Decheng, People's Hospital.

   When Lin Shu arrived at the hospital, Lin Youjun's operation was over and he was transferred to the ICU of the intensive care unit.

   "The operation went well, and the patient has been transferred to the ICU for treatment."

   "Although the patient had rib fractures, which pierced the lungs and caused pneumothorax, the wounds were not large, the thoracotomy was smooth, and the craniotomy for intracranial hemorrhage was also very smooth."

   Lin Shu asked immediately: "Is it out of danger now?"

The doctor shook his head and replied directly: "The patient is not out of the dangerous period, and it is necessary to observe it. Generally 3 to 7 days are the dangerous period. The specific situation depends on whether the patient's condition improves, because it is an intracranial hemorrhage, although the blood clot has been removed by the craniotomy. Take it out to relieve the pressure in the skull, but it depends on the patient's recovery. The most worrying thing is re-bleeding. If there are no symptoms of intracranial hemorrhage and infection, the problem is not big."

   "Thank you doctor! Really thank you doctor!"

   Listening to the doctor's words, Lin Shu heaved a sigh of relief. Although he still has to be observed in the ICU and has not completely escaped from the dangerous period, it is clear that the situation is still optimistic.

   "Thank you doctor! Thank you so much!"

   ICU has a specific visit time, and family members are usually not allowed to enter. After all, it is an intensive care unit to avoid infection and affect treatment. It is not possible to visit at any time.

   Lin Shu thanked the doctor, and took his mother Yang Qiuyun to sit on the chair in the hospital corridor.

   "Auntie, don't worry about it. The doctor said that the operation went smoothly, but now you only need to pass the dangerous period."

   Yao Chen comforted: "Uncle, he will be fine."

   Yang Qiuyun glanced at Yao Chen, tried to make himself smile, but smiled reluctantly.

   Lin Shu knew that his mother was still a little worried, so he couldn't help but comforted him and said, "Don't worry, the doctor said, as long as the intracranial bleeding doesn't occur again, the problem will not be big. Maybe you will be transferred to the general ward soon."

  Because it was the tree harvesting worker who made the emergency call, there was no delay, otherwise it would definitely be more dangerous.

   Here, Lin Shu naturally wants to thank Uncle Yang who accompanied him to the hospital.

   "Lin Shu, don't worry, your father has a big life, and nothing will happen. Fortunately, that place is a slope, and he didn't directly hit him."

   Lin Shu knew this Uncle Yang and nodded.

   He also heard that his father's luck was not bad. Although he didn't completely avoid it, he at least avoided the main trunk and was hit by the branch.

  Because it is a slope, although the force is great, it still becomes a certain angle after all.

   Otherwise, it's really unthinkable.

  Uncle Yang said again: "When your dad gets better, don't let him harvest trees in the future."

   Lin Shu naturally nodded. He had advised his father not to be busy anymore, but it was clear that Lin Youjun was still busy as always.

  As he talked, there was a black and thin man next to him who wanted to talk, and seemed a little tangled.

Uncle Yang noticed the black thin man’s hesitation and stopped. He guessed it a little bit in his heart. He was a little embarrassed, but he said to the black thin man: "Lin Shu, it was the tractor that smashed the tree when the tree fell. On, the front of the car was smashed."

   "His tractor is not insured."

   Lin Shu was startled, and soon understood what Uncle Yang meant.

   Obviously, this is to make Lin Shu's family pay the money.

Lin Shu didn’t know what to say. His father was still lying in the ward, and he had not yet been out of the danger period to pay compensation, but soon that thought disappeared. He said, “Don’t worry, we will compensate for the amount of money. of."

   Lin Shu knew that this was also what his father called to drag the tree. It was an accident, and no one wanted such a thing to happen.

   I didn’t buy insurance for tractors in this rural area. Obviously it was to save money.

  Everything is for life, not easy.

   When Lin Shu said this, a smile appeared on the face of the thin black man. In fact, he felt very sad when something like this happened, but he felt even more distressed when he thought of his car being smashed.

   What the black thin man was still going to say, Uncle Yang grabbed the black thin man and stopped what the black thin man said.

   "Uncle Yang, just look at how many uncles who went to help today, and then today's wages will also be given to you."

   Uncle Yang's face sank when he heard these words, and he said in a deep voice: "Don't say this at this time. If your dad's treatment fee is not enough, you can tell me."

   Hearing Uncle Yang's words, Lin Shu tugged at the corner of his mouth and nodded with a smile.


   Yao Chen felt a little embarrassed while listening to these words, and didn't know what to say for a while.

   Lin Shu asked Yao Chen to drive them back to their hometown in his car.

   Lin Shu still has to pay for it, after all, living in the ICU is also very expensive.

Yang Qiuyun felt uncomfortable. Reading Lin Shu holding the payment slip, he couldn't help saying: "The 200,000 you gave before has been saved, and I still want to save you a sum of money for marriage, save it and save it... Now it's possible. Even your 200,000 yuan will move."

   These words made Lin Shu feel a little uncomfortable, and said: "What do you say these words for, originally the money is for you."

   Lin Shu understands that his mother feels uncomfortable, on the one hand because his father is still in the ICU, and on the other hand, he is worried about the cost of treatment. These two major operations cost more than 100,000, and I don’t know how much it will take afterwards. The key is to pay for the tractor, which is also a lump sum.

   He is now very grateful to his father for not being hit by the boss.

   Lin Shu said: "I will transfer you another 200,000 yuan later, and you and dad will really not have to work anymore in the future, especially when he gets better in the future, he definitely can't do this job anymore."

   "No need! Keep it for yourself."

   Lin Shu didn't say much about this topic, and instead talked about the accompany in the hospital later.

   He has dropped out of school now and does not need to go to school to attend classes, and now happens to be able to accompany him in the hospital. Although it is said that he will take the exam soon, but it is obvious that he can't go to review at this time, naturally he will be guarded in the hospital first.

   Yang Qiuyun still wants to be here by herself, but it is obvious that Lin Shu would naturally not agree.

   After Yao Chen drove back, he planned to return to Star City, but Lin Shu gave Yao Chen the key to his room and asked Yao Chen to help send his clothes.

   Yang Qiuyun couldn't get rid of Lin Shu, so he naturally went back, let Lin Shu stay here, and call again if he has anything to do.

   Lin Shu also found a hotel near the hospital to stay temporarily, so that Lin Shu could rush to the hospital in case of condition.

   After tossing around, Lin Shu can take a break.

   But, his heart hasn't rested, his thoughts are endless.

   No matter what, my father was still lying in the hospital. Even if the doctor said that the operation went smoothly, it would be difficult to be completely relieved if he didn't really get out of danger.

   The most important thing is that even if you recover from such a serious injury, there may be sequelae.

   He remembered that there was an item in his inventory [Health Potion] that was not used.

   Then, can he use it for his father?

   This way the father is better and faster?

   Lin Shu thought, clicked on the [Health Potion] in the inventory, always thinking about using his father Lin Youjun.


【Ding! This item cannot be used for non-players! 】

   Lin Shu was a little disappointed, but he actually had this preparation in his heart.

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