unlocked the [Item Shop], Lin Shu was originally excited and excited by the super high price and poured a large basin of ice, and he calmed down completely.

   For Lin Shu, the most suitable one is [sleeping pills].

   You don’t need any worries and worries, you can buy a lot of [sleeping pills] directly.

   Hemp egg! What are you doing with so many [sleeping pills]!

   Close your eyes soon...

   Lin Shu has a kind of inexplicable sadness. With his current gold coin economy is really poor, he has no chance to buy and consume at will in this mall. After all, he is not a krypton gold player.

   His potential customer of [Prop Shop] is afraid that he has already dived into the bottom of the sea and dived silently.

   Not to mention that this system game cannot be recharged in cash to exchange for gold coins, even if it can recharge, he has no money to recharge this system game.

  Poverty made him only honestly spend his experience and spend gold coins.

   Lin Shu closed [Prop Shop], and he didn't want to continue watching this mall that made him depressed and uncomfortable. It could even be said to be very unfriendly to him. He chose to close it directly. Of course, when it closed, Lin Shu still bought a bottle of [Sleeping Pill].

   In order to sleep well, he still has to drink a bottle of [Sleeping Pills] so that I don’t feel so depressed in the middle of the night.

   drink [sleeping pills]?

   I think it's weird.

Lin Shu shook his head, and after closing the [Item Store], I saw the personal inventory on the virtual panel in front of me. Now there are four items, one of which is the one that he has placed there that is about to turn ashes and hasn’t moved. Fu], there are two mysterious gifts that he successfully upgraded and unlocked [Item Store]. The last one is the [Sleeping Pill] that he just bought.

   Lin Shu stared at the two mysterious gifts, not knowing what gifts would come out.

   It would be great if there was another [Eye of Prophecy]!

   If it doesn’t help, it will burst out a [koi symbol]!

   With such expectation, Lin Shu-nian read the [lucky] attribute point to bless me, and clicked on the first mysterious gift. I saw—a ragdoll randomly appeared in the inventory.

   Ragdoll is dark black, with a pair of weird eyes, and a grin with a smile.

  【Disaster Doll】: After use, it can warn against disaster once. Price: 16666666 gold coins.

   What does Lin Shu feel when seeing this equipment?

   is slightly subtle.

He has to admit that this [disaster prevention doll] is actually very useful. It is like buying insurance. The key point is that it is not the same as buying personal safety insurance. Insurance is reimbursed after an accident. This [disaster prevention doll] is obviously It is to protect before the accident, no need to be reimbursed after reimbursement.

   Just how to put it, Lin Shu still wants money more in his heart.

   However, the dolls are also quite cute.

   Lin felt that he shouldn't have such thoughts. After all, life safety is the first priority, and you can't wait for someone to die. The money is not spent, then it will be really embarrassing.

   Lin Shu had a thought in his heart, try to click to use [Disaster Prevention Doll].

   Then the light flashed, and the [Disaster Guard Doll] in the inventory disappeared, but Lin Shu didn't feel any changes in him.

   I don't know how the black doll was used.

   However, Lin Shu soon discovered that a mini pattern appeared on his wrist, like a tattoo. The mini pattern was a black rag doll, but the face of the doll was a little weird with a hint of smile. The whole picture does not look like a tattoo, it looks like a fit of a virtual pattern.

   Lin Shu felt a little strange and went to touch the tattoo design, but it didn't feel anything.

   At that moment, the baby's face seemed to move, and she smiled at him.


   Are you dazzled?

   Lin Shu suspected that he had read it wrong, but somehow felt that the pattern was a little weird. After studying it carefully for a while, he didn't find out anything, so he could only give up.

   It should be possible to wait for him to be truly in danger, and only use it to prevent him when he encounters a disaster.

   I just don't know how to prevent the disaster and how it works.

   Lin Shu is very curious.

   However, it is now impossible for him to try this [Disaster Relief Doll] by running to toss himself and wasting this time of protection against disasters.


   Soon, Lin Shu focused on the next mysterious item in the inventory of the virtual panel.

   Now let’s see what the next mysterious gift is.

   Lin Shu has some expectations, somehow, I feel that this mysterious gift is like an open blind box, I don't know what equipment will be inside.

   Fortunately, this mysterious blind box was not bought by him with gold coins, but the equipment exploded. I only hope that a good equipment can be exploded.

   Goddess of luck bless me to open an [eye of prophecy]!

   Lin Shu looked at the mysterious gift in the inventory, a little nervous, meditating on [Eye of Prophecy] and [Eye of Prophecy], and then opened the mysterious gift with a thought.

   At that moment, a slanted black and white scale appeared in the original inventory position. In the center of the scale was a statue of the devil. The center of the scale was held in the hands of the statue, with hanging weighing pans on both sides.

   It’s just that it is obvious that the balance should be horizontal on both sides, but it is tilted, and it seems that one side is heavy and the other is light, but the two weighing pans are very stable.

   The entire Libra props spread out from the middle to both sides in black and white ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and the entire devil statue is dark and black, and the eyes on the ferocious face seem to be staring at Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu was taken aback, looking at this prop, I felt very strange, even a little weird.

   Obviously, this is not the [Eye of Prophecy] he expected.

It looks a bit like Themis, the goddess of justice, except that the goddess of justice has a scale in her left hand and a sword in her right hand, and she is blindfolded, but now this scale is directly slanted, and it is still held by the devil. , Very weird.

   Lin Shu looked at the name of this Libra again--

  【Devil Trading Scale】?

   What a strange name.

  【Devil Transaction Scale】: After use, it can make seven transactions with the devil. Remarks: Beware that the biggest devil is greedy, and the degree of transaction varies with different levels. Price: 488888888888888888888888888888888 gold coins.

   Seven deals with the devil?

   Lin Shu is a little surprised, is this for him to make a deal with the devil?

  The key is how to trade and what to trade?

   Are there any trading rules?

   Lin Shu was completely puzzled, and it was Libra itself that made him more suspicious.

  Because it is not fair at all to see this scale in front of me, it is obviously not a horizontal and fair scale. Is this saying that dealing with the devil is impossible to be a fair deal.

   Beware of the greed of the biggest devil?

   So that means it can’t be too greedy?

   Lin Shu felt very puzzled, but also a hint of excitement.

  If you can really deal with the devil, even if it is an unfair deal, then what should he deal with.

  What can you do with the devil?

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