Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 217: [It’s also a little owl]

Although he shot the monster to the ground with a shot in the air, Lin Shu didn't hesitate, and went forward to shoot two shots at the monster's head.

Obviously, the power of air bullets is naturally different with the distance.

Lin Shu could clearly see the two air bullets at close range, which really caused the monster's head to receive two heavy blows in the same place, and the place where it hits was sunken.

The monster also passed out directly.

Of course, Lin Shu knew that he did not kill this monster, because the congratulatory sound from the system was only that he seriously injured the monster, not the terrifying monster in front of him.

If it really kills...?

How many experience points will there be?

Such a terrible thought came to Lin Shu's mind. Of course, this terrible thought was only fleeting, even though the names given to this monster game are [Death Druglord] and [Murder Ghost], but Lin Shu can understand Knowing that lying there is not as simple as a monster.

Forgive Lin Shu for not having the courage, so he shot the monster directly.

Lin Shu took the communication equipment and magazines from the monster's body, and hurried to Lao Mu, because the dog was still barking wildly.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are cruel and ruthless, and severely injured the Lv9 outlaw Lv9 murderer, gaining 1. Experience +5580; 2. Gold Coins +557. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you are cruel and ruthless, and seriously injured the Lv9 outlaw Lv9 murderer, gaining 1. experience +5579; 2. gold coins +557. 】

Well, when he left, Lin Shu kicked the monster's head fiercely again. He swore that he was definitely not trying to gain experience points while the monster was in danger.

Simply vent!


Lin Shu hit the monster's knee fiercely again, not right, both feet!

See if you chase it or not!

Fuck, I can't kill you and me!

Lin Shu didn't kick anymore, worried that he would really kick this monster to death. Although the law should not condemn him for deliberate homicide and excessive defense for such a monster, he killed this monster...

Forget it, although I didn't read the almanac when I went out today, it should not be suitable to kill.

Lin Shu hurried over and saw that Lao Mu had strangled the dog to death. It was really a very intense scene. Lin Shu was also taken aback when he saw it. Obviously, Lao Mu was also full of scars, panting. Looking at Lin Shu with a look of embarrassment, he asked: "You, how are you?"

Lin Shu handed the gun and magazine to Lao Mu. Obviously Lao Mu was more suitable for this weapon than him. He then passed the communication device that looked like a walkie-talkie to Lao Mu and asked, "What do we do now?"

In fact, Lin Shu was very clear. They didn't even know where they were in this forest now. Although the owl monsters had been led away, it was still a very dangerous place.

Lao Mu loaded the gun with the magazine, carefully checked the communication equipment, but the walkie-talkie, now it is not used at all, glanced at the sky, the sky is getting dark, the sky is really dark, it is obvious that it will be more difficult for the desperadoes to find them. .

A cold wind blew in the woods, the chill was pressing, the shadows hit, and the surroundings were extremely quiet.

Obviously Lao Mu knew that it was not safe here, and he couldn't relax his vigilance. He had to leave the jungle as soon as possible and find a way to contact his home. Lao Mu carefully looked at the trees in the dense forest, and also glanced at the sinking light, and said to Lin Shu : "Let's go here."

The growth pattern of trees is usually with lush foliage on the south, large rocks, mounds, and dense vegetation on the south of the tree, and moss on the north.

Following Lao Mu's guidance, Lin Shu continued to walk north with Lao Mu on his back. Darkness slowly descended under the shadows. Old Mu lay on Lin Shu's back and suddenly asked, "Did you kill that person?"

Did you kill that person?

that person?

Lin Shu paused for a while and was silent, but it was obvious that Old Mu had guessed Lin Shu's answer.

Old Mu saw that Lin Shu was a young man. Although he also had great doubts about Lin Shu, he didn't know Lin Shu's identity at all, and he didn't know if Lin Shu was an insider like him, and why he wanted to save him. , But obviously Lin Shu is a real newcomer. He didn't smell the smell of family members in Lin Shu, and of course he didn't smell Lin Shu's crime.

Either Lin Shu really pretends to be too good, or it really is because Lin Shu is a newcomer.

Now Lao Mu has also seen that Lin Shu did not kill the original owner of the gun, and there is no blood in his hand. This really makes Lao Mu very suspicious of Lin Shu's identity and wants to know who Lin Shu is.

"I didn't, didn't kill him."

Lao Mu looked at Lin Shu’s profile. The whole face did not look like Jianghua’s team, but it was hidden inside and was not found. Now he was almost killed to save him. Lao Mu really felt The young man in front of him is really mysterious.

This is more mysterious than his identity.

"Who are you?"

Although Lao Mu knew that Lin Shu would not belong to Jianghua, he really wanted to know who Lin Shu was.

This is not only his curiosity, but also his vigilance as an undercover agent.

Lin Shu really didn't want to answer this question. He really only wanted to end the burden on his back safely, hoping to leave this ghost place early and leave this dangerous space-time crack secret realm.

He has to go to the library to read and study!

If I knew it was raining heavily today, I shouldn’t go out. I should stay in the dormitory and read a book honestly, order a takeaway, and let the little puppet man cut an apple after dinner. That kind of life must be very comfortable. .

What a leisurely and easy life, why do you have to go to the library to study under heavy rain?

Thinking about Lin Shu, I felt very sad, why came here inexplicably, and almost got sieved by a bullet.

If it rains in the future, really don't go out casually.

Lin Shu thought that the three secret realms had been accidentally entered on rainy days before, and suddenly felt that rainy days might be a pattern. Although Lin Shu didn't know whether this rule was accurate or not, whether it was one of the conditions for accidentally entering the Secret Realm of Time and Space.

Even if you really want to go out on a rainy day, you have to look at the almanac to see if things are going far.

Lao Mu read Lin Shu did not answer this question, and his heart was full of question marks about Lin Shu, but he also knew that Lin Shu was reluctant to talk about this topic. Instead, he mentioned his own affairs with Lin Shu and said: "You should know that I am an insider. I have been in contact with Jianghua a year ago, but it is clear that Jianghua still didn’t trust me, if it weren’t for you, I would have almost sacrificed."

"Originally, after this mission was over, I would not have to live a life like this anymore. I can go home. Now that I have lost all my work before the mission, I don't know if I can go back again."

"Always live in the dark, walking on the edge of death."

Perhaps it was because of a long undercover career that Lao Mu had buried a lot of things in his heart, and he couldn't help but say a few more words in this darkness.

Listening to Lao Mu's words, Lin Shu was silent for a long time, and suddenly replied: "Don't think that if you say this, I won't leave you behind. If it's really a last resort, I will still leave you and run."

"You know, I run faster alone."

Speaking of the latter, Lin Shu added another sentence.

Lao Mu was directly amused by Lin Shu's words, and his injuries made him feel painful.

He knew very well that if Lin Shu wanted to abandon him, he would not be saved at the beginning, and he would have been abandoned a long time later, and he would not risk alone to lead away those desperadoes.

"You really interesting."

Lao Mu really thinks Lin Shu is very interesting. Although it is mysterious, it is also very interesting. He asked, "You really don't want to talk about you?"

"Speak less and save some effort!"

Lao Mu lay on Lin Shu’s back, it is really rare to feel a trace of help from his companions, because as an informant, he has always been fighting alone on the edge of life and death, walking on the border between darkness and light, just like walking on The edge of life and death, if you are not careful, you will be swallowed by the darkness, and if you are tempted by those darkness, you will also fall off the cliff and die in despair if you are not careful.

Sometimes Lao Mu didn't know when he could end this darkness.

Maybe only death can end.

At first, after Lao Mu was subdued by Jianghua, he had prepared for his final death, because he knew that no one could save him. Once the informant's identity was revealed, there would only be death. He had this kind of consciousness a long time ago, at that moment. Never thought that teammates would come to rescue him.

But Lin Shu really seemed to have fallen from the sky, and suddenly appeared to rescue him. Until now, Lao Mu was still in a daze. It was true that all this was like a dream now, which made him feel so unreal.

Looking at the young man in front of him, Lao Mu couldn't help asking with some curiosity, "Are you married?"

"Are there any children?"

Lin Shu really didn’t expect that he would be lost in this crack of time and space. In this dense forest of life and death, he would feel pressured by this problem. This really made his whole person bad. The man behind it was thrown away.

When it's such a dangerous situation, will you be invisible to urge you to marry?

Lin Shu was unable to complain and didn't know what to say.

Lao Mu looked at Lin Shu and didn't answer, and said, "I think you shouldn't be married like this."


Since you are a policeman, I will bear you!

Lao Mu stared at him and said directly: "If we go back alive and solve those Jianghua people, I will take you to see my child. I haven't been home for a long, long time, and I don't know if the one in my family recognizes me."

"I have promised a child before to give him Ultraman a gift, but I have never given it to him."

Lin Shu listened to Lao Mu's words, and suddenly the original dissatisfaction disappeared. Obviously he already understood that Lao Mu was also a family member, but obviously because he was an insider, he never met with his family again for the task. This is true. It is to make Lin Shu feel a kind of shock from the heart.

Obviously, even in peaceful times, there are still unknown wars in progress, and such wars have always been on long borders, and there are other people fighting those monsters, just like before. Mu Yang's father died because of those monsters.

Lin Shu couldn't help but think of Mu Yang's father that Liu Zheng had said before, and he couldn't help but feel a little heavy.

"When you go back, you can bring it to him."

Lin Shu replied.

Hearing Lin Shu’s words, Lao Mu couldn’t help laughing. He seemed to think of his child, with a gleam in his eyes, and said: “If you can go back safely, I will let you see my child at that time. He is very cute. As good-looking as his mother."

"But he is a little thin and weak. He was often bullied at school before. I told him to fight and run away if he didn't win."

Lin Shu couldn't help laughing when he heard Lao Mu's words, and now they just ran away if they couldn't win.

However, from the very beginning of the run, Lin Shu has exhausted his energy. While walking through the jungle with the old wood on his back, he wanted to find some water. He was really thirsty.

Now Lin Shu really regrets it. He knew that he should carry some supplies with him. He is a player with [Space Box], but obviously Lin Shu never thought that he would suddenly appear in an unfamiliar jungle and start to be so exciting. In the game of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the key has not yet been airdropped, how can this make him eat chicken!

Lao Mu also realized that Lin Shu was tired now, and took a look at the empty dense forest. There were only trees besides the trees, and he didn't know where it was.

The border line of the national border in Namun Province is the passage of the Ganghwa group.

The key is Lao Mu now doesn't know whether it is in Nanyun Province or on the other side. After all, he also heard the Burmese spoken by those desperadoes.

Night began to fall, Lin Shu’s stamina was good, which is why he was able to maintain the speed in the second half of 1500 meters. Obviously Lin Shu’s perseverance is very strong now. [Spirit] Attribute 5 can still make Lin Shu insisted, but he didn't know whether Lao Mu could still persist.

Just as Lin Shu was walking forward with Lao Mu on his back, Lao Mu motioned Lin Shu to stop.

Lin Shu was puzzled~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When I was about to ask something, Old Mu signaled that there was movement in front of him, and Lin Shu also heard the movement ahead, so he naturally raised the alarm in his heart, and slowly hid behind a tree with the old wood on his back. , And then he saw the small figure and walked out in the jungle.

A child about eleven or twelve years old?

Lao Mu was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect to see a child who was dressed very plainly like a mountain man. This really made him a little strange. Could it be some old tribal villages in the forest?

Already about to get out of the dense forest, close to a crowded place?

Just as Lao Mu was about to say something, Lin Shu froze, because he also saw a line of monster text [Lv1 Desperate Druglord] on the child's head, which was also a small owl bird.

This monster's explanatory text made Lin Shu's whole body stand up, and it was really a tingling scalp.

A huge sadness struck, making Lin Shu chill all over.

He didn't understand why that child was also a little owl bird.

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