

Under the excitement and excitement of the narrator Hou Lai, all the audience who watched the live broadcast can feel the excitement and excitement. It should be said that there is no need for the narrator to explain, the audience is already covered by Lin Shuna. The figure running with all its strength gave the adrenaline soaring, there is no doubt that it is really awesome!

Lin Shu advanced to the semi-finals at 3:30.01. Although this result was a bit slower than the preliminaries, this result was ranked third in the semifinals!

This is really too strong!

Whether it is the audience in front of the TV or the netizens in front of the screen of the computer and mobile phone, as long as they watch Lin Shu's wonderful performance in the semifinals, they will be shocked.

Because it was really too fierce. This is the first time a player has advanced to the men's 1500m long-distance race final in China. This is the same as Su Shen's creation of the history of Asian yellow races.

That kind of great excitement and pride is really spontaneous, making people boil over, and really have to shout "Lin Shen Niubi"!

It can be said that Lin Shu is already very strong when he can advance to the finals, and his result is still third in the semifinals. This means that Lin Shu also has the ability to attack medals in the finals. You must know that such a promotion to the finals is or it is. Impact medals are as valuable as other gold medals.

"Audience friends, Lin Shu successfully advanced to the finals. The day after tomorrow he will participate in the men's 1500m event finals on the same track. Let us cheer for Lin Shu!"

If we can only see Lin Shu’s fast running figure through the screen broadcast in China, then the entire Chinese audience and the coaches of the national team can be said to have been boiling. They really witnessed Lin Shu running into the finals. Everything is so unbelievable but so real.

There were endless cheers and shouts.

The reporters in the media area also came up to interview Lin Shu, the first player in China to advance to the 1500m final. This really made them all excited and wanted to know how Lin Shu was feeling right now.

"Lin Shu, congratulations on your promotion to the finals. How are you feeling now? What do you want to say?"

The assistant coach of the track team is like stopping these CCTV reporters, but obviously they also know that Lin Shu’s promotion to the finals really has a very big impact. It can really be said that even if Lin Shu did not win in the finals Awards have already made history.

Hearing this question from the reporter, Lin Shu wiped his sweat with the towel on his shoulder, and said, "I want to say that I will try my best to run the finals!"

"No, not trying my best, I will run as hard as I can!"

Lin Shu knows very well that as long as he wins the first place in the finals, he is the world champion, and he has truly played the [difficult] level copy.

He can, he can definitely!

Lin Shu believes this very firmly in his heart.


On August 5th, unlike Su Shen who advanced to the final, he did not get a medal, but he still created track and field history. Now Lin Shu also made history. Everyone is very concerned about whether Lin Shu can make history here. Write another amazing stroke.

The more important thing is that he has the strength to hit the medal. Lin Shu's strength is obvious to all. The results of the preliminary and semi-finals have made everyone aware of Lin Shu's strength.

In the semi-finals, Lin Shu also ran at full force after eating [Hot Blood Fruit]. I have to say that he still had a [sleeping pill] that could give him a deep sleep and rest. Lin Shu's physical strength recovered very well.

Otherwise, Lin Shu would not still run in the semi-finals and still run out of the preliminaries.

The athletes are all moving their bodies. There is no doubt that they are trying to get their own physical state as excited as possible. Lin Shu is also warming up. Of course, he himself has eaten [Hot Blood Fruit] and has long been enthusiastic.

Now is the final preparation, wipe your own sword, because it will be the final moment of the final victory and defeat, and then the real bayonet, the real peak battle.

"CCTV, CCTV, friends in front of the TV, you are watching the men's 1500-meter final of the Edo Olympics. This is the first time in the history of the Olympics that a Chinese athlete has stood in the 1500-meter final. Regardless of the final result, Lin Shu is our pride and the pride of Asia."

Obviously, viewers and netizens are also waiting for Lin Shu's final final.

"Twelve players are already standing on the track, and the race is about to begin. The current men's 1500m world record is 3 minutes 26 seconds 00 by Moroccan player Queroy..."

Following the commentary by the narrator Hou Lai, the camera lens on the scene naturally turned to sweep the players on the runway one by one. When Lin Shu's lens appeared, there was naturally a burst of cheers. Lin Shu's expression was very serious, and he didn't wave at the camera, he just looked at the front of the runway.

The subsequent footage also gave information on the twelve finalists from the inside to the outside.

The first road, Yasuo, Norway;

Second, Mark Twain, the United States;

The third way, Al Horton, Jamaica;

Fourth Road, Cole, Portugal;

The fifth way, Lin Shu, China;

Sixth way...


Lin Shu looked ahead firmly. He was ready now. His heart was beating, and his blood seemed to want to run forward, not just at the gold coins, but at the gold coins. Glory.

He must have played this copy!


With the sound of the preparatory command, the finalists were all ready to start, and immediately rushed out when the gun was fired in the next second.

Lin Shu speeds up desperately, he has no worries, he just wants to run forward, he just wants to win.

However, Lin Shu's rapid acceleration did not grab a good position. He is now in fourth place, and the players in front are also very fast. The arm swing and stride are very rhythmic, and the speed is quite fast. Lin Shu knows No one will have room for such a final, and he will not have room for it either.

He ran forward desperately, accelerating, he wanted to catch up with the players in front, he wanted to throw away the players behind.

"Lin Shu's speed is very fast. He tried to surpass the player in front of him, the curve became straight, and he caught up!"

"Ah-Lin Shu is now number one!"

"Mark Twain has surpassed again. He wants to lead."

"Yasuo ran to the first position, he is leading!"

There is no doubt that these players who entered the finals are all true peak powers, and the real Danone of Consummation is often one to half advantage of each other.

Gradually as time passed, Lin Shu ranked third. He speeded up and then speeded up again. He didn't have any worries. He just speeded up and rushed forward according to his own rhythm. He had to win this dungeon.

Lin Shu is now extremely focused, striding with big strides, very fast pace, trying to use all his strength and speed to run and chase wildly on the track.

He doesn't care about the disappearance of gold coins, he only cares about the final result of this game.

He must be the final champion!

"Lin Shu is rushing, he hastened to surpass Yasuo and Mark Twain, and now he is ranked first, come on Lin Shu!"

Entering the mid-range, Lin Shu left the first position. He was still running desperately forward. He knew that he must not slow down, he must be a little bit more, and faster, otherwise he would really be given by the terrifying monsters behind him. To catch up, he will definitely not be able to be caught up.

Lin Shu really gave up completely, the blood in his whole body seemed to be burning, and he ran forward frantically.

Of course, other players are also desperately running forward, no one will leave room here.

"Come on, Lin Shu, hold on!"

The narrator Hou Lai desperately shouted to Lin Shu to cheer, hoping that Lin Shu could maintain the leading position and lead all the way to the finish line.

With the ringing of the bell, this means that the final four hundred meters is entered. There is no doubt that this is the final sprint stage.

Yasuo was speeding up the sprint frantically, and he caught up little by little, surpassing Lin Shu.

Lin Shu watched Yasuo surpass his own position, which made him go crazy, absolutely not, absolutely not.

He has already run here, just a little bit away~www.wuxiamtl.com~ He can hit this dungeon and end this dungeon, how can he just lose like this, absolutely not.

Lin Shu's entire face turned hideous, gritted his teeth and strode desperately, rushing and accelerating frantically, trying his best to fight, rush, run, and chase.

"Come on! Lin Shu, come on!"

The commentator Hou Lai shouted loudly: "The Mark Twain player behind is chasing Lin Shu frantically. Lin Shu who is ranked first is accelerating. In the last 100 meters, he is still accelerating. The distance between him and Yasuo is very high. Nearly, he wants to surpass Yasuo."

"The distance between the two is very close, very close, Lin Shu is still charging!"

"Lin Shu, come on, come on, Lin Shu, Lin Shuchong—!"

Lin Shu looked at the finish line. He gritted his teeth and ran forward desperately, running forward in a crazy position. He must have beaten this instance.

It's just a little too close. He definitely can't just lose like that, he must win!

The last five meters!

Lin Shu felt that his heart was about to explode, his entire chest really seemed to explode, but he still ran forward desperately, and he really wanted to rush forward even if he tried his own life. It really just swooped out.

Cross the line!

Finally crossed the line!

The voice of the narrator Hou Lai was already boiling, and he shouted frantically: "Ah, Lin Shu was the first to hit the line--!"

"Lin Shu's score is 3:28.99!"

Lin Shu swooped forward and fell to the ground, and fell to the ground hard like that. The severe pain in his knee made Lin Shu very painful.

"At the last moment, he even threw himself out in order to cross the line!"

In your life, have you ever worked hard for the game?

He Lin Shu-yes!


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