
   "This question is like this, you only need to use mathematical formulas to solve the final answer well."

  Linhua was explaining mathematics to Sister Yang’s children, and then asked, "Do you understand?"

   The boy nodded and said, "Understood, thank you for my sister."

   "Draw my sister, I'll go back first."

   The boy cleaned up his workbook and prepared to leave and go back. He thanked: "Sister Painting, I really want to thank you."

   "You are welcome, you have to practice hard when you go back, and be careful not to be careless."

   The boy nodded.

   Seeing Lin Hua finished the topic for Sister Yang's child, Lin Weiguo smiled and asked him to stay and eat together, but the boys naturally refused.

Lin Hua tells the child next door the topic, and then goes back to her room to prepare a thesis. There is no way her graduate thesis still has a long way to go, although the general direction of the thesis has been determined, which is Study the relationship between the two crimes of child abduction and child abduction.

   Because in Lin Hua’s view, the crimes of abduction and child abduction are interdependent, and they are in the same legal order as crimes against minors.

Lin Hua opened his laptop and kept tapping the keyboard. A line of words appeared on the screen, saying, "The criminal law cannot only satisfy the former's legislative amendment needs, while ignoring the latter's long-term legislative shortcomings. At present, the crime of child kidnapping is the target of protection. Single, simple description of the crime, and lack of sentencing circumstances. Legislative amendments to this crime should focus on three aspects: the object of protection, the form of the crime, and the sentencing circumstances. The form of the crime adopts a comprehensive model of "specific enumeration + abstract summary". The sentencing circumstances should include serious, Reduce the two aspects to increase the penalty range for this crime..."

Perhaps it is because Lin Hua has been watching cases of child abduction and child abduction recently, and Lin Hua’s heart has become more and more worthy of discussion, especially with regard to the dispute over the prosecution period, according to Article 87 of the Criminal Law. The statutory maximum penalty for the crime of child kidnapping is five years imprisonment. Therefore, the time limit for prosecution in such cases is ten years. However, in real cases, the family members of the victims are limited by various factors, and the child may be retrieved after more than ten or twenty years. , The abductor was found, the case has already exceeded the time limit for prosecution, and it is difficult to pursue the criminal responsibility of the abductor.

   In Lin Hua's view, whether it is the crime of kidnapping or trafficking in children, it can be said that it is a very serious criminal crime, and the offender must be tried by the law.

   Lin Hua was writing the thesis, Lin Weiguo knocked on the door and walked in.

   "Drawer, I cut fruit for you."

Lin Weiguo walked in with a plate of cut fruits and placed it beside Lin Hua’s desk. He saw Lin Hua was writing on the computer. Although he didn’t care what Lin Hua was writing, he asked, “I’m writing about graduation. A paper? I heard you said that you were still worrying about the paper. How is it now?"

   Lin Shu's eyebrows curled, and smiled and replied: "I have determined the direction, and I'm still writing."

   Lin Weiguo nodded, did not ask much, glanced at a "Criminal Law" book on Lin Hua's desk, and the page that opened clearly read--

   "Article 262 of the Criminal Law: Whoever abducts a minor under the age of 14 and leaves his family or guardian shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention."

   Lin Weiguo's eyes suddenly changed, without any change on his face, but his heart tightened at that moment.

   He knew that his daughter’s major was law, but he didn’t know that what Lin Hua was studying was the crime of child trafficking.

   At the moment when he saw the article on the Criminal Law, what he did that night was what he did that night.

   The woman screamed desperately, screamed silently, clutching his leg desperately, not letting go, just like that, she kept clutching, crying, and begging, but he kicked it up again and again.

   Lin Weiguo shuddered, he thought of the woman's painful look, and his entire body was erected like that, he had never forgotten that incident.

   I have never forgotten, I have always remembered that incident, that late night, the woman, and the kid he snatched.

   Lin Weiguo's expression was a bit hideous, even if he tried to forget, but that incident never left him.

   Because the kid he snatched grew up in front of him little by little.

   This is his child Lin painting!

   This is his daughter Lin Hua!

   Lin Weiguo told himself this answer over and over again in his heart, it seemed that only in this way would he not have so much fear and anxiety in his heart.

   He doesn't need to be upset, and he doesn't need to be afraid, because no one knows about it.

   No one will know about it except that woman.

   That secret will never be revealed!

   Lin Weiguo thought so in his heart.

Lin Hua didn't pay attention to the change in Lin Weiguo's eyes. He just ate the fruit and continued to think about the paper, but noticed that Lin Weiguo hadn't left. He was a little confused. He looked up at Lin Weiguo and asked, "Dad, what's wrong, is there anything else? "

   Lin Weiguo was stunned, and when he came back to his senses, all those thoughts disappeared. He shook his head and said, "No, you are busy first, and I won't bother you."

   said, Lin Weiguo was about to leave.

   At this moment, Lin Shu called.

   Lin Painting was a little surprised. Lin Shu would take the initiative to call her. This really surprised her. She immediately connected the phone with a smile and asked, "Lin Shu, why did you have time to call me?"

  Lin Weiguo watched Lin Hua's phone call, and glanced at the thick copy of Criminal Law. He stared at him like that, his expression was serious, his eyes were dull, but he didn't say anything. He turned and walked out with heavy steps.

   just walked out step by step, stopped again, turned his head and looked at Lin Hua's back, with a very complicated expression.

   Although it was only at that moment, he suddenly felt that Lin Hua and the woman looked a bit similar, it seemed that the woman—


   Weeping in the dark night, and kept shouting silently.

  Lin Weiguo no longer thinks that Lin Hua is his daughter of Lin Weiguo and his biological daughter.


   Lin Hua really didn't expect Lin Shu to call her, his face was full of smiles.

Lin Shu already knew that he was going to give the truth about this, that monster [Ghost Tooth Po] should be punished, but he could not directly tell Lin Hua that she was robbed, she was the deaf and mute woman she was looking for Child, because he can’t explain why he wants to do a paternity test for Lin Hua and the deaf-mute woman, even if he already knows the answer.

   He can only ask Lin Hua on the other end of the phone, "I just want to ask your opinion about something."

"what's up?"

   "I just heard my mother say two things, I want to ask what you think."

Lin Shu told Lin Hua about the two things that her mother Yang Qiuyun had said about buying and selling children. Just like the first moment Lin Shu heard it, Lin Hua froze when she heard the first three-year-old child. When she was sold by her father for one hundred thousand dollars, she was already shocked, but when she heard that the second three-year-old boy was bought as a special commodity, she paid compensation to the family who experienced the pain of losing a child. Her whole person is really bad.

This kind of impact is really indescribable. Even if she saw a lot of child trafficking when she was reading the case, but now she really heard Lin Shu talk about such stories, the stories that happened around Lin Shu, she was still shocked. arrive.

   Especially when everyone in Lin Shu knew about this, but no one said it.

   Lin Shu looked into the distance and asked: "Lin Hua, if it were you, how would you choose?"

   "Of course it is the first time to report to the police! This is a violation of the law!"

   "Even though many years have passed, that child has grown up?"

   "Of course, no matter how long it has passed, time will not change the crime committed."

   "If time has passed, then why are the police now looking for the kidnapped children and tracking down the cases of human traffickers? After so many years, those cases have not been allowed to pass away. It's nothing, because these are not going to pass!"

   "It's not just those parents who are troubled, the law won't let those crimes go away like that!"

   "In fact, when the three-year-old child was bought as a special product, they should choose to stand up as soon as possible."

Listening to Lin Hua’s words, Lin Shu felt a little heavy inexplicably. He should have felt relieved. He tugged at the corner of his mouth and said, “Yes, those are not past, and it’s impossible to pass like this. It’s great that you can say that. That's the normal choice."

  Linhua said with a serious face: "It is said that there is no sale, there is no murder, but also there is no harm if there is no sale. Those children are not an object, let alone a commodity. They are a living person."

   "The law is the bottom line. The pain of the parents of the kidnapped child cannot pass. This is also the meaning of the law. When someone breaks through the morals and begins to trample on the law, there is absolutely no concession."

   This is Lin's painting as a belief about the law.

   This is why she chooses the legal profession!

   Lin Shu naturally heard the persistence and determination in Lin Hua's words. This is the question he wants to ask Lin Hua, and it is also the answer he wants Lin Hua to tell him.

   Lin Shu once thought that if Lin Hua’s answer is the same as those of all those who know it, he would not choose to tell the matter.

   He knows, he still will.

   That deaf-mute woman must have an explanation for the pain of so many years.

   From the past to the present, he has been an eyewitness at the scene!

  As an eyewitness, he should have stood up and told the truth. No one knew better than him how terrible and cruel the crime was.

   Lin Shu was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Lin Hua, do you have time to come to Decheng?"

   Lin Hua was a little surprised. I don't know why Lin Shu would want her to come to Germany.

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Shu said: "It's about the deaf and mute woman. You also know that the Public Security Bureau still refuses to file a case, saying that the prosecution period has passed. You are studying law, and you know that there are several things in it. The controversial point is that I want you to come and help."

   Hearing what Lin Shu said, Lin Hua immediately nodded and said, "Of course, I am happy to help."

   Although Lin Hua feels a little strange, why does Lin Shu want her to come and help? You must know that Lin Shu also understands the law and has passed the law test, which is even more powerful than she might.

However, now that Lin Shu invited her to help, Lin Hua would naturally not refuse. She was very concerned about the case. Lin Shu posted this on Weibo before, and she immediately reposted it on Weibo. , I also hope that the poor deaf-mute woman can find her own child.

  Although netizens know that such reposting may not be of much use, they may not be able to find the whereabouts of the child at all. After all, 21 years have passed.

   But a repost may be a small hope, a small possibility.

   Lin Hua thought of the controversy mentioned by Lin Shu just now, and couldn't help asking: "Is the controversial point you mentioned? The public security organs should have filed a case back then, but this point was not filed?"

  Linhua naturally also knows that Lin Shu is a situation where the public security organs should file a case but not file a case. In this case, the case is not subject to the prosecution period, and the abductor can still be held criminally responsible. "

Lin Shu said to Lin Hua on the other side of the phone: "In fact, in addition to this, there is another point of dispute that is the start of the prosecution period. According to the legal interpretation, it means the end of the criminal act~www.wuxiamtl.com~ There are also disputes now. , Then the criminal act of snatching the child was completed and it was the end of the crime, but the act has continued and has not been found. Whether the criminal act has continued or ended. The second is not to say whether the kidnapping of the child is abduction. The conviction of child crime is still a more severe crime of abducting and trafficking in children. If it is based on the definition of child abduction, “abducting a minor under the age of fourteen and leaving the family or guardian”, should the offender’s abduction behavior be derived from abduction? From the date on which the child turns fourteen, his criminal behavior has remained in a continuous state, and the crime has not ended until 2011. Therefore, should the prosecution period be calculated from 2011."

   Lin Hua listens to Lin Shu's words, it is indeed controversial whether the crime is over, but she is a little wondering why Lin Shu compares the crime of child abduction instead of the crime of child abduction.

   You must know that the truck driver is most likely a human trafficker, and it should be more likely to be a child abduction crime.

"Lin Shu, I understand what you mean. The most important thing now is to find the child, and it is best to open a case for investigation. In fact, if the child is found, if the kidnapped child is enslaved, abused, and the victim Anyone who abducts a child and causes serious damage to the physical and mental health, or causes anxiety to the parent or guardian of the child, or causes other serious consequences, will definitely be severely punished in accordance with the law."

   Lin Shu asked: "Do you think that if the parent or guardian of the child is worried about becoming ill or causing other serious consequences, he should be punished severely?"


  Linhua naturally gave his own answer.

   answered very firmly.

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