"Daily upgrades Daguai explosive equipment (!


With a whistle, both Lin Shu and Jiang Fan, who were standing on the starting line, ran out. Both were very fast, but it was clear that Jiang Fan still occupied the position of the inner road.

Other people on the sidelines also focused their eyes on the two figures running **** the track.

The 1,500-meter track race has a high degree of viewing and fierce competition, and it is also one of the sports that popular runners like very much.

To some extent, the 1500m is also recognized as the most difficult event in the middle and long-distance running. This is because an excellent 1500m athlete must have super anaerobic capacity and first-class speed endurance.

"The starting speed is good!"

Zhou Li naturally noticed Lin Shu's speed and cadence. There is no doubt that the running cadence that is visible to the naked eye is quite good.

Tian Zhi also nodded and said, "His starting reaction and starting speed are very good."

Although Lin Shu's starting speed is good, Tian Zhi didn't want Lin Shu to try the 100-meter and 200-meter sprints, because what impressed him most was that Lin Shu's endurance and rhythm were particularly good. .

Especially Lin Shu's endurance, after passing a curve, running down a full circle without losing speed, this kind of speed endurance is what he really values.

Tian Zhi was even thinking about Lin Shu's stamina, whether he should let Lin Shu try to run 5000 meters. There is no doubt that compared with the endurance test of 1500 meters, 5000 meters is naturally a geometric multiple linear increase.

As for the 10,000-meter and marathon long-distance running, it is of course not to mention.

However, Tian Zhi can see that Lin Shu's speed and explosiveness are also quite good, and he has an advantage in 1500 meters, which requires both speed and endurance.

Zhou Li saw Lin Shu's cornering skills and said, "But he still needs to practice cornering skills, so he doesn't have enough experience."

There are still only two people. If you get to the real arena, several people are together, if you are inexperienced, you are easy to be left behind at the corners, and you also need to know how to overtake and grab the track.

Tian Zhi also nodded, but the look in his eyes looking at Lin Shu became more and more delighted. Obviously he hadn't read Lin Shu before running 1,500 meters, but knew that Lin Shu was fast, but now he looks at Lin Shu and veteran Jiang Fan. After running, I realized how strong Lin Shu was.

Obviously, the other players on the sidelines also noticed that Lin Shu's speed was maintained quite well, and that he was still accelerating faintly, but with Jiang Fan in front, Lin Shu could not directly surpass from the inner road, but accelerate from the outer road. Surpassed the past.

"A lap and a half!"

"It's so fast!"

"Will the rookie rush too hard in the first half? Will it be pulled down later?"

"Unlike, his rhythm is very steady!"

"If he runs 800 meters, I'm afraid he won't be weak!"

The players and assistant coaches on the sidelines are naturally professionals. Insiders watching the doorway, they can naturally see what Lin Shu's speed means. They already vaguely feel that this newcomer is not that weak.

Lin Shu doesn’t know what the people next to him are thinking, but he knows very well that this is the first trial of the track team. He must run his best results and let everyone on the track team know how strong he is. , I also have to let myself see if it is possible for him to win the world championship.

You must do your best!

Lin Shu knew very clearly that he had to fight hard, and his legs were very tired, but he didn't slow down at all, and still ran forward with high frequency.

In that way, little by little, he moved away from Jiang Fan behind him.

It really is the distance visible to the naked eye.

The players on the sidelines were all a little surprised. They naturally could see that Jiang Fan was trying his best to run. He did not relax and release the water because he was a rookie, but now it seems that Jiang Fan's speed and rhythm cannot keep up with Lin Shu. speed.

Could it be that--?

The audience off the court completely focused their eyes on Lin Shu, staring at the handsome guy running in front.

Lin Shu is very tired. He feels that his heart and lungs are burning, but he is still running hard because he knows he can persist.

He can persist!

He can continue to rush!

He can also be faster!

Never stop!

Running, running non-stop, running forward with all my strength...

"My god, this endurance is too strong!"

A player on the sidelines opened his mouth, staring straight at Lin Shu on the runway, and sighed.

The others didn't speak anymore. They usually ran 1500 meters in training. Naturally, they knew the difficulty of 1500 meters. It was not Lin Shu's endurance that they were shocked.

They were shocked that Lin Shu was able to rush down at such a speed, and the endurance at this speed was really too strong.

It's like asking them to run 1,500 meters, or even 10,000 meters, and they can run down, but running down at such a high-frequency speed is really too difficult for them.

They really can't do it!

But they can't do it. Now someone can do it. That newcomer would be so scary, it's really scary!


This is not a newcomer at all!

This TM is a real full-level boss!

Everyone saw Jiang Fan behind Lin Shu gradually being thrown away by Lin Shu by two positions.

The key is Jiang Fan is also desperately chasing, but the distance has not been reduced, and it seems that there is a faint posture to continue to pull away.

No one will continue to pay attention to Jiang Fan's desperate pursuit, because Lin Shu's speed is faster, really faster and stronger.

Can't catch up!

This is Jiang Fan's truest thought.

Jiang Fan watched Lin Shu's back move away from him little by little. The distance seemed like a volley, a long sword pierced the sky, tore the earth, and continued to tear and expand, like a moat that gave him and Lin Shu alive. Isolated from the ground.

"Come on!"

Lin Shu's speed remained extremely stable. Even though he was very tired, he still knew very clearly that he was going to run, and he could still hold on.

The strong willpower made Lin Shu continue to run forward with those two legs.

"come on!"

The assistant coach who has been staring at the electronic timer on the side can't help but cheer for Lin Shu, hoping that Lin Shu can persist and continue to rush, because Lin Shu's current results are very good.

"Come on, there is one last lap, go!"

Lin Shu's throat was dry, like a fire was burning crazily, but he still accelerated at the end.

He is the man who wants to win the world championship!


The eye-catching ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ one person takes the lead, his figure is like a gust of wind, like lightning, running like a tiger, like a flying crane, and finally rushing forward.

One person and one shadow alone walked on the runway, pushing against Yanjing.

"How many?"

"3 minutes 42 seconds 02!"


This is the reincarnation of a mighty person in the world whose skill is so profound and terrifying, it's only one step away to complete it.

This is the real half-step consummation power!

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