After finishing the last "Computational Fluid Mechanics (Electromechanical exam, Lin Shu also packed up and prepared to return to Germany. Here school girl Yang Yu is also waiting for Lin Shu. Her exam was over early in the morning, so she wanted to go back with Lin Shu, and then she stayed and waited.


   Lin Shu probably still knows Yang Yu's thoughts. He is only greedy for Yang Yu's wool, and Yang Yu may be greedy for his body.


   "Senior, shall we not return to Yanjing together in the next year?"


   "Because I rushed back to report in advance, I might have to go back to Yanjing first."


   For Lin Shu's answer, Yang Yu naturally couldn't say anything. She was still very happy to be able to come back with Lin Shu.


I have to say that although Lin Shu is not in Decheng Village, the village is full of his legends, especially after Lin Shu took part in the competition and won the 1,500-meter national championship, it can be said that Lin Shu was admitted to Huaqing University. The graduate man was mentioned again in the village.


   Actually, Lin Shu’s parents were surprised when they knew about this at first, because they didn’t know that Lin Shu had a talent for running.


   Actually, Lin Shu didn't know it.


   If it weren't for asking the stone devil later, I'm afraid he would think that his talent is in scientific research.


   "You have lost weight after practicing sports. It must be very hard."


   When Yang Qiuyun saw Lin Shu, the first thought that came out of him was that Lin Shu was thinner, and his face was really thin.


   Lin Shu heard Yang Qiuyun's words and couldn't help laughing. Of course he knew that he had lost a lot of weight, but his body was stronger.


   However, it is obvious that Yang Qiuyun wants to make up for Lin Shu, and there is no way, because Lin Shu can't eat a lot of it, and Lin Shu will rush back to Yanjing in the next year.


The key is that Lin Shu cannot rest all the time even at home. He is still practicing. Only in this way can he continue to maintain his state. Even if the amount of training is not as much as in the track team before, he must not stop practicing at all. Lin Shu has now won the national championship, but there is still a long way to go to the world championship.


   Lin Shu, the national champion, returned to the village. The aunt Wang next door came back to talk to Lin Shu about the blind date, and still introduced Lin Shu to the girl who was three years older.


   "Lin Shu, I told you that girl is really good."


   Aunt Wang enthusiastically talked to Lin Shu about the girl who worked in Star City that he introduced before, so that he didn't know what to say.


   "You heard what my aunt is right. When you meet someone, their daughter is also very beautiful, and it's definitely not bad."


Lin Shu really didn’t expect Aunt Wang to introduce him to a girl, and she was the girl who was three years older than him. Speaking of which, this was the third time Aunt Wang had introduced this girl to him. Perseverance and perseverance really made Lin Shu feel admired.


  Yang Qiuyun asked curiously: "She hasn't found anyone in the past two years?"


   "The girl is in very good condition and has a very high vision, but she is definitely not picky about Lin Shu. Lin Shu is now a graduate student in Huaqing and she is a national champion. Which one is as good as Lin Shu."


   Aunt Wang took Lin Shu's hand and said very seriously: "Lin Shu, you listened to my aunt, this girl really matches you very well."


   Lin Shu is actually a little curious about what the girl who works in Star City looks like.


   However, it is obvious that Lin Shu has no chance to fall in love with time at all, and said directly: "Aunt Wang, I really don't have the energy right now. I'm going to Yanjing soon, and I will go out to compete later."


   Yang Qiuyun also knew that Lin Shu really didn't mean this, so naturally he rejected Wang's kindness for Lin Shu.


When Lin Shu returned to his room, he thought about meeting the girl from Star City, and wanted to know what a good girl she was. After all, this was the third time Aunt Wang mentioned that she had never met before. Girls, but just think about it.



   My friend Yao Chen sent a message to Lin Shu—"Lin Shu, how about going to the county town to have a barbecue at night? Zhang Yuan and the others are fine."


   Have barbecue!


【Danger! lv5 The temptation fox demon is madly exuding a seductive body fragrance at you, showing you a charm to seduce Dafa! 】


   Seeing this monster, and then looking at the content of the mobile phone WeChat, Lin Shu hesitated for a moment. It seemed that he hadn't known the taste of barbecue for a long time. This feeling made him a little bit moved.


   But no matter how much his heart moved, he could only mercilessly kill the [Temptation Fox Demon] in front of him.


   "No, I'm not going anymore, next time."


【Ding! Congratulations to the player for keeping your mind upright, swinging the sword of "no", killing lv5 temptation fox with one sword, gaining 1. experience +1909; 2. gold coin +190.]


   In fact, to be honest, killing this alluring and **** [Temptation Fox Demon], Lin Shu still has a small loss in his heart.


   After all, he is not a monk who cuts off vulgar thoughts. He hasn't been all four, and he will inevitably miss the delicious barbecue in his heart.


Lin Shu was replying to Yao Chen's rejection message, but Yang Qiuyun walked in, looked at Lin Shu, and asked: "You reject the girl introduced by Aunt Wang so much, do you already have someone outside and talk about it? ."


   Someone outside?


  Already talked?


   Lin Shu looked bewildered, he had someone outside, why didn't he know?


   Lin Shu shook his head and said, "No."


   "Then you really have to hurry up, you will be twenty-seven years old after the new year, and the boss is really not young. Last time you said that you were only twenty-four, this is already twenty-seven years old,"


   I’m only twenty-six, not long after, how come it’s twenty-seven?


   Lin Shu's heart is to reject such age anxiety.


"You are really not young, I am not rushing you, but you really still have to talk about one quickly. It is best to take home and let us see you. Look at the village in the village as old as you, and the children are all Three years old."


Lin Shu listened to a burst of pressure. Even if there was no [stress monster], he still faintly felt that a monster seemed to be roaring at him in the dark, and it seemed that a few [stress monsters would be born soon. I try my best. "


   Facing this topic, Lin Shu can only say so.


   Yang Qiuyun looked at Lin Shu and said, "I'm not urging you to get married and have children. I just hope that you still have to pay attention. If you really don't find a suitable one, it's okay to meet on a blind date, just treat it as a friend."


   Lin Shu really didn't know what to say, he could only nod his head to show that he knew.


   "Don't worry, I will hurry up."


   "Don't just talk about it, you really have to pay attention!"


   Lin Shu knew clearly that this was the original sin of an older single man.


   Lin Shu also knows that the best solution to this problem is to get married and have children, but now he wants to go back to Yanjing for training, so that he doesn't seem to have to face such a stressful marriage.


   As for love, Lin Shu doesn't know who gave him confidence. He believes that he will definitely meet someone he likes and likes in his life.


   For this, Lin Shu is so confident and has no worries.


   His love with that person will be waiting for him someday in the future.


  No matter where that person is, they will definitely meet even if they are separated by thousands of mountains and rivers.


   As long as they are in the same time and space, they will meet eventually.

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