"Daily upgrades Daguai explosive equipment (!

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Yanjing, Huaqing University.

With the holding of the Huaqing University Graduate Games, the Dongda playground is very hot and lively. In addition to graduate students, many undergraduates also come to watch the games and feel the charm of sports.

It is Lin Shu, a celebrity who has received great attention here, and everyone wants to know how Lin Shu's 800-meter score will be today.

Because the 800-meter pre-final is a project that will start in the morning, Lin Shu naturally hurriedly warmed up on the sidelines to open up his own body. Warming up is very important for any sport.

Lin Shu warmed up and watched the long jump and high jump competitions being held on the playground lawn. All the players were full of energy and eager to try.

However, Lin Shu also accidentally saw a line of "Patching Monster" floating on the head of a contestant.

Lin Shu was a little surprised. Among the contestants who came to the competition, there was also a [Water Strike Monster].

Lin Shu was doing her leg stretch, while looking at the girl wearing the [Patcher], holding a shot put in her hand, then just raised her hand and threw it forward, and then—

Free fall drops.

The distance of this throw is just one step ahead?

Lin Shu thinks this picture is really interesting.

"Lin Shu, come on!"

Jiang Shan specially bought the fruit for Lin Shu, which had been washed and cut. She thought that she could eat it after Lin Shu finished running, and she took out glucose to Lin Shu and said, "You drink this first, right?"

Looking at Jiang Shan who was so enthusiastic about him, Lin Shu didn't know how to refuse. Facing the glucose that Jiang Shan handed over, he finally took it and drank it straight away.

He didn't use [Hot Blood Fruit] this time.

Lin Shu also wanted to see what kind of results he could achieve if he didn't use [Blood Fruits] to make myself excited and full of enthusiasm.

Jiang Shan was still going to say something. Xu Hui ran over here and said with a smile: "It looks like your game hasn't started yet!"

"Fortunately, I didn't miss your game!"

Jiang Shan naturally noticed Xu Hui and raised an alarm in her heart. It was obvious that Xu Hui and Lin Shu were very familiar.

Lin Shu couldn't help laughing when he saw Xu Hui coming, but Xu Hui was the only one here. Lin Hua didn't come, and Lin Shu knew the reason in his heart.

Because that matter has passed and has become a foregone conclusion, there does not seem to be any contradiction between him and Lin Painting, but there is still a slight gap in Yin Yin's heart.

Otherwise, Lin Hua from the college next door would not have come to cheer on Lin Shu.

Xu Hui smiled and said: "I called Lin Hua, she still has classes, so she didn't come over."

This reason explains that Lin Shu didn't particularly believe it, but he didn't pay much attention to it either. He knew that after all, it did harm to Lin Painting to a certain extent.

Lin Shu nodded, and then introduced Xu Hui to Jiang Shan.

I didn't wait for Jiang Shan and Xu Huiduo to say here, Lin Shu was going to the inspection office for inspection.

Gao Qiang brought Tian Zhi, the head coach of the Yanjing Sports Team to watch the game, and Tian Jing, director of the Sports Committee of Huaqing University, naturally came to accompany him.

Several people were standing on the rostrum, looking at the meeting point of the 800-meter starting line under the rostrum.

Gao Qiang pointed to Lin Shu and introduced to Tian Zhi: "The tall man with yellow short sleeves is Lin Shu."

Tian Zhi nodded and said he knew, but obviously he also noticed Lin Shu's shoes, which seemed to be ordinary sports running shoes. This raised his brows and couldn't help asking: "Is he the 1500 who ran with these shoes yesterday? "

"Yes, yes, I didn't wear professional spikes."

Gao Qiang was also impressed by this point. This proves that Lin Shu's talent is really too strong, and it can even be said that he can run purely on talent. Second."

"If this result is true, it can be said that the person in the Yanjing City team ran the fastest in the 1500m race recently."

This is not an exaggeration by Tian Zhi, but a fact. Although there are faster runners in the Yanjing City team, the records of such runners are in the past, because it is impossible to guarantee every performance in a race like 1500 meters. Both can run the best results in history, this result is a few seconds or even more than a dozen seconds, and even more is normal.

Looking at Lin Shu's height and figure, Tian Zhi couldn't help saying: "The body is suitable for long-distance running, and the legs are quite long. You may have to lose a little more weight."

Generally, runners who practice long-distance running are mostly thin and tall. The taller one proves that the legs are long, and the steps are larger when running. The thin body is naturally because the strong man runs longer than the thinner. More power. Of course, this is also because long-distance runners have a lot of aerobic training and their body fat rate is low. Long-term aerobic exercise will reduce body fat.

Tian Zhi's gaze naturally fell on Su Cheng, and said, "Su Cheng actually participated in the competition?"

Tian Jing on the side was also a little surprised, and said with a smile: "It looks like he should be able to break the school record today."

Speaking of breaking school records, it is natural to say that Su Cheng broke school records.

Just as Gao Qiang and Tian Zhizheng were talking, the 800-meter pre-finals were about to begin, and all the competitors had already assembled on the starting line.

In fact, Lin Shu didn’t feel particularly stressed. In his opinion, he was satisfied with the experience rewards gained from running 1,500 meters yesterday. Today, it’s no use [Blood Fruit]. Even if the results are not as good as yesterday, it doesn’t matter. .

Although I was thinking about doing my best, standing on the runway, facing the opponents that were ready around him, holding his breath and waiting for the gun to rush out as soon as possible, there is no doubt that it would really make the players adrenaline involuntarily. When the earth rises, there will be a sense of tension and excitement inexplicably.

Lin Shu also prepared the starting position, he knew that his best effort was just fine, that is, he would do his best.



The starter stood on the edge of the starting line, a starting gun sounded, and the players flew out like a sharp arrow in an instant.

Everyone tried their best to run forward.

The 800-meter start is a standing start, usually with 8 people participating in the race, one person in one team, and the lanes are divided. After running a curve, it is 100 meters. When you enter the straight from the curve, you can change lanes. There is a marking line on the surface of the regular track and field, and there is also a small flag at the position of the variable lane. If you cross this line or the small flag, you can change lanes. If you change lanes in advance, the results will be cancelled.

Because there is a curve at 800 meters, Lin Shu's track is the eighth track, and you must run through the curve to merge.

800 meters need to run at a higher speed from the beginning, but if you try your best to run, it is very likely that you will lose strength in the second half, and naturally you can't retain your strength, because you may have reached the end if you retain others.

Lin Shu is now running at 80% speed, and he will grab the road about 100 meters out of the curve.

Obviously, the opponents around him also tried their best to run, very fast, especially Su Cheng, Lin Shu could see Su Cheng rushing ahead.

Obviously, Su Cheng is very experienced and knows very well that it is very important to enter the corner until which stage, because unlike sprinting alone, there is still a position competition. If you use your body to block the position, in fact, the endurance of other people in the later stage may be better than you, but as long as you get stuck behind you, he can't surpass it.

The key point is that Lin Shu wants to surpass. Someone gets stuck in Lin Shu's position, and the inner Dao is simply not easy to surpass.

Lin Shu followed, but the speed was very fast. He gradually moved away from the players around him. Someone ran into Lin Shu. Lin Shu had a physical collision, his body was unstable and he staggered. Fortunately, he kept running on balance. NS.

Lin Shu continued to rush forward quickly, and then did not surpass from the second path, but surpassed from the third path.

The audience on the sidelines was also working hard to cheer for the players on the court, shouting loudly one by one, hoping to give the players some strength.

"Come on! Come on!"

"Come on! Su Cheng!"

"Come on! Chemical department!"

Lin Shu ran very fast,

Just like 1500 meters, you will encounter extremes in 800 meters running, and you will also feel chest tightness, breathing difficulties, and rapid heart rate moments. But at this time, you must rely on willpower to support yourself and you can slow down slightly, but as long as you overcome the extremes, then Will be in the second birth state.

Everyone's eyes closely followed the previous players. It can be said that with the second lap, the players in the leading group are accelerating, and Lin Shu is no exception.

Just watched him continue to run forward, constantly surpassing another player, surpassing another player, and ranking behind Su Cheng.

Su Cheng's speed is undoubtedly very fast. Lin Shu tried hard to chase Su Cheng, just like that, but...


"Second place!"

Lin Shu is second this time!

Although it is said that Lin Shu is much slower than the first place Su Cheng, there is no doubt that Lin Shu's second place advantage is also great.

The students on the sidelines were cheering for Lin Shu and Su Cheng. There is no doubt that Lin Shu and Su Cheng's pursuit of speed made them see the speed chase. It is really a very fast speed, the kind of chasing that constantly surpasses the chase on the runway. Running really made them all excited.

"1 minute 52 seconds 01!"

Lin Shu's score is 1 minute and 52 seconds. There is no doubt that this result is very powerful. Although it has not reached the level of an athlete, it has also reached the level of a national first-class athlete, and it is about 1 second away from the level of an athlete.

The standard time for 800-meter international athletes is 1:46.30, the standard for national athletes is 1:51, and the standard for first-level athletes is 1:54.50.

The key to Lin Shu's current achievement is still a scheming!

Lin Shu panted, trying to slowly adjust his breathing, and gave Su Cheng a thumbs up as he walked. He knew how powerful Su Cheng was as a national champion.

When Su Cheng saw Lin Shu giving him a thumbs up, he couldn't help but laugh. He actually admired Lin Shu in his heart. He could run with such a pair of shoes. He now knows how strong Lin Shu is. Running in 1 minute, 48 seconds and 52, seems to be 4 seconds faster than Lin Shu, but if Lin Shu changes shoes and then trains more, he is not absolutely sure to outperform Lin Shu.

After all, he tried his best to run this time.

Su Cheng walked towards Lin Shu while calming his breathing, and said with a smile: "Lin Shu, do you want to practice sports?"

"With your strength, training for a period of time will definitely be stronger, and you will definitely be able to win prizes."

Lin Shu didn't expect to hear this from Su Cheng's side. This surprised him a bit, and he couldn't help saying: "Without this idea, you are still stronger."

Although Lin Shu thought he ran quite fast, he had never ran Su Cheng after all.

It seemed that there was no [Hot-Blood Fruit] that made him enthusiastic, but after all, it was a lot worse.

Obviously, Lin Shu underestimated his own strength.

Gao Qiang was a little surprised. He didn't expect Lin Shu to run 800 meters in 1 minute and 52 seconds. This is not to think that Lin Shu ran slowly, not as good as Su Cheng. After all, Lin Shu ran 1500 meters in 3 minutes and 48 seconds and took the first place. On the contrary, Gao Qiang feels that Lin Shu's strength is far more than that. After all, he still wears sneakers and is still a handyman. Of course, Lin Shu is undoubtedly weaker than 1500 meters, but Lin Shu is still at 800 meters. The aspect is very strong.

"Although he hasn't reached the level of an athlete in the 1500 meters, the first-level athlete's performance is also very strong, and he can be faster."

Hearing Gao Qiang's words, Tian Zhi nodded and said, "That's it, but he may be more suitable for long-distance running."

"Go, go over and chat with him."

Here Gao Qiang and Tian Jing naturally accompany Tian Zhi to the past. Here, Gao Qiang also talked about Lin Shu's situation with Tian Zhi. Lin Shu entered the postgraduate entrance examination with the first grade in his major, and he is now in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. As a graduate student, he asked Lin Shu about sports practice yesterday, but Lin Shu directly refused.

Tian Zhi naturally also knows that, like Lin Shu, who has such excellent cultural achievements, it is not necessary to choose sports. But seeing Lin Shu's current talent, how can they easily let it go.

After all, there are not too few people who practice sports, but there are still few good shoots with top talents.

Especially with Lin Shu's talent above 1,500 meters, he might be able to train a world champion.

Su Chengzheng was talking with Lin Shu. It was very surprising to see Tian Zhi. This was the coach in charge of their city's sports team. He turned his eyes on Lin Shu. Thinking of what he said to Lin Shu just now, he vaguely guessed that the coach must be sure. It was from Lin Shu.

"Lin Shu, this is Coach Tian Zhitian of the Yanjing Sports Team."

Lin Shuyi heard Gao Qiang's introduction and greeted Tian Zhi hurriedly, saying, "Good coach Tian."

Tian Zhi said directly: "Lin Shu, your talent is so good, you are really suitable for long-distance running, come to the city sports team to strengthen training, you have a great hope to win the 1,500-meter long-distance world championship."

Oh my God!

Your picture cake is even more exaggerated than Gao Qiang!

Why are you talking about world champions?

【Ding! You triggered a dungeon mission: amazing sports talent, train well, and compete for the world championship medal. Depending on the degree of difficulty of the world champion, corresponding rewards will be obtained. 】

[Task level: difficult]

Lin Shu was shocked by Coach Tian Zhi's words, but he didn't expect to be shocked even more later.

What the hell? What kind of dungeon task is this?

Want him to win the world championship?

How is this possible!

Do you still receive corresponding rewards depending on the difficulty factor of the world champion?

Lin Shu was completely shocked. He didn't expect to trigger such a dungeon task suddenly. The key to this dungeon task was the [difficult] mode that he had never seen before.

You have to know that before, whether it was a copy of the postgraduate entrance examination or the copy of the law test, he was in the [simple] mode.

Now there is a [difficult] mode task~www.wuxiamtl.com~ This is too difficult!

This is not difficult at all, it should be said to be the abyss **** mode!

This is good even if it's a dungeon task for a national champion, how come you directly want him to win the world champion?

How is this possible!

Can he refuse to accept this dungeon mission?

As a vase, he is only suitable for the [simple] mode of Raiders!

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