Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 230: [Hidden fierce beast in the body]

Every day, I am upgrading the monsters and explosive equipment https://

Yanjing, Huaqing University.

The rain outside was heavy, and the rain was very urgent. The big raindrops hit down, and the sudden rain outside could be clearly heard.

Although it was just a casual glance, Lin Shu was very sure that he had just seen a line of monster text instructions on the black umbrella that was walking past, and more importantly, the name of the monster he had seen before.

"wait for me!"

After Lin Shu hurriedly said this to Jiang Shan, he hurriedly chased him out, trying to confirm that the monster explained what was going on.

If he reads correctly, under the black umbrella is a [mad zombie].

【Crazy Zombie】: The skill is to lose the mind and go crazy. Note: Extremely dangerous.

Lin Shu had seen that horrible [mad zombie] at Decheng People's Hospital before. It was really terrifying. The place was constantly escalating, and the degree of terrorism was constantly escalating, and the momentum was quite terrifying.

The key point is that the [Frenzy Zombie] that Lin Shu saw just now is not low-level. If I read it correctly, it is at least level 20 or above. This really shocked Lin Shu.

He really didn't expect to see such a high-level [mad zombie] monster on Huaqing campus. It really surprised Lin Shu. This is why Lin Shu hurriedly chased it out.

However, when Lin Shu chased it out, it was still raining outside, and the students on the road were holding umbrellas, but he didn't see any monster's name on it.

Lin Shu looked around and looked carefully. Several classmates on the road were holding a black umbrella, but he didn't see any monster's name on it.

Could it be that he read it wrong?

Lin Shu had some doubts in his heart. He didn't think he was wrong, nor did he think that monster would run so fast. After all, there was still a long way to go on the branch road in front of this road. He immediately left and disappeared, so where did that monster go?

Jiang Shan was at a loss at first. I don’t know why Lin Shu suddenly ran out in a hurry. It was really inexplicable. Now she feels that Lin Shu is really inexplicable and strange from time to time, but in her eyes it is like this. Lin Shu added a touch of mystery.

Jiang Shan also went out to see what was going on, went to the door to look at Lin Shu, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Shu frowned, thinking about the scene he saw just now, he was very sure that he really saw the [mad zombie], if the monster really disappeared out of thin air, would it have disappeared? Now, as he knew from the beginning, most of the monsters are in weird states. The [mad zombie] just now was the monster that appeared during that time?

Lin Shu knows that [Frenzy Zombies] This kind of monsters are those who are crazy, like the criminal who is about to attack and hurt the doctor, and the whole person loses his mind, and attacks like zombies.

Now that the name of this monster has disappeared, then one of the few students with black umbrellas in front of him has suppressed the madness in his body and regained his sanity?

"Who are you looking for?"

Jiang Shan looked at Lin Shu and looked around, as if looking for someone.

Hearing what Jiang Shan said, Lin Shu glanced at the student who was going to and fro with the umbrella, shook his head and said, "I was wrong, I just thought I saw an acquaintance."

Or in other words, not an acquaintance, but a familiar monster.

After that, Lin Shu took another look at the direction where the black umbrella had left. He still didn't see the monster, but saw that the heavy rain had been falling, and everything in the rain and fog gradually became blurred.

The sound of rain accompanied the whistling of the wind, and a chill followed, with a deep chill.

Without staying any longer, Lin Shu turned around and Jiang Shan was ready to go back.

It was at this time that the [Long Tongue Monster] was also preparing to leave. Only at this time did Lin Shu really see what this [Long Tongue Monster] looked like.

[Long Tongue Monster] Obviously it is still a bit embarrassed, and there is some anger in his eyes, but it is obvious that this monster also knows Lin Shu, a man of the school, and naturally knows that Lin Shu is not easy to provoke, and that just now Lin Shu didn't talk to him directly about Fan's turn around conversation. He had no reason to say more to Lin Shu at all.

[Long Tongue Monster] lowered their heads, preparing to leave, but the few students behind [Long Tongue Monster] greeted Lin Shu, and all shouted "Lin Shu Senior."

No way, Lin Shu is really a man in the Huaqing campus. You have to know that Lin Shu made history in the Edo Olympics and won the Olympic champion. The official Weibo of Huaqing University also posted several Weibo congratulations. , That is really very eye-catching, otherwise how could that academician know Lin Shu.

Although these classmates are the classmates of the [Long Tongue Monster], they are obviously not unreasonable people~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They are all very clear that what Lin Shu said is not wrong.

It is true that one should not arbitrarily define and label people without understanding. People are inherently complicated contradictions.

It was for this reason that they didn't have any opinion on Lin Shu, and faintly felt that Lin Shu really had a sense of justice as stated on the Internet.

It was the [Long Tongue Monster] who saw his classmates greet Lin Shu. It was quite uncomfortable. The whole face was very ugly, and it was almost uneasy.

It really just doesn't save him a bit of face. Is it necessary to greet this old senior in such a hurry?

One by one is really too much!

[Long Tongue Monster] He slandered in his heart, and left without waiting for his classmates.

Those classmates didn't pay attention to [Long Tongue Monster]'s uncomfortableness. Maybe they noticed it or didn't care. After all, they were all the pride of heaven who had received nine years of compulsory education, and they weren't any mindless follower.

Lin Shu nodded to a few classmates, and didn't say much, his mind was not on the little monster like [Long Tongue Monster], but had been thinking about the [mad zombie] that I saw just now.

If it is said that the horrible [mad zombie] was really suppressed, then does it mean that the monster did not disappear, but returned to the student's body.

Is that a terrifying beast hidden in the body?

A fierce beast is hidden in the body!

This is too scary!

Lin Shu frowned slightly. He couldn't help but worry that the student could keep suppressing the fierce beast in his body. If it is said that the final suppression and restraint cannot kill the big fierce beast, then he can be that fierce beast. When it really broke through the suppression seal, when it broke out--

Maybe it will be more terrifying!

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