Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 2: [The correct posture for rising experience]

   Under the double attack of the two monsters, Lin Shu felt a burst of irritability, chest tightness, uncomfortable nausea, but fortunately did not want to retching.

   Lin Shu did not speak, but he was very upset in his heart. It was originally an inexplicable thing that was suddenly thrown on him, and he had to finish it today!


   It's almost time to get off work now. Even if it's overtime, I don't know when to prepare. The key point is that he doesn't understand this project at all.

"Do not--"

   Lin Shu hearted and said directly: "It's impossible, I can't figure it out, you can find someone else."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you shouted the "no" mantra, you must hit with a hit, and cause serious damage to Lv5 monsters, gaining 1. experience + 680; 2. gold coins 37. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the first monster fight, gaining 1. experience+1880; 2. gold coins 199; 3. 1 mysterious gift]

   Lin Shu was very surprised.

   Supervisor Zhao Xuan was even more surprised. The whole person was taken aback, and some didn't react. He didn't expect Lin Shu to refuse so directly.

   Director Tian Cheng was also very surprised, but immediately said: "If you can do it, you have to do it. It will be pre-accepted tomorrow. How can you do it."

   "I am not responsible for this project. I still have my own products and projects."

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for casting a series of refusal knives, the knives and knives slashed, causing certain damage to the Lv9 monster acrobatics pot monster, gaining 1. experience + 880; 2. gold coins 44. 】

   Lin Shu tried his best to ignore the voice of congratulations. He knew that it would be bad for him to go back to the leader directly, but he could not stand it for a long time.

   Zhao Xuan was a little embarrassed. He did not expect that Lin Shu would still say so directly that he was not in charge of the project. He was in charge of the project at first.

   Zhao Xuan glanced at Tian Cheng, and then saw that Lin Shu had really made up his mind not to do the pre-acceptance documents, and glanced at the office.

   At that moment, a group of monsters lowered their heads tacitly.

   The floating text title sinks for a moment.

   Tian Cheng didn't want to talk to Lin Shuduo any more, and directly arranged to Zhao Xuan: "You will arrange another person to prepare the acceptance materials, and they will be ready at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."


   I said one second ago that the information must be prepared today, and now it is 10 o'clock tomorrow morning!

   Lin Shu didn't say anything, he wouldn't do it anyway, he felt very happy now.

  Sometimes I just have to dare to refuse, dare to say NO.

   "No" mantra?

   This attack trick is good, it just needs a "no" to go back.

   Lin Shu saw that the newcomer Huang Wen gave him a thumbs up silently, and looked back at the two leaders, thinking that the big deal was to resign.

   What are you afraid of!

   Thousands of dollars a month and I have to pay my life back?

   Lin Shu returned to his workstation, loaded the completed product tooling drawings into the library process, first completed the proofreading review, and then followed the purchase process.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed the process of loading the work product into the library, and gained 1. experience +23; 2. gold coins 4. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed the work product tooling requisition process and gained 1. Experience +23; 2. Gold Coins 4. 】

   Looking at the rewards of level experience value and gold coin value, Lin Shu found that it seems that the rewards for fighting monsters are much more, and the rewards for experience value and gold coins are more abundant.

   By the way, there is also a mysterious gift.

   Lin Shu moved to the mysterious gift idea placed on the personal belongings in the panel, and then the gift box was really opened, and then a [hot blood fruit] appeared.

  【Blood Fruit】: Energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate within 1 hour after use. Price: 8888 gold coins.

   The price is 8888 gold coins?

   So expensive?

   Lin Shu glanced at his balance, which was only 288 gold coins. Sure enough, he was still a poor person after the country got out of poverty.

   It looks like [Blood Fruit] should be a product in the item store, which can be purchased with gold coins, but his current level is too low to unlock the item store.

   don't know what else is inside.

   However, even if it can be unlocked, he, a player who has dragged down the country, can't afford any props.

With 50% suspicion and 50% anticipation, Lin Shu used the [warm blood fruit]. Just the second after Lin Shu used [warm blood fruit], a small blue fruit appeared in Lin Shu. In the hands of the book, Lin Shu hesitated, took a bite, chewed a few bites, the taste was good, and then instantly felt the changes in his body.

it is true!

   is really not an illusion!

   If it is an illusion, it is too real!

  -he feels full of power all over his body!

  He can fight ten monsters!

   Not right!

   He wants to hit twenty!

   Lin Shu is full of enthusiasm, and he directly starts to do the process design and cost calculation of the product. The whole person starts to work wholeheartedly, and the efficiency is extremely high, and there is no stagnation at all.

   From time to time, the system's congratulations tinkle sounded in my ear.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed a part process design and gained 1. experience +33; 2. gold coins 3. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed the cost calculation of 1 part and gained 1. Experience +23; 2. Gold coins 3. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed a set of craft design and gained 1. Experience +43; 2. Gold Coins 6. 】

【Ding! ……】

【Ding! ……】

   I have to say ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Lin Shu's work efficiency is extremely high after using [Hot Blood Fruit], and he completely finished the process design and cost calculation of the new product in less than an hour.

   The key is that Lin Shu now knows very clearly that his panel is not an illusion, but a real one. There is no more real feeling than he has now.

   This feeling is really indescribable.

   Lin Shu looked at his panel information, now the level experience progress bar has reached [4150/10000], and he can upgrade to Lv19 by brushing some experience points, but the experience points for Daguai are still big.

   If there were no two swords for killing monsters, the experience value would not rise so fast at all.

   Kill monsters?

   Lin Shu looked at his colleagues around him.

  【Paddle Monster】、【Salted Fish Dead】……

   Although there are many monsters, most of them are harmless.

   The key is that he wants to attack but doesn't know how to attack. According to the two swords led by him in front of him, it seems that he has to counterattack based on the monster's skills.

   I have packed my things and watched [Salted Fish Dead] Chen Ping, who was waiting to get off work, was swept away by Lin Shu's gaze. He felt a chill inexplicably and shivered.

   Lin Shu looked at Chen Ping suspiciously.

   Chen Ping grinned and said, "The temperature of the office air conditioner is too low, it's a bit cold."

   Lin Shu shifted his gaze, his gaze fell on another monster [negative energy ghost] Qi Yuan——

   [Lv9 negative energy ghost: skills negative energy radiation, negative energy breath envelopes infection]

   9th-level negative energy ghost, the skill is negative energy radiation, and the negative energy breath envelopes the infection!

   Such a monster, can I think of a way to fight back?

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