Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 131: 【Preliminary Test Results】

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Decheng, People's Hospital,

Because of this violent medical incident, the hospital has also begun to discuss how to stop such an emergency as soon as possible. After all, it was stopped this time, but not necessarily in the future.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a corresponding stress mechanism and emergency treatment plan. Of course, these need to be further implemented and perfected later, and for the immediate success of preventing this violent medical incident, the behavior of righteousness and courage naturally requires corresponding rewards.

After discussion at the hospital, it was decided to waive half of the treatment expenses of Lin Shu's father, Lin Youjun.

Although it is not free, Lin Youjun has spent more than 150,000 yuan for surgery in the hospital, staying in the ICU, and still being hospitalized. Now he can reduce half of the cost and about 80,000 yuan. This is for Lin Naturally it is a good thing for the parents of the book.

"You have recovered well from the injury, and the hospital will also cut half of the cost, take a good rest, and strive to be discharged early."

When Lin Youjun heard the doctor's words, his face was full of smiles, and he was very happy. It is naturally a very good thing that he can reduce the cost by half.

Yang Qiuyun was also very happy in his heart. Although he thought for a moment why the hospital was not free, but such thoughts only passed by in a flash. After all, people must be content.

Obviously she knows very well that even if the hospital does not reduce the exemption, she has nothing to say. She was very grateful to the hospital doctor for rescuing Lin Youjun, and now she is naturally more grateful.

Lin Shu was in a good mood, but he cared more about when his father was discharged from the hospital.

"Doctor Zhao, can my dad be discharged from the hospital before the Chinese New Year?"

This is what Lin Youjun wants to know, he doesn't want to spend the New Year in the hospital.

Director Dr. Zhao nodded when he heard Lin Shu ask this question, and said with a smile: "The problem is not big, and he may be discharged early."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Youjun and Yang Qiuyun were even more delighted and thanked them again and again.

After Yang Qiuyun sent the doctor out, he looked at Lin Shu, his face was full of smiles, and he wanted to say something, but he felt that there was no need to say more. Although this was a reward from the hospital, such a reward was Lin Shu regardless of danger. There was a faint ambivalence in her heart about what was saved, of course, she was mostly happy at the moment.

Obviously, other patients in the ward also knew that Lin Youjun waived half of the treatment costs, and they were very envious. After this half of the cost was waived, and related reimbursements, it might not require that much money.

We must know that there are three mountains in the new era. In addition to education and housing, there is also medical care that is overwhelming people.

Lin Youjun's operation went smoothly, and he was treated in the hospital for almost three months. He recovered very well in all aspects. Naturally, he would not lie down in the hospital all the time.

Before the Chinese New Year, Lin Youjun was discharged from the hospital smoothly.

Lin Shu drove his father out of the hospital. Obviously, Lin Youjun was also a little excited. After all, he was walking through Guimenguan, and his mood was naturally complicated.

The neighbors in the village also knew that Lin Youjun was discharged from the hospital, and they all came to express their condolences.

Life is as peaceful and simple as ever, as if the sufferings and pains I have experienced before are nothing, everything still has to go on.

This is the simplicity of the ordinary world!

Of course, Lin Youjun will not return to his old career. In fact, it is good to just spend a few acres of farmland in the countryside and enjoy the blessings easily.

Nearly the end of the year, Yang Qiuyun has been busy preparing items for the New Year. And Lin Shu did not idle either. Although he said that his postgraduate entrance examination was over, his postgraduate entrance examination results would not be long before. No matter whether he could pass the initial examination of Huaqing University or not, he obviously had to prepare for the subsequent re-examination. After all, he I am still very confident about passing the national line.

Lin Shu continued to run and exercise as usual, insisting on studying for at least two hours a day, brushing up on experience and training, and soon it was the day when the results of the postgraduate entrance examination were announced.

Different from the tension and expectation of Lin Shu for the first time, I hope the gods from all walks of life will bless him to pass the written test. This time Lin Shu seemed a little calm.

Lin Shu once again logged into the postgraduate admissions website of Huaqing University with his admission ticket number to check the results. Seeing the results on the screen, Lin Shu raised his brows, really surprised.

Ideological and Political Theory: 89

English 1: 93

Mathematics: 140

Professional courses: 147

Overall score/professional ranking: 469/1

First in the preliminary examination of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University!

Actually number one?

Lin Shu was very surprised, but after the accident, he was more excited. After all, it was Huaqing University!

Of course he also thought about getting into the entrance examination. After all, his postgraduate entrance examination score was very high last year, but now that he can get the first place in the initial examination, it really surprises Lin Shu!

What to do, I feel really niubility!

The Department of Mechanical Engineering of Huaqing University ranks very high in the international arena. It can be said that the international ranking is about 13. It has also passed the ABET certification in the past few years.

Now he ranks first in the first postgraduate entrance examination, and his score is higher than the previous postgraduate entrance examination.

Lin Shu was really excited, and this excitement was joy from the heart.

Because he knew very well what he faced after he chose to drop out of Shonan University, especially after his father was injured and hospitalized. He felt tremendous pressure and was surrounded and roared by [stress monsters]. At that time, he could only be Persist in silence, but also worried and nervous.

Now all those worries and anxiety are gone!

Ah ah ah ah ah--!

Lin Shu can’t wait for a long scream. During that time, he really worked hard. He kept doing it all the time. He remembered the lights of the hospital late at night, and he clearly felt the cold wind blowing over his face in the early morning. Everything was so clear. And real.

Now this unimaginable result seems to be taken for granted again.

It's really great!

He knew that all his persistence and dedication were worth it. Those who worked hard late at night and were serious in the early morning, taking care of his father while reading in the hospital, he came over.

Without any hesitation, Lin Shu posted his postgraduate entrance examination results in his circle of friends for the first time, and the accompanying text simply wrote: "Persevere!"

He knows that some people do not agree with him choosing to drop out~www.wuxiamtl.com~ thinks that he is just impulsive, very reckless, he has not thought about the consequences at all, and even thinks that his brain is flooded, but now this score will tell them why he will Make that choice.

The mechanical engineering major of Huaqing University's Department of Mechanical Engineering ranked first!

The political postgraduate entrance examination score of 89 points, which broke the record again!

93 points in English!

140 points in mathematics!

I actually got 147 points in the professional courses!

The total score of 469!

Really the first fault!


There is no doubt that this inhuman score really appears like a dazzling light, which blinds everyone!

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