Yanjing, detention center.

   Because Yang Yu only talked about meeting Lin Shu, although Liu Zheng was Cao Man who went to the hospital with Lin Shu to see him, he didn't plan to see Yang Yu. After all, Yang Yu was kept in the detention center until the trial, so Liu Zheng didn't tell Yang Yu that he was going to visit, and Yang Yu might be dissatisfied.

   Lin Shu went to see Yang Yu alone.

   He was still a little puzzled and curious about Yang Yu in his heart, and he also wanted to know exactly why Yang Yu, who was clearly a victim in the Secret Realm of Time and Space, became the perpetrator now.

   When Lin Shu saw Yang Yu, a line of text clearly floated on Yang Yu's head.

  【Lv29 Sick Zombie: The skill is to lose the mind, and go crazy. Note: Extremely dangerous. 】

Looking at the names of the monsters on Yang Yu's head, Lin Shu felt a little complicated. Sure enough, the fierce beast still appeared. He didn't know if it was fortunate that there was no more [murderer] monster on Yang Yu's head. The name still regrets that Yang Yu has become a monster like [Sick Zombie].

   No matter what, Lin Shu will not worry about a [mad zombie] monster. Even if he is worried, he should be worried about the victim Cao Man lying in the hospital.

   Zombies used to be humans, but when they show fierce fangs to hurt people, they are no longer humans.

   Some things have already been done that are difficult to recover.

   This is like in a zombie movie of the end of the world. After a human is bitten by a zombie, it is difficult to change back to a human if it becomes a zombie, unless there is a serum to treat the zombie virus.

  Even if you reform it well, you may be able to re-create a human being, but the zombie mark left on your body will not just disappear like this.

   This is like a person killed and injured by a zombie. Those blood is always alive and remembered in everyone's mind.

   "Senior, you...Do you think I'm crazy?"

   Yang Yu looked at Lin Shu, with a bitter cold smile on his face unconsciously, and asked: "I want to kill my classmate and roommate."

   Lin Shu heard Yang Yu's words, looked at Yang Yu's expression, and said directly: "You actually have the answer to this question in your heart. I don't think I need to say anything."

   Yang Yu smiled bitterly, as if he had guessed that Lin Shu would say this a long time ago.

"I actually don't know what's wrong. At that time, I wanted to stab him with a knife, and that thought came to my mind. I wanted him to shut up completely, and I never wanted to see him or hear his voice. , Just want him to disappear!"

   "Senior, you said to me and him those things that don't inspire conflicts. I didn't take it very seriously. Frankly speaking, I didn't really think about his death at that time. I really didn't think about it."

Lin Shu listened to Yang Yu’s words. In fact, he knew very well that Yang Yu was telling the truth. At least that time when he used the prop of [Hearing Heart Apparatus] to listen to Yang Yu and Cao Man’s heart, he did not hear that Yang Yu had anything to say. The idea of ​​killing Cao Man.

   Obviously, Yang Yu finally stabbed Cao Man with a knife, it was an impulse at that moment.

   And such an impulse is the outbreak of the fierce beast in his body.

   "I also know that I was wrong now. I regret it. I really regret it. No matter what, I shouldn't go and stabb him with a knife. I also want to say sorry to him. I was really wrong."

   Lin Shu heard Yang Yu say that he was wrong, and he was very embarrassed. Now that he knows that he was wrong, it is too late, because the mistake has already been committed, and that kind of wrong injury ended up stabbing himself with a knife.

   "I knew I should have listened to you back then."

   I knew that such words had no meaning at all. Such words were nothing but boring and empty nonsense.

   Lin Shu looked at Yang Yu, and said, “Since some mistakes have been committed, if you have realized your mistakes, it’s best to make up for the sins you committed.”

   "The law will give you the final judgment."

Lin Shu actually didn’t want to talk to Yang Yu about too many legal-related issues, because those issues would be solved and answered by the corresponding people. He wanted to know why Yang Yu killed Cao Man, and why Yang Yu wanted to. meet him.

   "Why would you want to see me?"

   Yang Yu heard Lin Shu's words, the expression on his face was slightly stagnant, and he was silent for a moment, lowered his head, and said nothing. He didn't know how long his eyes were red, and tears came down.

   "I...I just... just want to talk to you."

   Yang Yu's voice was very low, so low that Yang Yu himself almost couldn't hear it, as if Sister Xianglin was talking to herself.

   "I don't know why I killed someone!"

   "I became a murderer?"


   "The way they look at me makes me uncomfortable."

   Yang Yu's voice was a little hoarse, and his appearance was a little haggard. The whole face looked particularly pale, and he said, "I am a murderer and a monster in their eyes. I regret it....I should have listened to you."

   Is it useful to regret now?

Looking at the tears on Yang Yu’s face, Lin Shu knew a long time ago that monsters would cry and shed tears. He didn’t know if it was a crocodile’s tears, but he knew very well that Yang Yu must regret it. Not because of Cao Man lying in the hospital bed, but because of Yang Yu himself.

   Yang Yu, he knew that he had become a monster in the eyes of others, a murderer in the eyes of others.

   He never thought that this word would become his future label.

Lin Shu looked at Yang Yu and didn’t say anything~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He didn’t know what to say. He could feel that Yang Yu was also desperate and painful now, but it was obvious that Yang Yu’s pain was not comparable to lying down. In the hospital, Cao Manlai, who was snatched from the death **** not long ago, felt even more painful.

   "Yang Yu, it's useless for you to tell me these things now, you know your crimes well."

   "You should be asking Cao Man's forgiveness now."

   "No matter how painful you are, there is no pain for Cao Man, you know, you almost killed him!"

   "You should now be thankful that he was rescued back, otherwise it is very likely that you will also be sentenced to death, just like you killed him."

   Listening to Lin Shu's words, Yang Yu's face was pale. It was obvious that Lin Shu and him were very direct.

Lin Shu has nothing to say to Yang Yu at all. Of course, he also knows that no one knows what punishment will be when Yang Yu's final judgment is reached. To a large extent, he will escape the death penalty, which means this. Only [Frenzy Zombie] does not have to die, there is still the possibility of salvation.

   The best serum for [Crazy Zombie] is not someone else's serum, but my own serum. There is still hot and kind blood flowing in my body.

   If that kind of serum can't reappear, then such a [mad zombie] is hopeless at all.


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