The passengers on the bus were very excited about catching the thief, but no one directly urged the driver to drive away.

   It was also because of the weekend, not the time for rushing to work on weekdays, and it was also because of a sense of justice that blocked their pace.

  Because the police have already called the police, there will be police officers here soon.

   The owner is a middle-aged woman who was originally a little scared, but reading Lin Shu just pressed the thief to death, she was anxious, and naturally quickly found her stolen wallet from the thief.

   "Thank you! Thank you so much."

   Lin Shu didn't say anything, but just leaned against the thief, fearing that the thief would run away.

   Soon, the police from the nearby police station rushed over.

   At this time, the driver opened the rear door.

   The thief stared at Lin Shu viciously, with hatred in his eyes.

   "What do you look at, death is imminent, and still arrogant!"

   The policeman Zhao Yuan and the owner who rushed to the side were shocked when they heard Lin Shu's words.

   "You are wrong, you are in the hands of the police, you are still arrogant."

   But they have to go to the police station to do a transcript.

   The policeman looked at Lin Shu. He was really surprised. When he received the report, everyone in the police station thought it was a simple pickpocketing case. The thief must have gone away. Such a case is difficult to close.

   But I didn't expect that this time, the passengers in the car caught the thief on the spot.

   This is so rare!

   Therefore, the police station was sent to the police station to deal with it immediately.

   The policeman Zhao Yuan took the thief directly into the police car. In addition, the owner and Lin Shu, a brave man who had acted righteously, had to go to the police station to take notes.

   The bear boy who had been sitting in his position had been looking at Lin Shu without speaking, his eyes gleaming.

   The woman sitting next to the boy had also lost her initial anger and cursing. She stared at Lin Shu and whispered, "The dog takes the mouse."

   Of course, many people on the bus gave applause at this time, and some people kept taking pictures of Lin Shu and holding the thief passing by with their mobile phones.

   If it weren't for Lin Shu's going to send the transcript, I'm afraid that some girls would directly ask for WeChat.

   After all, Lin Shu was so handsome just now!

   "Don't scare me, I am not from Xiamen University, I graduated from Hunan University!"

   These words are so handsome and domineering!

   The key little brother is still good-looking.

   There were students from Shonan University in the car and even started to promote Lin Shu, the handsome senior in the WeChat group, and sent the video directly.

   "Sisters, our seniors from Hunan University are so handsome!"


   In the police car.

   The policeman Zhao Yuan has already understood the main incident, his eyes can not help but fell on Lin Shu, and said with a smile: "Yes, the young man standing behind saw the thief, his eyesight is good."

   The most important thing is to shout out directly. This courage is really rare.

   The policeman Zhao Yuan naturally didn't know that it was not Lin Shu who had good eyesight, but the thief's head with the [three hands] monster title really too swagger.

   If Lin Shu were to go to the station to catch pickpockets, he would definitely lock one at a glance. No matter how good at disguising, it would be useless. Under the demon mirror of the system, all of them would be exposed directly.

   "Yes, when this handsome guy shouted, I was shocked, only to find out that my wallet had been stolen."

   The middle-aged woman sitting in front also turned her head and said, "Really, it's so rare. She stood up and caught this thief."

   "Also, the thief threatened and intimidated the handsome guy just now, saying that he would remember him and would not let him go."

  The middle-aged woman's surname is Lin. It is obvious that she also said this on behalf of Lin Shu, just to file a complaint in front of the police, so that the police can protect Lin Shu.

   The thief lowered his head a little bit, did not dare to say a word.

   "Don't worry, there are us, if he dares to retaliate--"

   The thief replied again and again: "I dare not dare, I am just scared."

  The policeman Zhao Yuan glanced at Lin Shu and said: "If you have anything later, you can find us as soon as possible."

  The policeman who drove also turned around and said, "Don't worry, there are still us!"

   Lin Shu didn't have any fear. To say that he was uneasy, he was a little worried at the beginning, but now he sees the thief in such a situation and feels it's okay.

   Regarding the transcripts made by the police station, Lin Shu felt nothing. After all, he was an eyewitness. At the same time, he was also a little curious whether there would be many monsters in a place like a police station.

   However, he was obviously disappointed. He thought he would see a lot of monsters. Although there were a lot of people coming in and out, he didn't see anyone floating in with the monster title text during the time he came.

  Of course, there are many people who report and handle cases coming in and out, and there are also people who are provoking troubles, conflicts, and disputes, but there are no terrifying monsters.

   After all, this is not a crime squad, just a street police station.

   It’s not complicated to make transcripts at the police station. After all, Lin Shu is not a criminal suspect, but a citizen.

   "Lin Shu is okay, very good. I can actually see this thief. It's amazing. This is a habitual offender in the second palace."

   The police station soon found out that this [Three Hands] monster was a habitual offender in the second palace.

   Lin Shu didn’t know what to took a look at the time, he still went to see the house, and said directly: "After finishing the transcript, can I go first? I still have something to do."

  The police naturally won't delay Lin Shu too much. Originally, Lin Shu was willing to come over and take notes together.

   Just as Lin Shu was making the transcript, Huang Wen called - "Brother Lin, have you found your house?

   "Not yet, I'm at the police station now. Is there anything wrong with you?"

   Huang Wen was very surprised, never expected to hear Lin Shu say that he was at the police station.

   "What are you doing at the police station?"

   "Make a transcript."

   Lin Shu is still going to say something, the police asked Lin to write a word, "I won't tell you yet, I have something to do on my side, so let's hang up."

   After Lin Shu signed the transcript, he said directly: "Then I will leave after I finish the transcript. I have something else to do."

   Sister Lin quickly expressed her thanks when she heard Lin Shu's words, and she kept saying thank you.

Naturally, Zhao Yuan would not delay Lin Shu's time. He just said: "You are really rare nowadays young people like you, we will write a letter of commendation to your unit here, just to praise you for such a righteous behavior. ."

Lin Shu felt a little embarrassed when he heard what Zhao Yuan said, because at first he was a little scared and flinched, and even thought about pretending not to see it, but was blinded by the sense of justice later, so he did it unknowingly. decision.

   As for the dispatcher who said he would write a letter of commendation to his unit, Lin Shu didn't care too much.

   But, I am still very happy.

   After all, it killed a large wave of experience points, so cool!

   The world outside the Novice Village is wonderful, okay—

   is also very cruel!

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