Star City.

   Yao Chen sat aside and watched Lin Shu being on the phone with his home. He didn't say a word. He knew that Lin Shu was telling his family that he was planning to quit school.

   When he first learned about this on the Internet, the whole person was shocked, and he didn't even think he would choose to drop out of school.

   Especially after reading the hot searches on the Internet, I am even more worried that Lin Shu really has to choose to drop out because of pressure.

From the very beginning of this incident, he paid attention and made several calls to Lin Shu. Like many netizens, he admired Lin Shu very much, and he knew better than those netizens the pressure Lin Shu faced in school. .

   He heard Lin Shu said that when the counselor first talked to him, he would both softly and hardly tell him to let him delete the posts, otherwise the diploma and degree certificate would be very dangerous.

   At that time, Lin Shu was unmoved, even if he gave good terms.

   After the later video that scolded cannibals was exposed, he knew how determined Lin Shu was.

   He is really not scared.

   But, do you really want to drop out?

   Yao Chen looked at Lin Shu and finished the phone call, helped his black-rimmed glasses, and asked, "Lin Shu, are you really planning to quit school?"

   Lin Shu nodded and said, "Yes, I have this idea. The withdrawal application has been submitted, but the counselor has not given it yet. He persuaded me not to drop out and let me think about it."

   Hearing Lin Shu's words, Yao Chen frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Of course they don't want you to drop out. Now the Internet has collapsed and exploded because of the news that you dropped out."

   "If you really drop out, then they will be completely embarrassed and difficult to end."

   The corner of Lin Shu's mouth rose slightly, he knew this very well.

   This was also known when he submitted the withdrawal application form with the counselor.

   "What do you think?"

   Yao Chen looked at Lin Shu and asked directly: "Are you worried that the heat will pass, will they still embarrass you?"

   Lin Shu pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "I have concerns about this, but it's not just for this reason. Anyway, I don't want to be pinched by them."

   "Finally, I think I may have underestimated myself before. You also said that my postgraduate entrance examination score is able to go to a university like Huaqing, and now it is true that I think about it. In fact, I can go to a better school."

As soon as Yao Chen heard this, his frown stretched. Obviously, Lin Shu's words made him agree. The real truth is that Lin Shu's previous postgraduate entrance examination scores were really very high, and those of the top universities in China It's not a problem at all.

   At that time, he and the others sighed that Lin Shu's postgraduate entrance examination score was a waste of waste.

Yao Chen looked at Lin Shu and thought about it. Now, even though Shonan University has been scolded miserably, he has already issued a statement online in response to canceling Yang Gui’s postgraduate enrollment qualifications, and said that he will end his studies in accordance with relevant regulations. School teaching work, termination of employment.

Although it was said that this kind of treatment was too late, it was also resolved. The key is that Lin Shuxian scolded the professors and leaders of the school as cannibals, slapped them in the face, and stood on the opposite side of the school. Those people are in mind.

   Even if I can't move Lin Shu now, I won't be able to tell.

   "Then have you considered it?"

   "Still considering, but the withdrawal application has been submitted."

   "What did your parents say?"

   "They don't have any opinion. I want to make my own decision."

   From the beginning, Lin Shu made decisions for himself, because they knew he could be the master.

   "Lin Shu, I really admire you, how come you are so courageous?"

   Lin Shu raised his brows, and his eyes fell on the [Spirit] 5 points in the [Basic Attributes] of the virtual panel. He didn't know if it was because of the strong spirit. He was really not afraid.

   Whether it's scolding those ghosts or dropping out of school.

   Even if there is a little pressure, it is really nothing to him.

  In fact, Lin Shu always regarded dropping out of school as the last resort. Although Jin Chan said that it was the best plan to retreat, but it was the last resort after all.

   But he is also thinking about whether it is necessary to take another university entrance exam. Although it is a consideration, he already has the answer in his heart, otherwise he would not submit the application for withdrawal.

   Lin Shu is still unwilling to pin his expectations on the ghosts above, especially the cannibals he has scolded, he doesn't want to pull out some troublesome ghosts later.

   Those ghosts are still on it after all!

   He is not afraid to speculate on those lofty cannibals with the most malicious intentions.


   It can be said that Lin Shu was forced to drop out of school under pressure from the school.

   Although Shonan University denied Lin Shu's withdrawal from school in the first place, some students have secretly revealed the news on the Internet that Lin Shu has indeed submitted an application for withdrawal.

   This kind of revelation undoubtedly made this matter more and more boiling and hot, it is really getting worse and out of control.

   An overwhelming all of them condemned and attacked the cannibal university.

   The people in the school are naturally very angry, but they also know that the problem is very difficult and embarrassing.

   Inside the dean's office, Zhou Bo looked gloomy and said coldly: "If he wants to drop out, let him drop out."

   "A person who doesn't respect the teacher and respect the teachings and has no education is considered good if he is not expelled!"

   When these words appeared, several people frowned.

   Obviously, Zhou Bo is still worrying about Lin Shu calling them a cannibal, and he always remembers this thing that made him lose face.

   The counselor did not say a word. Now the reputation of the school has plummeted, and it has been ridiculed by netizens as a cannibal university.

   If you really forced Lin Shu, who had stepped forward to save people at the beginning, to drop out of school, then it would really have become a joke with no distinction between right and wrong, black and white.

   The dean did not speak.

   There was a call suddenly, and the dean answered the phone. Hearing the words on the other end of the phone, his face suddenly changed.


   Just as the hot search of #林书被压压选出学# continued to boil, and when it occupied the first place, a hot search suddenly dropped from above.

   Decree of heaven drop, air drop first, group search and retreat.

  # "Educational Supervision and Accountability Measures" is released and implemented#

"The Measures clearly stipulate that there are the following situations and should be held accountable: ... the school will be held accountable for student bullying, infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of teachers and students, serious failure of teachers' morality, student bullying, etc. that endanger the physical and mental health of students, or Significant negative public sentiment...... Detailed stamp → (web link

   A certain department in a certain courtyard above!

   At this moment, the sky and the earth broke, Kyushu was turbulent, and the situation changed its color.

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