attribute Point +1?

   Lin Shu was taken aback. He was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the mysterious gift he was rewarded was actually a +1 attribute point, and it was also an exclusive [spiritual] attribute point.

   This really surprised him.

   However, Lin Shu added that attribute point on the personal panel to the [spirit] of [Basic Attribute]——


   Lin Shu didn't feel any changes.

   However, just when Lin Shu was about to go out, he saw the high mathematics textbook on the desk, lying there lonely and looking at him quietly.

  Don't go!


   I'm going to catch it!


  Erkang hand!


   really at that moment--

   For a short while, it seemed as if there was a powerful force in the dark that held the foot of Lin Shu stepping out of the door.

   He can't get out.

Play majiang?

   Why do you want to play mahjong?

  Is this time to take a good rest? Isn't it good to study hard?

   Lin Shu retracted his foot and walked towards the desk.

   Let's study. He is a person who wants to take the postgraduate entrance examination. The key is now in August. There is only one month to register for the postgraduate entrance examination, and there are only about 4 months left before the postgraduate entrance examination.

   I still have to hurry up to study, and after the postgraduate entrance examination is over, I can have fun again.

   Thinking of this, Lin Shu replied on WeChat, "Sorry, I can't go anymore."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you killed the Lv10 temptation fox demon with a single palm, gaining 1. experience + 1280; 2. gold coins + 293]

   After replying, Lin Shu directly mute the phone, put it aside, and sat at the desk and started reading and doing questions.

   just watch and learn like this——

   An hour and a half later...

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for studying hard for 1 hour of high math knowledge, rewards: 1. Experience +645; 2. Gold coins +86. 】


   Learning can really gain experience? But he should have studied for more than one hour just now, why is it only one hour?

   Lin Shu was a little puzzled, but didn't think too much. He picked up the phone and looked at several unread messages on WeChat Ma You, and clicked on it to see the photos they had set up and were playing.

   Watching those friends playing mahjong leisurely, Lin Shu admitted that he was still a little moved, but the heartbeat soon disappeared.

   Lin Shu focused his attention on the [Basic Attributes] column of the personal panel. Obviously, he now understands that it was himself who prevented him from playing Mahjong, but it was also because of the additional 1 point [Spirit].

   It seems that he still doesn't understand the system, and he doesn't know what the [basic attribute] means. I am afraid that the [spiritual] attribute refers to the aspect of mental willpower.

   only a 1 point change in attribute points, he can take back the foot he stepped out, it is really a bit powerful!

   If he added the [spiritual] attribute to the full, would he have a strong mental willpower of Iron Man, nothing can defeat and destroy his will and determination?

   However, it must be terrifying if the [Spirit] attribute is really added to the full. Does such a person really exist, I am afraid it is a monster?

   Lin Shu felt that he still shouldn't be such a terrible person. He admires a person with strong mental will and wants to be such a person, but he has never thought of becoming a steel man.

   It seems that he must be more cautious when it comes to adding attribute points.

   As for-[lucky]?

   Lin Shu's eyes fell on another attribute [lucky], he couldn't help but smile, with anticipation in his eyes, he felt that the attribute [lucky] could still be added to the full.

   Even if you are a monster, you must be an extremely lucky monster!

   That must be very happy!

  Hahaha, I am the man who wants to be a monster!

   I feel happy when I think about it...

   Lin Shu shook his head, shook off the thoughts in his mind, and turned his eyes to the level experience progress bar [10030/10000].

   can be upgraded!

   Lin Shu is naturally looking forward to the upgrade, so he clicked on the [upgrade] on the virtual panel.

【Ding! Congratulations to players for successfully upgrading to Lv19! 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for successfully upgrading for the first time, rewards: 1. Experience +3120; 2. Gold coins +666; 3. 1 mysterious gift]

   Lin Shu is very excited. I didn’t expect that there will be so many rewards for the upgrade, but it is a pity that it seems that the level is too low and the [Item Store] is not unlocked.

  Lin Shu looked at his current personal panel information, it has now been updated to become——

  [Name: Lin Shu]

  [Level: Lv19]

  【Level experience: 3150/30000】

   [Basic attributes: Spirit 4, Strength 2, Constitution 3, Agility 3, Intelligence 3, Charisma 4, Lucky 3]

  [Skills: Third-rate cartography, Nine-rate driving skill]

   [Title: The Newbie of the Fledgling]

  【Achievement: None】

  [Balance: 2341 gold coins]

Looking at the upgraded personal information, Lin Shu was not particularly happy, because he found that the progress bar of level experience has become longer and more difficult, and it has tripled the experience value in a short time. This is likely to be even greater in the future. difficult?

The thought of    was just a flash, after all, it was an upgrade, a thing worthy of joy.

  The key is that there is a mysterious gift.

   I just don’t know what mysterious gifts are waiting for him.

   Lin Shu thought of it, and directly opened the mysterious gift with his personal belongings.

   Just after Lin Shu opened the mysterious gift, there was a talisman, a [Satisfaction Talisman].

   The next second Lin Shu saw the description of the props, his mouth opened wide, and he was shocked!

Oh my God!

  【Satisfaction Symbol】: A wish can be realized after use, price: 999999999999999999999999999999999……

   Lin Shu has not read the long series of 999 gold coin numbers behind the price. He only has this description of the [Satisfaction Symbol] in his eyes.

   can realize a wish after use!

   Realize a wish!


   Tathagata Buddha!

  The Jade Emperor!

   Various gods!

   God Jesus!

   You are electricity or light is everything!

thank you!

   Thank you for seeing me!

   Thank you for loving me!


I love you!

   I am going to be a monster!

   no no no no!

   I am going to be the richest man, no, no, I am going to be the richest man in the world!

  Hahahahahahahaha—\\(^o^)/~[Laughing with arms akimbo]

   Lin Shu laughed with a cool and domineering attitude~www.wuxiamtl.com~ resounded throughout the room.

   He tried to calm himself down.

   Take a deep breath!

   Take a deep breath!

do not get excited!

  Lin Shu, don’t get excited, be calm, you want to be the monster of the richest man in the world, no, the man who is the richest man in the world, don’t make a fuss, you have to be calm and calm.

  Okay, let me witness the birth of the next richest man in the world alone with you Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu’s heart moved to the [Satisfaction Talisman] and click to use it.

   Welcome to the next world beyond imagination!

【Ding! Player level is not enough to use this item! 】


【Ding! Player level is not enough to use this item! 】

【Ding! Player level is not enough to use this item! 】

【Ding! Player level is not enough to use this item! 】

【Ding! Player level is not enough to use this item! 】

【Ding! ……】

   Lin Shu frantically wanted to use that [Satisfaction Talisman], but every time it was prompted, the level was not enough to use it.


   My heart hurts!

   My heart hurts so badly, it hurts to scratch my heart!

   Why do you treat me this way?

   woo woo...

   Lin Shu is holding his wounded heart, he is the richest man in the world, how can he be treated this way!

   Even if Lin Shu doesn’t give up and uses it again, the same result will still be achieved——

【Ding! Player level is not enough to use this item! 】

   woo woo, uncomfortable and want to cry...

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