Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 154: [Children of other people's family]

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Lin Hua went downstairs carrying the trash and just met the gossiping sister Zhou, smiled and said hello, "Aunt Zhou."

"Lin Hua, do you have time when you come back from the holiday? My son is not very good at math. I want to ask you for advice."

Lin Hua nodded when he heard this, and said with a smile: "If he doesn't understand the topic, he can ask me directly while I'm still at home, and I might go out later."

"Okay, I'll tell him when I go back, I will go to your Aunt Yang's house now to sit down."

Lin Hua nodded, turned around and went upstairs.

Sister Zhou looked at Lin Hua's back and nodded in her heart. Her eyes were full of envy. This person is beautiful and a top student of Yanjing University. He is really excellent and rare!

When Sister Zhou arrived at Sister Yang's house, Sister Yang was teaching her son.

Sister Yang saw that her son was planning to go out to play, she couldn't help but shook her head. She was really inferior to Lin Painting, and said, "You don't learn from Lin Painting. They are smart and work hard. They used to study at home on vacation. Look at you and run outside as soon as you have a holiday!"

"You can't be honest and study hard at home? Lin Hua used to be the first or second in the exam, and he was very hardworking. Why don't you learn from them!"

The boy listened to his mother’s words, his face was not worried. Obviously, for the children of other families, all the children’s inner thoughts are unhappy. Because compared with the children of other families, his life will have a few more knives from time to time. The key is I don't know when these knives will be stabbed at him, it is really unexpected and hard to defend.

"Look at you like that, really, I don't know what to say about you."

"Can you learn something well, work hard, and bring me the grades. I don't expect you to take the same exam to Yanjing University like Lin Hua. You can just take me to an ordinary university!"

The boy looked irritable, really annoyed to listen to these words, and said dullly: "Okay, I know, Sister Lin Hua is back, I will go to her for some questions now."

Sister Yang heard her son’s words and felt choked. She couldn’t say anything she wanted to say. She nodded and said, “Then go, don’t play outside! I’ll ask Lin Hua at that time. ."

"I know, don't believe me."

The boy took his schoolbag directly, replied, and went straight out.

Sister Yang pointed to her son, and said angrily: "Look at him like this, I am really offended. This is all in my third year of high school, and I still want to play, and I don't have to study hard."

"Forget it, it's the same with my one."

Sister Zhou pulled Sister Yang to sit on the sofa, signalling not to be angry about this, and persuaded: "After all, children like Lin Hua can't be brought up casually."

Hearing this, Sister Yang chuckled and stopped talking, but she didn't say anything. She got up and poured a cup of tea for Sister Zhou.

Sister Yang didn't say it, but Sister Zhou was gossiping and asked, "What is the thing that I didn't know you said before?"

"Tell me, what the **** is going on?"

Sister Zhou approached Sister Yang with a look of curiosity and a fierce gossip fire in her eyes.

When Sister Yang saw Sister Zhou's questioning like this, she actually had some desire to speak in her heart, and said, "I'm telling you, you don't want to talk outside!"

"Don't worry, I won't get it, I will never say anything."

Sister Zhou looked at Sister Yang so cautiously and became more curious, staring straight at Sister Yang, and asked: "What is it?"

"Lin paintings were bought by Lin Weiguo."


"Bought it back?"

Sister Zhou was stunned, or she was shocked by Sister Yang’s words, her face was full of shock, and she never thought that Lin Weiguo would actually buy Lin Weiguo, and she unconsciously lowered her voice. Asked: "It's true, you can't talk nonsense about this!"

"How could I say nonsense that the couple bought one because they couldn't have children."

Did you buy one because you couldn't have a baby?

Lin painting is not his own birth, but he bought it back?

"Is it possible that it was adopted?"

As soon as Sister Yang heard this, she shook her head and said, "If he is really adopted, he would have to be so worried at that time, and he still brought it back at night? That night I saw him bring a child back with my own eyes, that child Still crying."

"I greeted him that night. He was nervous. I still remember that his face was not good and was a little flustered. The child he was holding was definitely bought, and he was very dirty."

Sister Yang still remembers that in the middle of the night, Lin Weiguo returned with a child.

Who would come back with a child suddenly in the middle of the night!

"The key is if he really adopts, can he adopt a son? Besides, in the countryside, who will adopt him, unless someone really gives the child to someone else."

Sister Zhou frowned, with the same perplexity, and asked: "Then as you say, if he really bought it from outside, why not buy a boy back?"

"I have no idea then."

Sister Yang herself was wondering why Lin Weiguo bought a girl back, but it was obvious that the child was bought right now, and said, "Lin Hua is no worse than a boy now."

"That's true!"

Sister Zhou nodded with a look of approval, and then asked curiously: "Do you all know about this?"

"Then the people who lived in this area knew everything in their hearts, but they didn't ask them face to face. Everyone knew that the child was bought, so there is no way to talk directly."

"This, this... Lao Lin is really lucky."

Sister Zhou didn't know what to describe for a while, and she couldn't help using the three words "good luck". Obviously she also felt that Lin Weiguo's luck was so good that she actually bought such an excellent child.

"Yeah, good luck."

Sister Yang cut her lips and couldn't help sighing: "I was only about two years old when I bought it, and I don't know where I bought it from."

Was bought back at about two years old?

Sister Zhou was very curious, and suddenly asked: "No one is going to call the police?"

"Which one of these is sick~www.wuxiamtl.com~ will go to the police with an abnormal brain? Nosy!"

Sister Yang curled her lips and said nonchalantly, "What about the one bought? Lin Hua and Lao Lin are not doing well now, even if it is a daughter, it hurts in the heart."

What about it!

Obviously Sister Zhou didn’t know that the Lin painting that was carried back in the middle of the night was not bought, but—

Snatched it!

No one cares whether the children from other people's homes are bought or snatched back, and no one cares how the children from other people's homes are sold, or how the parents who lost their children feel.

They knew, but they didn't say anything, and they kept pretending that they didn't know. Anyway, it was someone else's child who was sold.

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