【Ding! Congratulations to the players for checking in and going to work for 3 consecutive days, rewards: 1. Experience +37; 2. Gold coins +16】

Lin Shu listened to the experience of clocking in and going to work, and he couldn't help being a little curious. He could also be regarded as a bonus experience for clocking in and brushing. He just didn't know if he could sign in at different places in the company to get different skills like those terrifying sign-in novels. And repair.

   Signed in at the office and gained ten years of work experience!

   Sign in in the meeting room and gain the ability to organize meetings for twenty years!

   Signed in at the production workshop and gained 30 years of manufacturing experience!



  Really, if this is the case, it would be awesome!

   But obviously, Lin Shu didn't walk away from the check-in stream, and sat down in his office.

   Many colleagues in the office are paying attention to Lin Shu, because they already know that Lin Shuti has resigned. This result surprised them, and they also took it for granted.

  Because when Lin Shu's words appeared, he naturally faced the consequences of saying those words.

   The world of beating workers has never been justified.

Lin Shu didn’t notice other people’s gazes at all. Even if he did, he wouldn’t care, because he is thinking about working hard and gaining experience. Although it takes one month to complete the resignation process, this does not mean that He can waste this month.

   Even if he doesn't work here in the future, Lin Shu thinks he has to work hard every day.

   Because there is only this——

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed a repair plan and gained 1. Experience +289; 2. Gold Coins +15. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for completing the preparation of 1 work instruction, gaining 1 experience + 301; 2. Gold coins + 23. 】

【Ding! Congratulations to the player, you have completed the preparation of a process card, gain 1. experience +291; 2. gold coins +22. 】

【Ding! ……】

   Lin Shu was happily reviewing the experience, and continued to feel very good.

   [Negative energy ghost] Qi Yuan looked at the smile on Lin Shu's face, and has been dealing with work seriously, a little confused, hasn't he already resigned?

   Why are you so serious?

  Isn't it the easiest thing after resigning?

   Qi Yuan doesn't understand why Lin Shuhui is so happy at work?

   Is it because of resignation, so happy?

   Other people in the office have naturally noticed Lin Shu's specialness, and they are also a little surprised, because Lin Shu's current performance is not at all like a person who is about to resign.

   After really resigning, he started the last paddling time with integrity.

   How can you still work so seriously?

  Because Lin Shu is working very well now, this is what everyone can feel.

Zhao Xuan's mood was also a little subtle. He was also surprised that Lin Shu would still work so seriously after the resignation. After reading the email he received, he couldn't help standing up and saying, "The work of each department of the new product. Guidance book and process flow card Qiyuan you hurry up, now only Lin Shu has finished sending it to me, and the product here has to be trial-produced. You can’t wait for the workshop to have a trial-manufactured instruction book and process card."

   Qi Yuan naturally nodded in response.

   Hearing Zhao Xuan's words, Qi Yuan and others looked at Lin Shu suspiciously.

   Are you really leaving your job?

   All foreheads are all capitalized and bold question marks.

   But there is no need to doubt, because the director Tian Cheng also came to Lin Shu to talk alone.

   his eyes followed, but it was obvious that other colleagues would never know what was going on in the meeting room or how they were talking.


   Conference room.

Lin Shu had no idea about Tian Cheng talking to him, but Tian Cheng was still a little surprised. Yesterday he heard Zhao Xuan tell him that Lin Shu was leaving the job. After all, Lin Shu has always performed very well. Even though they were rejected at work, those are common things at work, but now he has really received Lin Shu's resignation application report, which makes him have to face Lin Shuti's resignation.

   Really speaking, employee resignation is actually a very normal thing. After all, the company leaves everyone the same.

   But Tian Cheng still doesn't want Lin Shu to leave his job like this. After all, Lin Shu is still very capable of doing things, and the key is that Lin Shu is now in charge. Now that the products and projects that Lin Shu is responsible for will be taken over for a while.

   So even if Lin Shu is leaving, it shouldn't be this time.

  Mark the key points, this is the key!

   "Lin Shu, why are you leaving your job?"

   "The company is still very good in the industry. Have you found a better one?"

   Lin Shu shook his head and said, "No, I just want to rest for a while."

   Tiancheng frowned. This kind of reason for resignation is too strong and free. It is completely idealistic and somewhat difficult to deal with.

"There is a lot of overtime work here at the company, but you are still so young. Now is the time to work hard. Both I and Zhao Gong know your work ability. It is precisely because of trust in your ability that we will make it more important. You are responsible for the tasks of the company. This is all because I want to train you to become the backbone of the company."

【Danger! The Lv6 monster pie bubble puffs out bubbles, draws a pie, and smashes it at you fiercely! 】

   Lin Shu was surprised, looking at the line of text floating on Tian Cheng's head, very surprised.

  【Bubble Bubble Essence】: The skill is to spit bubbles, draw pie, and use pie bubbles to attack. Note: The body is a foam.

"You are very capable. These are all things we can see. Therefore, you have to work harder, and you can grow up a lot later, so that you can become the backbone of the company, and all aspects of salary and bonuses will naturally be good. The company will not treat you badly."

【Danger! Lv6 Monster Pancake Bubble Jing keeps spitting bubbles, drawing pancakes and smashing them on your head! 】

   Lin Shu looked at the line of text that appeared on Tian Cheng's head, and didn't say anything. He was thinking about **** this [Big Cake Bubble Essence].

   directly burst the bubble?

   But this is just to talk, flicker, if he really loses, the key is how to break it?

Lin Shu thought for a while and couldn't help saying: "Tian Suo, I really appreciate your respect and cultivation by Gong Zhao. In fact, as long as the company can promote me and raise my salary, I can consider staying here, too. I will definitely work hard and fight for the company."

   Tiancheng was taken aback, and I felt that Lin Shu’s words had a familiar taste~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Ding! Congratulations to the player, you used your own way to perform your own stunts, rebound the pie to double your attack, and cause a certain amount of damage to the Lv6 monster pie bubble essence, gain 1. experience +1203; 2. gold coins +131. 】

  The smile on Lin Shu's face became more and more sincere, and he looked at Tian Cheng and said, "Really, Tian Suo, as long as the company raises my salary, I will definitely stay and work hard."

   "I can't decide the salary increase here. The salary here is decided by the manpower side. Your current salary is actually OK, it's high."


   Lin Shu didn't know what to say in an instant, so did those things you just say interesting?

   It seems that this [Bobbing Bubble Cream] is not that easy to kill!

   "You are still so young now, don't be impulsive, give yourself some time, and learn to persevere, so that you will have more room for growth and truly be unique in the company."


   Lin Shu didn't speak anymore, just like that, looking at Tian Cheng with a smile on his face.

【Ding! Congratulations to the player for using the trick of hiding the knife in the smile, so that the Lv6 monster pie bubble essence pie bubble attack can not be performed, and it shocks yourself to gain 1. experience +1001; 2. gold coins +161.]


   It turns out that a smile can also be used to deal with [Flat Bubble Cream].

  The smile on Lin Shu's face deepened, and he smiled happily at Tian Cheng, hehe!

   The master moves, and it seems that he is going to cope with the changes in the same way.

   He memorized the English words of smile——


  The corners of the mouth are up, looking at each other sincerely, laughing to death, the undercurrent of swords and swords is surging——

   come, you continue to draw!

   I just smiled without talking.

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