Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 15: [The outside world is fierce]

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have clocked in and went to work for 5 consecutive days and gained 1. Experience +60; 2. Gold Coins +10. 】

   It's another day to beat workers!

   will be a fulfilling day for working experience at work and learning experience after work!

   Lin Shu, as always, switched the map, entered the office and started working and learning experience.

   "Lin Shu, you will be ready to send the internal audit materials to Zhou Quan tomorrow, and the internal audit will be coming soon."

   Hearing what Zhao Xuan said, Lin Shu said directly: "I have compiled the internal audit information and sent it to Zhou Gong. In addition, tomorrow I will not work overtime on Saturday."

   Do not work overtime tomorrow Saturday?

   What a beautiful sentence!

The colleague next to    heard Lin Shu's words and felt heartache, a little bit heartache.

   Now they all have a single-off job, and it has been a long time since they have had a double-off day.

   Not working overtime on Saturday is far away from them.

  The key is that the company has always said that Saturday is not overtime, but normal work.

   go to his normal work!

   Brother Lin, take me!

   I don’t want to work overtime on Saturday either!

   Many people in the office are screaming crazy inside!

   Lin Shu originally didn't plan to work overtime on Saturday. He had to go outside to find a house. Obviously, after resigning later, he would naturally not be able to live in the company dormitory, so he naturally wanted to find a house.

   As for going home?

   Lin Shu never thought about it at all.

  He comes from a rural family. He has never told his family about resignation, because he knows very well that saying it is only annoying, and if he doesn't work and stay at home, he will receive a lot of harsh attention from the neighborhood.

  Because of these reasons, Lin Shu wanted to rent a single room, review the postgraduate entrance examination wholeheartedly, and spend more than three months.

  He has worked here for three years. Although his salary is not high, he saved 100,000 yuan aside from expenses and money sent to his home.

   This is why Lin Shu feels that he can rest for a while and concentrate on preparing for the exam.

   The hard-earned money sold to capitalists is also the economic support for his postgraduate studies.

When Zhao Xuan heard Lin Shu saying that he would not work overtime on Saturday, he was in a daze for a moment, and he felt very uncomfortable, but he knew that Lin Shu had already left his job, so it was impossible to work overtime at all, and he would not suffer performance like other colleagues. The bonus is tied to the neck rope, working overtime recklessly.

   The more important thing is that Lin Shu has sorted out the internal audit materials.

   "Then, okay, you will send me a copy of the relevant information later."

   Lin Shu nodded.

   Many people in the office looked at Lin Shuti's unrestrained resignation. They really envy them from the bottom of their hearts, but they won't do that because they still have to survive.

   Chen Ping heard Lin Shu say that he will not work overtime on Saturday, grinned at Lin Shu, and asked: "What are you going to do if you don't go to work tomorrow?"

   "I'm going to find a house."

   Chen Ping was a little surprised when he heard Lin Shu's words. It seemed that Lin Shu was really planning to take a break for a while, but he didn't know what Lin Shu thought, and whether he had made any plans for the future.

   However, Chen Ping didn't ask much, just said: "If I can help later, just say it if I want to move."

   Lin Shu nodded to express his gratitude.

Lin Shu doesn't have any special requirements for finding a house, so he wants to rent a single room and try to keep the environment as low as possible. He has already checked a few places on the Internet and waited to see it on the weekend. .

   [Negative Energy Ghost] Qi Yuan looked at Lin Shu so free and fearless now, and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He whispered, "You are really chic now."

   "I just don't know if you can be so cool in the future!"

   Lin Shu listened to [Negative Energy Ghost] Qi Yuan's words, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "I don't think you can worry about whether I will be chic behind, but think about yourself."

   "You are not Chongzhen, why do you have to hang yourself on a tree with a crooked neck?"

   Qi Yuan felt a little hurt.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you casually spit a sharp sword and stabbed an Lv9 monster with a negative energy ghost, gaining 1. experience +354; 2. gold coins +32. 】

   Lin Shu felt that he had completely mastered the [negative energy ghost] Qi Yuan's cover, and from time to time, he could stab him to earn experience.

   啧啧啧, think about how cruel and perverted you are!

   For the sake of stabbing Qi Yuan, Lin Shu said again--

   "The outside world is wonderful, don't trap yourself to death."


   Qi Yuan didn't know whether the outside world was exciting or not, but Lin Shu would soon see the wonder of the outside world.

On Saturday, Lin Shu set off to see the house early in the morning, thinking of the arrival of other systems and instantly reaching the pinnacle of the world. The trenches are unspeakable, and his worth is innumerable, and he has to take the bus to find a house to live in. This system is also somewhat— —

   Okay, seeing the [Satisfaction Talisman] lying in the personal panel, Lin Shu thinks the system is powerful, maybe because his level is too low.

   He is still unworthy!

   When I saw this charm, Lin Shu burst into tears.

   His level is not enough, he doesn't deserve to have this [Satisfaction Talisman]!

   I don't know when he will be able to reach the sky in one step and live the life of the gods in the novel.

   On the bus, Lin Shu is chatting with his friend Yao Chen on WeChat~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Actually speaking, only Yao Chen knows about his going to graduate school.

   Lin Shu didn't want to be known to everyone, and it would be embarrassing if he didn't pass the exam in the end.

   Of course, Lin Shu is still confident about his postgraduate entrance examination.

   "I don't have time today. Let's eat together another day later. I will go to see the house today."

   "No problem, I really admire you for the postgraduate entrance examination with naked words like you, come on!"

   Lin Shu twitched the corners of his mouth. You don't need to admire the postgraduate entrance examination, what you need is determination and persistence.

   "Is there anything to say directly afterwards! Say you really don't consider living with me?"

   "No, I'm afraid I won't have enough willpower."

   If you sleep with the fox demon every day, if you can't help the temptation, it will be really dangerous.

   Lin Shu didn't want to live with Yao Chen, he wanted to study honestly by himself.

   "Well, then, just say something later, don't carry it alone!"

   Seeing these words from my friend, Lin Shu couldn't help laughing.

   Lin Shu continued to type and chat with his friends, but suddenly someone behind him kept kicking his chair with his foot, making him restless and very annoying.

   "Boom boom boom!"

   Lin Shu felt that someone behind him kept kicking his back, making him uneasy.

【Danger! The brutal LV30 monster bear demon is provoking, ready to attack and fight with you! 】

   Lin Shu was taken aback?

   [Cruel Bear Demon]?

   What the hell?

   I felt a powerful evil spirit behind him.

   Lin Shu was kicked on the back of the chair again by the person behind, and he leaned forward after hitting a cow across the mountain, and the phone almost fell down.

   Lin Shu looked back, only to see a boy laughing, triumphantly.

   This demonic spirit is overflowing, and the momentum is monstrous!

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