Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 233: [The Demon King also bows his head and admits his mistakes]


Lin Shu breathed a sigh of relief when Lin Hua invited him to dinner and chat. Although he had never asked Lin Hua before, he kept it in his heart.

Lin Hua said that he didn't need to say sorry, and that even if he didn't tell the truth, maybe one day she would know the truth and make the same choice, but Lin Shu knew that some things were not that simple.

However, Lin Shu can now understand what Lin Hua means. Lin Hua is also a lawyer. When she chooses the law, she will naturally adhere to the law.

Perhaps it is precisely because he is a legal person that Lin Hua can better understand how serious this matter is under the law.

Lin Hua said that he did not want to be a hypocrite. In Lin Shu's view, even if Lin Hua made a choice contrary to the law, it does not mean that he is a hypocrite, because there are different choices.

Of course, with different choices, the law is still the bottom line.

As for—

Does Lin Hua say he doesn't like him anymore?

In fact, it's good for friends to do this.

Lin Shu turned his head and looked at Lin Hua, stood there looking at him, couldn't help but smiled and waved to signal goodbye.

He has never liked Lin Hua, but he actually values ​​Lin Hua’s friend very much in his heart. He also hopes that Lin Hua can always be happy, just like the child he saw in the secret of time and space, still possessing the innocence that day. Smile.

This may be Lin Shu's greatest blessing to Lin Hua.

But he also knew that after that incident, Lin Hua couldn't be as simple as it was at the beginning. People always have to experience something to grow up.

Just when Lin Shu was about to leave, there was a young passer-by carrying a few bags in front of him and preparing to leave in a hurry, but the seemingly ordinary young passer-by had two lines of monster names on his head—

【Lv2 Three Hands: The skill is to take the sheep hand in hand. 】

【Lv22 Strange Flower Demon King: Skills are magical behaviors. Remarks: The body is a strange flower in bud. 】

[Wonderful Demon King]?

Naturally, Lin Shu knew about [Wonderful Demon], and had fought such a monster before, but he didn't expect to suddenly meet a [Wonderful Demon King].

Is this more weird than his cousin?

As for the name of the other [Three Hands] monster, what did you steal from it?

Lin Shu noticed the smile on the young monster's face. The smile was a little excited, and stepped forward to stop the young monster from moving forward.

Although I don't know what happened to this young demon king, it was obviously not that simple.

Especially the smile at the corner of his mouth looks like a smile that has succeeded in something bad.

The Young Demon King didn't expect someone to stop him suddenly, and his heart was tight, thinking that what he had just done was discovered, and he was a little nervous.

No way, monsters with a guilty conscience are afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

Lin Shu stared straight at the young Demon King monster like that, his eyes were very sharp, and there was a faint threat of deterrence.

"Go back!"

Although Lin Shu didn't know what the young Demon King stole, he still said this directly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you shouted, the light of the right way, caused a certain amount of damage to the Lv3 three-handed Lv22 Wonderful Demon King, gaining 1. Experience +1120; 2. Gold Coins +112. 】

When the young demon king heard Lin Shu's words, he was a little flustered, his face changed, and his voice stuttered, pretending to be incomprehensible: "You, what did you say... What do you want to go back?"

"You go away, don't stop me!"

With that said, the young Demon King was ready to leave, but it was obvious that since Lin Shu had already blocked the way of the Demon King, naturally it would not be so easy for this monster to leave so simply.

Lin Shu saw the nervous expression of the young Demon King, and he became more sure of his thoughts. Without talking nonsense, he still said, "Hurry up and go back!"

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you shouted, the light of the right way, caused a certain amount of damage to the Lv3 three-handed Lv22 Wonderful Demon King, gaining 1. Experience +1120; 2. Gold Coins +112. 】

Lin Hua, who was standing not far away, naturally saw Lin Shu stopping a passerby. He didn't know what happened, so he hurried over to see what was going on.

The young demon king panicked and said anxiously: "I don't know, what are you talking about?"

The Young Demon King even wanted to push Lin Shu directly away and left quickly.

However, it was clear that the Demon King didn't realize that he had met a **** of death on the road now. As long as the **** of death's double-mirror mirror was stared at, it would be either death or injury.

In fact, Lin Shu had the item of "Heart Tube", and he could know what this young double demon king had stolen as long as he used it.

However, Lin Shu still didn't want to spend gold coins on this Demon King. I hope this [Lv2 Three Hands] can return things by himself. The monster level of [Three Hands] is not high, so he should be considered a novice.

"Are you sure you want me to call the police and call the police to ask you?"

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you yelled with the sword, the sword of righteous way volleyed in deterrence, and caused a certain amount of damage to the Lv3 three-handed Lv22 strange demon king, gaining 1. experience + 3120; 2. gold coins + 325. 】

When the young demon king heard Lin Shu's words, his entire face changed in an instant, and he was very upset. The hands holding the box of bags were shaking.

"What are you talking about? I don't even understand, I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Lin Shu glanced at the trembling hands of the young Demon King, saw that there was a box of lunch in the bag, and stared straight at the eyes of the young Demon King.

When Lin Hua walked over, he heard Lin Shu's words about calling the police, and raised his brows, which sounded inexplicably familiar.

What is going on here?

What kind of criminal is it?

The Young Demon King was obviously frightened by Lin Shu, his face flushed and he was so embarrassed that he wanted to explain something, but when he looked at Lin Shu's unmoved face, he knew that it was useless for him to say anything.

The Young Demon King was in a panic, turned around and wanted to run, but Lin Shu grabbed his hand directly.

"I can tell you, you absolutely can't run me, I let you 400 meters, you can't run me?"

"If you don't believe me, you can try?"

With that, Lin Shu directly let go of the young Demon King's hand.

When the young demon king heard Lin Shu’s words, he felt a little uncertain, his face hesitated, and he didn’t know whether he should run, but the demon king seemed to know very well what he had done wrong. One step later, I heard a girl next to me say: "You better believe what he said."

"He is the world champion of the men's 1,500-meter long run."

This sentence is like a dart directly nailing the young demon king in place.

The legs of the young demon king could no longer move, and he swallowed, feeling that he was too unlucky and would be caught by the world champion, so even if he wanted to run, he couldn't get away.

Looking at the changes in the expression of the young Demon King, Lin Shu suddenly felt that running fast can not only escape, but also catch monsters. There should be no monsters that can beat him.

"I really didn't do anything? Why are you making things difficult for me?"

"Are you sure you still have to say this, or I really call-"

"no, I'm fine!"

When the young demon king heard Lin Shu's words, he hurriedly stopped Lin Shu, as if he had already admitted his fate, knowing that he could not run away, turned around and lowered his head back.

Step by step, the steps are quite heavy.

Lin Shu didn't say a word, just followed the young demon king forward.

Lin Hua was a little puzzled, so he looked at Lin Shu and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Although Lin Hua thought this person was strange and something was wrong, he didn't know what bad things he did.

Otherwise, he would not be afraid of the police.

Lin Shu shook his head, did not answer this question, and motioned Lin Hua to look at the past together.

Before he went far, he saw a takeout worker who was too anxious. Lin Shu looked at the bag of food in the hands of the young Demon King, and instantly understood.

Oh my God! This is too weird!

Dare to believe that this is the takeaway from someone else's takeaway boy?

Lin Shu really took it. No wonder there is still the name of the monster named "Wonderful Demon King" on his head. The level is still such a high level.

It really deserves to be the [Wonderful Demon King], this is really wonderful to the extreme!

This made Lin Shu speechless.

The key to Lin Shu's surprise was that the takeaway boy also had a line of monster names on his head. It was really [Lv1 negative energy ghost].

Obviously, being stolen by someone like this inexplicably makes the takeaway brother's mentality explode, and the negative energy is bursting!

Although it's not late at night, but the takeaway boy is also emo...

[Negative energy ghost] The takeaway boy was so wronged that he almost cried. He didn't expect that he was just going to deliver the takeout, and then the takeout box was unlocked, and someone took the takeout. This really made him. I'm dying of anger.

He didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. It really made him feel bad. He didn't know that there really were such people in the world, and he actually stole takeaways. This is too low!

Although the takeaway brother had heard other takeaways talk about such things before, he never thought that he would encounter such a thing, and he was really embarrassed.

Really, when he saw the empty take-out insulation box just now, he was worried whether he had hallucinations.

But obviously, things are not as simple as an illusion. Someone really stole the takeaway he was about to deliver.

Why doesn't this make him irritated and collapsed?

Is it easy for him to send a few orders this day? He really made a little hard money and stole all his takeaways. Isn't this asking him to pay for the takeaway money!

He ran away for nothing all day!

Thinking of this, the takeaway boy was really angry and almost crying. The negative energy aura continued to rise, and the whole person was very bad.

The takeaway boy was just about to call the people who ordered the takeout and said that they could not deliver the food, and he saw a young man walking over with his takeout.

It's really his takeaway!

This really made the takeaway brother anxious, took the takeaway meal and scolded the young demon king.

"You stole it?"

"I you!"

Lin Shu didn't say anything in the past, and shook his head. This matter depends on what the takeaway boy intends to do, and also what the [Curious Demon King] intends to do.

Lin Hua obviously understood what was going on, she was really dumbfounded. From her point of view, the young man dressed like a decent person, who would do such a thing, really made her not know what to say. What is good.

This is too weird, how unsavory it is!

Too much offline!

Lin Shu and Lin Hua looked at each other and couldn't help shaking their heads helplessly.

obviously. Neither of them expected to encounter such a strange thing, it really opened their eyes to both of them.

Lin Shu saw that the young Demon King always wanted the takeaway brother to forgive him, so he couldn't help but said to Lin Hua, "Let's go."

He didn't plan to send himself this young demon king to the police station, this matter depends on what the takeaway brother plans to do.

Lin Hua nodded and was about to leave, but then curiously asked, "How did you see it?"

"Maybe you have seen too much."

Lin Shu smiled, he didn't know how to answer this question.

Lin Hua's eyes flashed, and she glanced at Lin Shu meaningfully. It was obvious that she was very confused about Lin Shu's view, but she also knew how good Lin Shu's eyesight was.

Her father was suspected of robbing the child, and it was recognized by Lin Shu. Although Lin Hua still doesn’t know how Lin Shu recognized it, as it is now, Lin Hua really feels that Lin Shu is very good.

"Your eyesight is so good, you can recognize the wanted criminal in Jiangli City before."

The wanted criminal?

Seeing that Demon King kept confessing his mistakes, Lin Shu felt that if admitting his mistakes was useful, presumably that [murderer] would also be willing to admit his mistakes and beg for mercy.

But is it really useful to admit mistakes and beg for mercy?

Lin Shu looked at [Curious Demon King], the name of the [Negative Energy Ghost] monster on the head of the takeaway boy disappeared, but he still looked angry.

The takeaway brother really couldn't bear it. If it weren't for some scruples, he really wanted to rush to kill the shameless thief, and steal the takeaway from the takeaway if he didn't steal anything.

It's really the extreme lack of morality and quality. After doing such a thing, you will give birth to a son...

"How are you embarrassed to steal the food? What a shame!"

The young Demon King took several red coins, and seemed to want to compensate the takeaway brother, and he kept admitting his mistakes and begging for mercy, hoping that the takeaway brother would not make this a big deal and forgive him for the wrong things he did.

"Really, brother, I was wrong, I was wrong, I was shameless, please forgive me!"

"Brother, I will pay you two hundred yuan to compensate you, okay? Please!"

"Really, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, don't take me to the police station. I will pay you two hundred more. Okay, please, please!"

[Curious Demon King] He lowered his head and kept talking, his expression was almost crying, hoping that the takeaway brother would let the Demon King take a shot.

"I really, really can't go to the police station!"

It really was about to kneel down and beg the takeaway brother for forgiveness, tears came out, tears of nose and tears for forgiveness.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Shu couldn't help shook his head, only feeling extremely hot, and secretly regretting—

Why bother?

At any rate, it is also a dignified [Wonderful Demon King], the king of [Wonderful Demon], because of stealing takeaways, he was crying here, begging for mercy and admitting his mistakes, lowering the head of the noble and decent Demon King.

It really hurts the image of the Demon King!

However, this also has to be admired, it is indeed a generation of Demon King, really bendable and stretchable...

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