Shonan University.

  Because of this very serious handling notice, there is no doubt that it has attracted considerable attention within the entire school, including the entire network.

   There were cheers and applause on the Internet.

   "Cannibal University is finally subdued, I thought they had a ghostly heart, and they have gone through a ghost road to the end."

   "The punishment is too light, let's expel all of them, as Lin Shen said, they did not force the students to death, but they were not innocent at all."

   "Finally, it has been dealt with. Seeing how they continue to eat people, they are all seen now."

   "Lin Shu doesn't have to drop out, you must treat him well, he is a hero who saved lives."


There has been constant discussion on the Internet, and the handling notice is no less than a magnitude eight earthquake to the school’s internal level. It is a very fierce punishment notice. The names on the list are all shining, very eye-catching, and become a favorite among students. Tao's traffic topic figures.

   Its topic is absolutely popular, and it can be said that it is in the limelight.

   The only person who can compare with those people's topics is Lin Shu, the god-man.

   Lin Shu scolded people-eating ghosts before, and then Weibo collapsed, went up to the sky to listen, and the upper court passed the decree to suppress ghosts. This series is really exciting and exciting.

   This matter is still being discussed in school, and netizens are also discussing whether Lin Shu has dropped out.

   "Xie Chen, did Lin Shu really drop out of school?"

   There is still no Lin Shu in the classroom, and many students really want to know Lin Shu's current situation.

   Xie Chen shook his head and said, "He asked for leave and asked him. He submitted an application for withdrawal, but the college has not approved it yet."

   "You know, the counselor wants me to persuade me. Where can I persuade Lin Shu, he has confirmed it, I am afraid it will be difficult to change."

   The students who heard these words couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

   I have to say that it is really interesting to be classmates with Lin Shu, especially Lin Shu is still such a nniubility person, and that persistence really makes them admire the five bodies and can only look up.

   "Now the school has dealt with those people, Lin Shu shouldn't have to drop out anymore."

   "It's really unnecessary. It's hard to get admitted to graduate school, so I have to stick to it."

   Xie Chen couldn't help but smile when he heard this, and said: "It's hard for you, but the scores they got in the exam are easy."

   "It depends on whether the counselor can persuade him back."

The school’s feelings towards Lin Shu’s nature are naturally quite complicated. On the one hand, Lin Shu is indeed very good, especially in terms of sense of justice. He desperately saved his classmates. If it weren’t for Lin Shu’s hard work, that’s it. Lin Yiming really died at school. There is no reason in this regard that Lin Shu prevented a tragedy from happening.

But also because of Lin Shu’s sense of justice, he refused to give in at all and made the matter big. He also called the school teachers face-to-face as a group of cannibals, which really ruined the school’s reputation and caused a very bad impact. There is no doubt that it slapped the school in the face, making the school very embarrassing.

   However, the school here also knows very clearly that the online response to Lin Shu's withdrawal from school was so great, then Lin Shu should not be allowed to drop out, and Lin Shu should be kept for whatever reason.

   The counselor here really kept staying and persuaded Lin Shu, hoping that Lin Shu could dispel the idea of ​​quitting school.

   "Lin Shu, the school has already made a decision, so you don't have to worry that graduation will be affected."

   "In addition, the school will also give you corresponding rewards for saving people."

   "The scholarship I said before will still be given to you."

   Hearing what the counselor said, Lin Shu felt a little funny in his heart.

   The same place, the same people, but different conversations. He was still threatening him with his diploma and degree certificate before, but now he is persuading him to stay.

   This change before and after really makes him feel a little funny.

   He still remembers clearly that it was the first time the counselor asked him if he didn't want the degree certificate and graduation certificate.

   That indisputable attitude and condescending gaze, he still remembers clearly.

   "Teacher, I still plan to drop out."

"I am very sorry."

   When the counselor heard Lin Shu's words, his face was a little solemn, and he couldn't help asking: "Are you still worried that the school will hold you hate because of this incident?"

   "You can rest assured, absolutely not."

Lin was calm in writing, but he was noncommittal. After all, this incident was also caused by him. Also, he called those people a group of cannibals, but they have all been posted on the Internet. How could the teachers at the school react to it? He really has no idea at all.

   The counselor also felt that his words were not convincing, but he still had to persuade Lin Shu not to drop out.

   After all, this matter has become such a big deal now, and the above are already dealing with this matter, and the public opinion on the Internet is still the same. If Lin Shu really dropped out, the school would really have been a joke.

   Therefore, even if he is now slapped in the face by what he said, he has to persuade Lin Shu to stay.

"Lin Shu, your undergraduate is also here. This is your alma mater. You also know what our school is saying on the Internet. If you drop out, it will really embarrass the school. In this case, you should also feel that it's not good."

   A line of text floated from the top of the counselor's head——

   [Lv9 ghost talk: skills are nonsense, people have nothing to say. 】

  【Attack! Lv9 Guicha affectionately vomits a big mouthful of emotional I want to kidnap you tenderly! 】


   Playing the emotional card?

   Lin Shu thought it was a bit funny. When he threatened and intimidated him, he didn't think about feelings.

   At that time, why didn't he think that he spent his four years undergraduate here? Not to mention the past feelings, even if he is a fresh student here, he is still not the same vulnerable.

   Lin Shu wants to laugh a little, but now he still wants to kidnap him with morality?

   He doesn't think that the school really has a very deep affection for him as a student. The plastic school love is not on the surface.

   Four years of youthfulness!

   呸, scum school, the relationship of those four years was so mercilessly intimidated and threatened, it's a hammer!

   Keep it and wait for it to be eaten thoroughly!

   Lin Shu did not answer, even without the line of words floating on the counselor's head, he would not believe this nonsense.

   When the counselor saw that Lin Shu didn't answer, he knew that his relationship was paid by mistake after all.

   However, he still has to do his best to do the tasks that he can't explain above, whether it's the warning and intimidation before, or the emotional talk now.

   He is just a tool man without emotion.

   Lin Shu said frankly: "Teacher, I'm sorry, I may still have to drop out, because I plan to try Huaqing University."

   The counselor's mouth twitched, and all his feelings are worthless in the face of comparison. He knows that you have a better choice, and how can you stop your choice.

   However, I still have to stay.

   "If you think about it again, the school can provide combined postgraduate and doctoral studies."

   Lin Shu smiled and said nothing, the meaning of that smile——

   Know everything.

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