Shonan University, an examination room for postgraduate examinations.

  Because the distribution of test sites and test rooms for postgraduate exams is based on the principle of unified management and unified distribution, it is easy to manage. Therefore, the unified examination types of the postgraduate examination are arranged together, and most of the students in the postgraduate examination are from the same major and school.

   Regardless of whether it is the same major or different majors, the first thing is to apply for the same school in the same examination room.

   Therefore, when Lin Shu appeared at a well-arranged test site, some candidates recognized Lin Shu, the legendary ruthless man.

   Obviously they are applying for Huaqing University, so the presence of Lin Shu here also means that he is also applying for Huaqing University.

But obviously this time is not the time to care about which colleges others apply for, because the next is a very important exam. It can be said that there are many candidates who have been preparing for a long time, and it can even be said that they are candidates from the Second World War, one by one. They are all focused on exams, and they are very nervous.

   Lin Shu, the candidate for World War II, is different. He was admitted and dropped out and retake the exam.

   Different from the pressure and tension of other examinees, Lin Shu seemed more calm and calm, and when the exam started, when Lin Shu saw the test paper, his calmness in his heart became more calm.

   Of course, this does not mean that Lin Shu will underestimate the enemy.

   He knows very clearly that only second-rate players can underestimate the enemy, and before underestimating the enemy, he has already lost half.

   If the test questions are simple, then these test questions should be cleaned up, leaving none.

   Lin Shu, who had cleared the original level, played the level again. Even though the preparation time did not take too long, with the previous experience of the enemy and the tricks he has already practiced, those difficult levels can be said to be nothing to worry about.

   Lin Shu thought so in his heart.


   Lin Shu's return to Shonan University will undoubtedly arouse a lot of attention. Although the candidates in the examination room did not have the energy to pay attention to discussing this matter, other students who knew the news were different.

   You must know that this ruthless person, Lin Shu, can be said to be a celebrity in this place. Everyone knows the real academy.

   Some people also learned about this news, and even learned about the examination room Lin Shu went to, and they couldn't help but start talking about Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination.

   "I told you that Lin Shu really came to the school to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

   "This is normal. If he plans to continue his postgraduate studies after dropping out, he will naturally take the postgraduate exam, but I don't know where he intends to take the exam this time."

   "He went to the examination room at Huaqing University."

   "I'm going, it's amazing, it's Lin Shen, really amazing."

   Someone was surprised when he heard the news, and said: "His previous score should have gone to Huaqing University, but I don’t know how he can do this time, the review time is too short."

   "Yes, he didn't know if he was ready for more than a month after he left school. The key is that he seems to have been taking care of his father in the hospital."

"Maybe his father is not seriously ill, but he is still trying hard to review. If he can do as well as the last time, then there should be no problem. I am afraid that he has not reviewed well after so long, and finally... …"

   If you haven't finished speaking, it's natural to say nothing.

   You must know that it is Huaqing University!

   is really different from their Shonan University, the difficulty is not ordinary.

   actually dared to choose the examination room of Huaqing University, so now it depends on whether Lin Shu is as domineering as always, or whether he loses in embarrassment.


   Lightning flashes and thunder, squally wind howls, and the rainstorm is violent.

   Lin Shu didn't know that because of his appearance, there were many voices who paid attention to his exam. He only had the exam in front of him.

   It can be said that every door is very important, and nothing can be taken lightly. Even though he has played against these four masters last year, no one knows whether this year's feelings will become stronger and more difficult to deal with.

   But no matter how difficult it is, Lin Shu will never take a step back.

   The thunder rumbling, the excitement outside, the more and more torrential rain.

   It is the No. 1 master politics that took the lead.

Its moves are exquisite, mysterious and mysterious. They are based on the material and turn the consciousness of heaven and earth into truth. They are divided into principles, ideas, characteristics, outlines, and thoughts. They are attacked by five methods. Each move is powerful and powerful, and the momentum is amazing. .

Lin Shu naturally knows how profound his skills are in the politics of fighting against each other. He dared not face it head-on. He calmly confronted the enemy, took advantage of his strength, used materialist dialectics to see the essence, and then played against each other one by one. Then I played against it with consciousness, knowing the outcome of the game.

   It seems unremarkable, but it hides murderous intent and is very dangerous. It turns wind and rain into swords, draws the power of the world's origins, observes the development of the long river, the sword is powerful, majestic, and has a meaning of vastness.

Lin Shuyi, the second major English expert, is not afraid. He knows very well that he has roughly mastered the opponent's various tricks and all kinds of It can be said that it is easy to see through the opponent's intentions and can take the lead. Know where the next move is going.

   The thunder roared, the rain was fierce, crackling, and the sky was overwhelming.

This match is not careless. It can be said that the last come first, the move is the first, between the electric light and the flint, there have been hundreds of moves, from the past, present, and future three laws of time, divided into various grammatical attacks. Shooting everywhere, the sword clanging loudly.

   Occasionally, there are wrong tricks, but they can still be avoided. This fight can be said to be the same as the other.

   The third master of mathematics has always been a hard stubble in Lin Shu's heart. Every trick is incomparably subtle, seemingly simple, but it is dangerous and murderous. If you are not careful, you will get deep in the mud and it is difficult to get out.

   There is no doubt that the cold-faced master of mathematics is extremely cold-blooded and ruthless, scared at every step, and deadly moves. He must know the concepts, theorems and formulas of his tricks in order to find a breakthrough and entry point.

As for the last master mechanics major, it is the last gatekeeper. His martial arts tricks focus on the word "odd". Although it is a self-contained faction and is not a martial arts master, it is not weak at all. Jianghu, otherwise it would not be put as the gatekeeper at the end.

   However, whether it is politics, English, mathematics and professional courses, the four masters can't stop the ruthless man Lin Shu.

   No matter what type of question, what trap, what knowledge point, or any question that goes around and around repeatedly, Lin Shu can quickly see through where the door is, attacking the key, and quickly solve it.

   If there is a **** in the writing, the tricks are like surging rivers, endless, one go, and there is a sense of naturalness.

   The sky and the earth change color, and the clouds disappear.

   Everything is settled.

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