Won more than one million prizes, what kind of experience is it?

   replied: There is too little money, so I can relax a little bit.

The transfer of 1.36 million yuan into the bank card was nothing special. Lin Shu did not receive a phone call from the bank manager saying that he wanted to give him a gift, nor did he encounter any wealth management manager calling for Lin. Book to buy financial products.

   These are still far away from Lin Shu.

After receiving the award, Lin Shu's excitement gradually calmed down.

After    really calmed down, Lin Shu suddenly realized that the money really only made him relax for a while, and it might be possible for him to buy a house in Star City, where the housing price is fairly friendly, at a low average price.

Think about it this way, if you calculate by 100 square meters, the core area naturally does not need to be considered, then at least there must be a budget of almost one million, which is not the core area, and then if you buy another car, even if you only sell scooters It also costs about 100,000. After you buy a car, you will naturally have to buy a parking space. Maybe the parking space budget will not exceed 100,000?

   By the way, if the house is a rough house, then there will also be a decoration fee, including home appliances and furniture, even if it is a simple package, it should cost 200,000 yuan.



   Why do you feel impoverished again in an instant?

   originally planned to give the parents a sum of money after winning the lottery?

   Lin Shu suddenly felt that it was a pity. I really regret that he didn't win the first prize, and only one number was missing. He didn't need to think about the difference between the number one, and he could start buying and buying Shenhao life directly.

   It would be nice to buy a few times more.

   Well, maybe there is not much change, after all, it is not the first prize.

   Lin Shu couldn't help wondering when he could explode another [Eye of Prophecy] equipment, otherwise he would be able to unlock the [Item Store] earlier in the level so that he could buy an [Eye of Prophecy] in the mall.

   As for the price of... [Eye of Prophecy]?

   Lin Shu thought of the long string of 0s behind the price of [Eye of Prophecy] he had seen before, and instantly felt that it was another house price that he couldn't afford.

   Good heart!

   Otherwise, instead of buying a house in full, just pay a down payment and buy a house with a loan?

   Commercial loans have high interest rates, so he can use provident fund loans.

After all, he has worked for three years. Although he has a small number of provident fund deposits, he can still use provident fund loans, so he does not have to pay all the money in one go. After all, buying a house is a rare opportunity to borrow a large amount of money from the bank. , The remaining money can be used to invest in wealth management products, even if you don’t take the stock risk single-plank bridge, you can also take the fund risk Yangguan road.

   Lin Shu thought about it this way, and felt that it would be better to leave some money with him as an emergency asset.

   Lin Shu directly downloaded a house viewing software with his mobile phone, and plans to take this opportunity to visit the house today.

   Anyway, he also brought relevant certificates of bank cards and ID cards.

   Lin Shu brushed the app on the mobile phone and decided to avoid the core area of ​​the city center. The average price of house prices in the city center is about 15,000. I have to say that this price is already very friendly in the provincial capital. Of course, the real core area and good real estate will also have an average price of more than 20,000, or even more than 30,000.

The best thing is naturally near Shonan University. After all, he has already planned to enter his alma mater for postgraduate studies, but unfortunately the prices of real estate there are very expensive, and most of them are now three or four million. Secondly, diverge with Shonan University as the center, and then choose real estate close to the subway for easy travel according to the price and location.

   Lin Shu roughly selected a few real estates based on his budget plan and the evaluation of online developers, and directly took a taxi to see the first one that he felt was more suitable. Jiangyuan International.

   The taxi went directly to the sales office of Jiangyuan International. Before Lin Shu went in, he checked that the distance between the buildings was very good, and the greening was also good.

   The key is that there is a subway entrance 200 meters away. This is the key.

Because it was a working day, there were fewer people coming to see the house. When Lin Shu entered the sales hall, he didn't see anyone at all. However, a saleswoman immediately came by at the door and asked with a smile, "Handsome guy, Did you come to see the room?"

   Lin Shu nodded.

   "This is the first time?"


   "I haven't asked how to call you yet."

   "My name is Lin, Lin Shu."

   The saleswoman led Lin Shu to the real estate sandbox, and said with a smile: "Brother Lin, let me introduce you first."

   The introduction of the real estate also refers to the introduction of several buildings on the sand table, mainly about the advantages of the real estate, which buildings are on sale, the specific location, and the surrounding supporting facilities, education and teaching resources, and the type of houses on sale, etc.

   In fact, Lin Shu has already read a lot of these on the way here. Really speaking, he came here because the surrounding facilities and the developers themselves are big developers.

   Real estate prices and floor plans, in fact, are already available on the APP software for viewing houses, and Lin Shu is now also going to visit the model room.

The female salesperson actually doesn’t know if Lin Shu is going to buy a house, or just come and take a look. After all, Lin Shu in front of him is still very young, but regardless of whether Lin Shu buys a house or not, people who can come to the real estate site to see the house on the spot are potential people. customer.

   Therefore, there was no bizarre incident that looked down upon people and was inexplicably mocking.

   "I want to take a look at the model room."

   Female sales will naturally not refuse. The more interested people are, the higher the possibility of purchase will be. This is all understood.

   "Of course, handsome guy Lin, you want to see which apartment type."

   "It is equal to 109 and 129."

  The female salesperson knew that this was the type within Lin Shu's budget, so I naturally took Lin Shu to see the two prototype rooms.

I have to say that all the real estate developers have made the model rooms very beautifully. Put on the shoe covers and enter from the door. They are bright and clean, very transparent. Sure enough, the decoration is very elegant. Lin Shu went to the balcony to take a closer look. It's not on the side of the road, and it's not too noisy.

   "Now there are fewer floors for sale in this 109 three-bedroom house. If you want to buy it, handsome Lin, you still have to buy it earlier."

   Hearing these words, Lin Shu's mouth twitched, not commenting.

   Lin Shu didn't say anything, but asked the female salesperson to take him to see another 129 unit, which was 4 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, 2 bathrooms and 1 kitchen.

   Three rooms will be much cheaper, but the four rooms will be more respectful. Parents can live in one or two rooms, one is reserved for future children, in case they respond to the state’s call for a second child...

   Ma Dan, you are a single dog thinking about having a second child!

   Lin Shu shook his head to shake off this unrealistic idea in his mind.

   I have to say that both units are very good. After all, the units designed by the big developers are very well-planned and transparent from the north to the south.

   Female sales have been introduced, Lin Shu did not say anything.

   He didn't just look at this real estate~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and then bought it without saying a word, shocking the sales lady sisters in the audience.

   After leaving his contact information, Lin Shu planned to check another property nearby.

In fact, after Lin Shu left, he calculated that if he bought 129 flats and the average price was 10,000, then it would cost 1.29 million. Even with the provident fund loan, the down payment would be 860,000 based on the loan amount. Because his provident fund deposit is limited, he can only borrow up to RMB 430,000.

Lin Shu feels that there is still no need to buy four rooms at once. One is the price, and the other is because the parents don’t necessarily live with him in the city, and his children don’t know when to cross the Naihe Bridge, so he thinks he can buy 109 square meters first. In this way, only a down payment of 660,000 yuan is required.

   Now he has a prize of 1.36 million and a deposit of 100,000, for a total of 1.46 million.

   If you make a down payment of 660,000, then there will still be 800,000.

   I feel okay even after this, even if I pay a certain amount of mortgage every month, there is not much pressure.

   Lin Shu uses the wealth management gadget in the mobile phone to calculate the mortgage. If the provident fund loan is 30 years, only one thousand eighteen monthly payments are required, and if it is a twenty-year loan, two thousand four thousand each month is required.

   Lin Shu is hesitating whether to choose 20 years or 30 years.

  The budget for buying a car is 100,000 after the other 800,000, the parking space is 100,000, and the renovation is 200,000, that is, 400,000 is gone. It should be -

   Maybe there may still be four hundred thousand?

   Lin Shu feels embarrassed inexplicably.

   Anyone who has obtained the system will also consider the provident fund loan to buy a house, the key is to calculate the number of deductions.

   Tan Shou┓('?`)┏, probably only him.

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