Every Day Upgrades the Monsters and Explosives Equipment

Chapter 120: [That monster seems to be similar]

   once alive, the second time is not familiar.

   Obviously, I heard [ding! Player, you accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks! Lin Shu didn't have any psychological preparations for this sentence. What was really more of an accident and nervousness in his heart, because he had no idea how he suddenly entered the secret realm of time and space cracks.

   Everything in front of him is dark and full of unknowns, and his psychological anxiety at the moment is precisely his resistance to the unknown and darkness.

  Because of the last time and space crack secret realm, Lin Shu knew in his heart that such parallel space-time is not a virtual world in the game, but a specious independent parallel space-time.

   This strange feeling is really hard to describe in words.

  Although Lin Shu didn't know what the mysterious realm he entered this time was like, there is no doubt that he knew it was not that simple.

   You must know that the last time he accidentally entered the secret realm of space-time cracks, he saw with his own eyes that Senior Brother Lin jumped off the building and fell to death in front of him. Of course, in his real world, he saved Senior Brother Lin.

   But now he accidentally enters the secret realm of space-time cracks again, Lin Shu doesn't think it is for him to take a day trip to the secret realm easily.

The secret realm in the real game is full of opportunities, but in such a time-space crack secret realm, Lin Shu still remembers the monsters. You must know that he encountered a terrible monster like [Cannibal] in the last time-space crack secret. So now what kind of monsters will he encounter in this secret realm of space-time cracks?

   Or, is it really just a simple leisurely trip to the secret realm?

   Lin Shu's heart is full of uncertainty.

   As his thoughts flashed continuously, the darkness in front of him gradually disappeared, and a dazzling light appeared in front of Lin Shushu. The light was so dazzling that Lin Shu had to close his eyes.

   The dazzling light gradually disappeared. Lin Shu slowly opened his eyes, and found that he seemed to be standing in a strange place, his body was shaking a little unknowingly, and he felt that the ground under his feet was shaking.

   Why is it shaking?

   This feeling of shaking is getting stronger and stronger, there is nothing around, it is very quiet, the whole world is like him alone.

   Such quietness is a bit scary.

   Then, with the passage of time, everything around me gradually became clear, and the surrounding scenery slowly emerged, and there were also noisy sounds, just like the scenes in the movie appeared little by little.

   He seems to be on a bus now?

   is too weird, right?

Oh my God!

   What the **** is going on!

It is completely different from the familiar feeling of seeing those buildings in the secret world last time. The swaying Lin Shu dresses up the passengers in the carriage, and the buildings, scenery, roads and so on outside the window are full of strangeness, but this strangeness is faint. There was a strange familiarity.

   Because everything around is too nostalgic.

   is like the streets and stop signs ten years ago?

   Lin Shu had such a thought in his mind, this time the time in the space-time fissure secret realm is not a certain point in the future, but the past?

   The key is this past point in time, which seems to have a somewhat large span.

   is not a day or two days, it is not even a year or two!

   The car braked, Lin Shu was unbalanced, shook abruptly and almost fell. Fortunately, he grabbed the armrest and finally stabilized.

   "Young man, be careful!"

   A sitting aunt said this to Lin Shu.

   Lin Shu was a little dazed, and nodded in a daze.

The aunt looked up and down Lin Shu, her eyes filled with disappointment and disgust, she seemed to roll her eyes faintly, she thought she was dressed like a decent, glamorous, but she was like a second fool, she was really in love. useless.

   The scene in front of me is really more exciting than the last time I suddenly appeared at Shonan University.

   This picture is really shocking, and it really makes Lin Shu's whole person a little confused.

   All this is too strange.

   Lin Shu's mind kept on thinking. He wanted to ask the aunt next to him what year and month it was today, but the aunt seemed to be unwilling to pay attention to him.

   Lin Shu can't help but hesitate. He knows very clearly that this is definitely not 2020, it is definitely the street scenery of more than ten years ago, and possibly even longer.

   Lin Shu subconsciously wanted to get his cell phone, but found that there was no cell phone in his pocket.

   This made him even more surprised.

   All this unfamiliar makes Lin Shu a little uneasy, that kind of insecurity is really completely breaking into a strange world.

   Lin Shu found a place to sit down, leaned against the car window, and looked at the receding buildings outside, the flying dust, and the pedestrians on the road.

   is really incredible!

It’s really like looking at old photos, but he clearly knows that this is not a photo, but the real world, because he can clearly feel the wind blowing through his face outside the car window, and the air in the air. The smell and taste are really the same as ten years ago, or even twenty years ago.

   So, where is this place?

   What time is this time-space crack secret realm now?

   When Lin Shu was thinking about this problem, the car was also driving forward, and then he saw shops along the road that clearly read "Decheng Rice Noodles", and occasionally the addresses of some shops were also written in Decheng.

   So, this is Tookseong?

Oh my God!

  Although Lin Shu said that he was from a rural village in Decheng~www.wuxiamtl.com~, it didn’t happen at the beginning. This is Decheng. It’s really different!

   Then why did he enter this space-time crack secret realm?

   Lin Shu still has big question marks in his mind, full of puzzles and doubts.

   The point is that no one knows him at all here!

While Lin Shu was still thinking about it, the bus stopped, and there were many people waiting at the stop sign. A group of people rushed up. The conductor was busy asking the passengers to buy the tickets, and they asked the passengers to go back. Don’t stand there all the time. Front.

   Hearing the crowd in front of him, Lin Shu's thoughts were interrupted, and his eyes were cast on the passengers who had just got on the bus.

   Then, Lin Shu raised his brows, a little surprised.

  Because he saw a line of familiar words floating on the head of a thin young man in the group of people who got in the car——

   [Lv1 Three Hands: The skill is to take the sheep hand in hand. Remarks: Good disguise, offensive. 】

   I didn't expect to encounter a monster so soon in this secret realm, and it was also a [three hands] monster.

   But the level is a bit low, only Lv1.

   Is it because of this low-level mob that he accidentally entered this space-time crack secret realm?

   Such an uncertain thought popped up in Lin Shu's mind.

With this uncertain thought, Lin Shu carefully observed this [three hands] mob, and then looked at the young mob's face. Gradually, Lin Shu's eyes widened, and his entire face was filled with doubts and nos. Sure.

I go!

   Am I wrong?

   Why is this monster so familiar!

   How do you feel similar, as if you have seen it somewhere?


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