Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 36: [The last time the office was killed]

   In the last few days of the shift, Lin Shu is still very normal to check in for experience points at work, and check in for experience points after work.

   Both studying and working are not wrong.

In addition to this, Lin Shu bought a fund of 50,000 yuan directly on his mobile phone. After all, he did not know the stocks very well, and he did not want to be a leek. Funds, as for the remaining part of the money, they bought some products for regular financial management.

Lin Shu didn’t pay attention all the time. He stared at him every day, thinking about waiting a month later. After all, he bought the lottery for a period of time. If he said that he made a profit, then add some more. Then he might have to re-recognize his own illusory luck.

   With the regular life of Lin Shu's eight-hour work system, it soon came to work on the last day.

   Lin Shu walked through the leave process early, and he could rest immediately.

   Lin Shu looked at his level experience bar [66198/120000], and it took half to upgrade.

   Although the experience of work and study is good, you still need to kill big monsters to earn experience points.

Lin Shu glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the computer, shut it down, and it was close to five o'clock, when it was time for the end of work, and then glanced at his office. He spent not a long youth time here, and he was about to leave now. Forgive Lin Shu——

   Well, there is no lingering reluctance or reluctance.

   Lin Shu glanced at [Salted Fish Dead] Chen Ping beside him, smiled and said, "Let’s go, let’s go to dinner together at night."

   Chen Ping nodded naturally.

Lin Shu didn’t invite a few people here either. There were Chen Ping and Huang Wen in the office, as well as the other two colleagues Zhao Qiao and Li Xiang who came into the office at the same time as Lin Shu, and Huang Wen and the quality department next door. A colleague Zhou Zhen.

Lin Shu was about to leave after work. He glanced at the monster in the office [Inner Scroll Crazy Demon] and found that there are still many colleagues with the title of [Inward Scroll Crazy Demon] monsters, and his damage has not been reduced because of his constant damage. .

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you used the magical skill of stabbing in the eyes, a needle piercing the eyes, causing a little damage to the Lv1 monster involuntary monster, gaining 1. experience + 150; 2. gold coins 17. 】

【Ding! ……】

   I can no longer use experience points here. Seeing some experience points coming out of the monster's injury, Lin Shu can't help feeling that his colleagues are quite cute.

   Even if I knew that I was hurt, I still insisted silently here. Each one of them has really strong endurance. I don't know when these [Inner Scroll Crazy Demons] will run away once.

   I can no longer take the wool of these lovely colleagues, Lin Shu still feels a little pity in his heart.

   Huang Wen glanced at Qi Yuan and asked, "Brother Lin, you didn't call Qi Yuan?"

Huang Wen’s words made Lin Shu hesitate for a moment. He didn’t want to call Qi Yuan. After all, he didn’t have much dealings with [Negative Energy Ghost] Qi Yuan. Only when there are many intersections can there be exchanges, after all, he doesn't want to be affected by Qi Yuan's negative energy aura.

   Now that Huang Wen has brought it up, Lin Shu thought about it, but just please have a meal, nothing.

   Lin Shu called Qi Yuan to eat together. Qi Yuan naturally agreed happily, and quickly went to pack his things and get off work.

   When Lin Shu and Huang Wen were out of the office, it was better to meet their colleague Tan.

   Tan Yan saw Lin Shu leaving work again, his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help saying, "Lin Shu, are you leaving after work?"

   Lin Shu didn't expect Tan Yan to talk to him when he left. He almost never took the initiative to talk to Tan Yan at the company.

   Lin Shu nodded, preparing to leave.

   Tan Yan just said hello to Lin Shu, and turned to Huang Wen and said, "Huang Wen, will you come tomorrow? It's Tiansuo who wants us to deal with the cost calculation of the parts for that new product."

   Huang Wen frowned slightly, feeling a little strange and inexplicable, why suddenly he was asked to do cost calculations at this time, and he said directly: "I have something to do on Saturday tomorrow, so I won't come."

   "Aren't you coming tomorrow? How do you calculate the cost of parts for the new product? Then you work overtime tonight?"

   "I have something tonight, why don't you find someone else. Do you have to do it tomorrow?"

   Huang Wen was a little embarrassed. After all, he had already made an appointment with Lin Shu, and he really didn't want to run back to work overtime.

   He wants to go to dinner with Lin Shu and play together!

   Lin Shu did not speak, he just stared at Tan Yan's head, because a line of text appeared on Tan Yan's head--

   [Lv5 Invites merit: skill is to invite merit, grab merit. 】

   Lin Shu looked at Tan Yan and asked: "Are you sure that the leader wants you and Huang Wen to do cost calculations together?"

   Tan Yan's eyes were erratic for a moment, but immediately nodded and said: "Yes!"

   Qi Yuan on the side just finished packing his things and was about to leave. When he went out, he saw that Lin Shu and Huang Wen were not leaving. They were talking to Tan Yan and couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

   Tan Yan frowned, looked at Huang Wen, and said, "That new product has a lot of cost calculations. Would you like to work overtime today."

   Qi Yuan was a little dissatisfied when he heard what Tan Yan said. He understood what was going on, and asked: "Tan Yan, you didn't take the initiative to say that Hetian, you will do the cost calculation of the new product?"

   "I heard you say to the leader today that you can do the cost calculation of the parts of the new product? Tiansuo didn't find Huang Wen."

   Qi Yuan heard this from Tan Yan and director Tian Cheng in the office today.

   Hearing Qi Yuan's words~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Shu raised his brows, twitched the corners of his lips and smiled, thinking that things are not the same thing.

   really is such a thing!

   Tan Yan was a little embarrassed. He didn't expect Qi Yuan to say this directly. Although this is the truth, he couldn't help but say: "That is, the cost of parts for new products is calculated a lot, and I can't do it alone."

   Lin Shu smiled and said directly: "If you can't do it, work overtime."

   "It's not the task you want to find the leader. How can you push it to others? You grabbed the credit so, did you show it?"

Originally, Lin Shu didn’t intend to talk to Tan Yan. After all, Tan Yan didn’t find him, but if it weren’t for him that Lin Shu had already quit, I’m afraid Tan Yan would use the guise of a leader to tell him that the leader would let him do it. cost calculation.

   Obviously, I am asking for credit in front of the leader, showing the performance, and actually leaving things to others to do.

   Just like when I went to check the supplier, I kept saying that I was busy and didn't go to any of them, and later wrote that I had completed the supplier check.

   In Lin Shu's opinion, it is not guilty to ask for credit, but if it is because of asking for credit and pushing things to others, then it is really too much.

   is really ridiculous!

   "Tan Yan, you are not doing this right!"

   "You didn't do this! If you want to behave well in front of the leader, just do it well, don't push it on others."

【Ding! Congratulations to the players for your sharp words, display the serial ruthless knife technique, serial ruthless knives and merciless face, severely slashed LV5 monsters to take credit, gain 1. experience + 2850; 2. gold coins 285. 】

   Hearing the jingle of experience points, the smile on Lin Shu's face deepened. It was really cute.

   I didn't expect to let me kill once before leaving.


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