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Decheng, rural countryside.

Being labelled as "stingy" by a [Wonderful Monster] monster, Lin Shu naturally can only insist on being stingy, and can't let the monster underestimate himself, Lin Shu naturally refuses it decently.

Even if you insist that Qingshan does not relax, I will not be moved by the east and west winds.

Yang Qiuyun sent her third aunt out, turned to enter the house and shook her head, and said, "You are doing a good job. Don't agree to it. You just want to reject her like this. Look at what she said!"

"Mom, why don't you say this in front of her?"

Lin Shu glanced at his mother disgustingly. He was alone in dealing with most of the attacks of the monster [Wonderful Demon] just now.

Ha ha.

What mother and son love is nothing but this.

Yang Qiuyun replied with a smile, "This is not because it's not for the New Year, and it's not too much to say too much. It's not too good for you to refuse."

Lin Shu twitched the corner of his mouth, and as expected, he still had to be independent and strong. Facing the monsters in the world alone, he said: "Then I should go back to Star City to review? Anyway, it won't be long before I go to Yanjing."

As soon as Yang Qiuyun heard this, he immediately said: "Don't, if I ask you for help next time, I will come forward and refuse."

Yang Qiuyun naturally didn't want Lin Shu to go to Star City, and hoped that Lin Shu could stay at home for a while.

As he was talking, Lin Youjun came in and asked with some doubts: "His third aunt came just now, why didn't he treat me well."

"She asked Lin Shu to give Zhou Hao tutoring. She also said that Zhou Hao only has time now. I really don't know what to say about her. Lin Shu said that there is no time. After the retest, she will give Zhou Hao tutoring. Happy!"

Lin Shu stopped listening to his mother and father complaining about the third aunt, and went straight to his room.

He really had to prepare for the re-examination, not just looking for an excuse to postpone it.

However, even if he didn't need to prepare for the retest, he wouldn't help his cousin with tuition. He didn't want to provoke the monster with amazing defensive power and long-lasting combat power.

Just as Lin Shu approached the time for the re-examination, the official website of Huaqing University's graduate students soon gave out the list of the 2021 postgraduate enrollment re-examination of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the announcement of the specific arrangements for the re-examination.

Obviously, Lin Shu's mechanical engineering major on the re-examination list really ranks first on the fault.

Time passed unconsciously. Lin Shu took the high-speed train directly from Star City to Yanjing. This is not his first time to visit the capital Yanjing. When he was still working in the company, he came to Yanjing for business trips, but it was clear that at that time It's just work, and I don't have time to visit Yanjing.

Lin Shu thought that when he finished his postgraduate entrance examination, he would take a good stroll in Yanjing by the way.

Because it is late March, the school has also opened a long time ago.

As soon as Lin Shu arrived at Yanjing Capital Airport, he received a message, which was sent to him by Lin Hua.

"Lin Shu, are you at the exit?"

Before, Lin Hua asked Lin Shu on WeChat when he would come to Yanjing to participate in the re-examination of Huaqing University. Obviously Lin Hua has been paying attention to Lin Shu’s recent developments, otherwise he would not take the initiative to ask this question, and said she And Xu Hui can take him around in Yanjing.

Lin Shu did not refuse Lin Hua's invitation.

Although it was said that after the encounter in the ancient city of Jiangli, he never met again, but Lin Hua would like his circle of friends from time to time, and would also send him messages. When his father was hospitalized, Lin Hua also posted Information naturally did not become a dead body in the WeChat friend list.

The cold of winter still lingers in the city of Yanjing, but it is worthy of being a big capital, with a lot of people, and there is a hint of prosperity inside and outside.

As soon as Lin Shu arrived at the exit, he saw Lin Hua and Xu Hui waving at him.

"My god, Lin Hua, you have to seize the opportunity! People have come to Yanjing for the test. This is your chance. Get the book first near the water tower!"

Xu Hui gently pushed Lin Hua on the shoulder, looking at the gossip, and said: "People are so good, if you don't seize the opportunity, there will be no play for you."

Lin Hua gave Xu Hui a secret look and motioned Xu Hui to shut up, because Lin Shu had already arrived.

"Wait for a long time!"

Lin Hua had obviously dressed up seriously. He appeared to be somewhat graceful, with crooked eyebrows and bright and beautiful eyes. He smiled at Lin Shu and said, "No."

"Thank you so much."

"No, it's our honor, Lin Shen."

Xu Hui still looked carefree, and said with a smile: "Furthermore, before Lin Hua and I were in the ancient city, it was thanks to you that the stolen wallet was recovered. Now I have the opportunity to thank you for taking you to visit Yanjing. ."

Lin Shu couldn't help laughing when Xu Hui mentioned the incident in the ancient city.

The three of them didn't stay longer at the high-speed rail station, and went directly to Huaqing University.

Because Lin Shu was here to take the re-examination, he naturally had to stay in a hotel near Huaqing University. After Lin Shu checked in, Xu Hui and Lin Hua took Lin Shu to visit some famous scenic spots and snacks in Yanjing.

Obviously, Lin Hua also knew that Lin Shu had to take the re-examination, so he naturally needed a good rest.

The re-examination time for the mechanical engineering major of Huaqing University is divided into two days. The first day is a professional written test, which will be conducted from 1 to 3 in the afternoon, in the form of on-site written answers. A series of written test tools must be prepared, including calculators, rulers, and pencils. , Eraser, etc.

The interview on the second day is divided into two groups, starting at 8:30 in the morning.

Compared with the direct written test, the interview will be more complicated.

Lin Shu applied for a master's degree in mechanical engineering. I learned about it on the Internet before. There will also be many questions asked during interviews, such as educational background, scientific research experience, ideological status, understanding of the development dynamics of the discipline, and development in the professional field. Potential, as well as the sharpness of thinking, logical thinking ability, language expression ability, professional basic knowledge, relevant practical ability and many other aspects.

Lin Shu also clearly knows that he is not fresh, and because of his previous experience in the interview, it is very likely that he will need to focus on the reasons for his change of college during the interview, and this is what he needs to answer positively.

Why didn't you choose postgraduate study when you first graduated from university?

Why did you choose to drop out of Shonan University?

Why choose the mechanical engineering major of Huaqing University?

These are all questions that Lin Shu thought about in advance. Although I don't know if the instructor will ask him these questions, it is clear that he needs to be prepared in advance.

Have to say, UU reading www. When Lin Shu appeared on the campus of Huaqing University, many students noticed him, and their eyes were a little different. They all stared at Lin Shu, with a hint of surprise and surprise in their eyes. .

Obviously, many students recognized Lin Shu.

They all know the amazing deeds of Lin Shu called a monster.

89 points for the political postgraduate entrance examination!

The total score of the postgraduate entrance examination in World War II was 469, the first in fault!

Three times when he was righteous and brave enough, he cursed cannibals!

Xiangnan dropped out of school and re-examined Huaqing!

The students here are very proud. You must know that they have also come here through the single-plank bridge, but they knew very well from the beginning that there is no shortage of talents like them at Huaqing University, and there is no shortage of so-called so-called geniuses. It can be said that the genius and the learning of God are really ordinary, but monsters like Lin Shu are still rare.

Now, the monster is here!

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