Chapter 103: The Twelve Ancestral Witch was stunned

Speaking of it, since the lich fought for the first time, a whole tens of thousands of years have passed since now.

In the beginning, the Lich fought for the first time, and the losses of both races were very large. Countless people fell in the battle. It can be said that both lose and lose.

The only good point is that the top combat effectiveness of the two races of Lich is still good.

Under their leadership, after tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the combat effectiveness of the two clans finally recovered, even stronger than before.

The forces of the two races are everywhere in the prehistoric land, and they are two very powerful forces!

at this time.

Inside the Witch’s Pangu Temple.

There are a total of twelve thrones in the temple, and on each throne sits a very powerful powerful man.

It is the twelve ancestor witch of the witch clan!

The name Dijiang who sits in the middle is the time ancestor of the Witch clan!

“Dear Little Brother and Little Sister, in the past few years, although we have not had a big war with the Yaozu, but the small battle is always there, what do you think should be done?” Di Jiang said with a majestic expression on his face and asked loudly. .


Just after Dijiang’s words were finished, Wu Rong, the ancestor of fire, who had the worst temper, immediately snorted coldly, his eyes widened like copper bells with Killing intent inside.

He said with a murderous voice: “Dage, what else do you say? That monster clan is so unconvinced, we will fight with them again, this time we will surely kill all the monster clan!”

Had it not been for Hongjun’s blocking back then, Yaozu would definitely not be their opponent!

“Zhu Rong, why are you still so bad-tempered, so easy to get angry?” Di Jiang hadn’t figured out how to speak. The Water Ancestor Wu Gong, who had always had a very bad relationship with Zhu Rong, spoke at this time.

He looked at Zhu Rong and said loudly, ‘Even if we could defeat the Yaozu back then, how much combat power do you think our Wuzu can save? Is this what you want to see? ’

“Okay you, Gong Gong, is it possible that you are scared?”

Zhu Rong patted the table angrily, stood up and stared at Gong Gong angrily, and yelled angrily: “You are afraid of you, but I am a member of the Wu clan, I will never be afraid of death!”

“For us, it is a very glorious thing to die on the battlefield!”

“Zhu Rong…you…as the ancestor witch of the Wu clan, how can you not take the lives of your own people in your heart!”

Gong Gong retorted very unconvincingly; “What have I been afraid of when I work together in the world? What have I been afraid of? If I can, I don’t want to watch our people die on the battlefield.”


“All right!”

Just when Zhu Rong wanted to yell at Gonggong for being so timid, Dijiang finally couldn’t keep watching.

He suddenly yelled, his voice thunderous.

Gonggong and Zhu Rong subconsciously stopped arguing, and then Dijiang glanced at the other ancestor witches and asked, “Do you have any other opinions?”

“Dage.” At this moment, a voice like a yellow oriole suddenly rang.

Everyone looked along the sound source.I saw the picturesque Houtu ancestor witch.

“What does Little Sister want to say?” Di Jiang asked with a smile.

“Dear Big Brothers, Little Sisters, I think our ancestral witches are the most important thing now. Don’t provoke wars easily. Only in this way can we become stronger and stronger sooner!” Houtu’s sweet voice sounded, and he spoke endlessly.

“Otherwise, if we fight with the monster clan again, our people will die and be wounded again.”

Obviously, Hou Tu did not want to continue fighting with the Yaozu.

“Indeed, what Little Sister Houtu said is very reasonable!” Wu Xuanming, the ancestor of rain, also said softly: “It is time to recuperate and accumulate our fighting power!”

“Yes, you really shouldn’t be too anxious now!” Di Jiang said in agreement.

Suddenly, the world trembled, making a rumbling sound, and an extremely tyrannical aura swept across the entire witch clan, enclosing the entire witch clan in the blink of an eye.

In the face of such turbulent weather, even Dijiang and the rest of the ancestor witches couldn’t help their expressions change at this time, and their hearts became tense.

“Bold, who on earth dare to come to our Wuzu chassis?” Zhu Rong’s proposal was not approved by everyone, and his heart was extremely depressed. Now he suddenly felt this horrible momentum, and suddenly became angry and yelled. A cry: “Let me take your dog’s life!”

Before I finished speaking, Zhu Rong, who had a temper like a volcano, quickly raised his foot and stepped on the fire dragon to rush into the sky, with a mighty momentum on his body.

“Not good!”

Seeing this situation, Di Jiang whispered: “The person here is not Di Jun, and a child like Tai Yi is not hostile to us. Zhu Rong will go out at this time, I am afraid that he will get into trouble!”

After finishing speaking, he couldn’t say anything more, and quickly tore the void and walked through the void.

As expected, Dijiang, who is in charge of the order of space, can travel through space easily.

“Let’s go together!”

The remaining ancestral witches glanced at each other, and one by one jumped away into the sky.

“Huh? In addition to the initial tyrannical aura, there is a very familiar misty aura!” Suddenly, Houtu provoked and whispered.

Then, as if thinking of something, she exclaimed: “Could it be him… he…?”

“Chu Rong, Big Brother, you must not take action, it will delay major events!”

In the next second, Houtu also flew quickly towards the void.

At the same time, Zhu Rong had already stepped on two fire snakes and flew towards the sky with strong pressure.

I want to find the guy who dared to break into their Witch clan’s territory to fight a game, so that the other party knows that no matter what the young person is, he can go wild in the Witch clan’s chassis.

Soon, Zhu Rong passed through the layers of wontons and saw something exuding strong pressure.

But it was precisely because of seeing what it was that he was stunned in an instant!

Even though Zhu Rong had never been afraid of the heavens and the earth, when he saw the candle dragon, which was huge enough to cover the sun and the moon, he still stayed on the spot and didn’t dare to act rashly.

Look at the numbers at a glance.

The dragon is lying on the top of the sky, as if side by side with the sun, carrying a terrifying force that can destroy the world.

Those very big eyes were staring at Zhu Rong extremely coldly, without any temperature.

It’s like being in an ant.

Especially the fierce Killing intent exuding from the body, it even wrapped the world in it, and the surrounding void was almost twisted.

Zhu Rong subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, shouting with fear on his face. Although you are not very scared yet, you are already tense.

Because he knew very well that the candle dragon in front of him was very powerful, even more powerful than Dijun and Taiyi.

As long as he is not tight, he may die here.

Although Zhu Rong has a bad temper and likes to fight, he is not stupid. In some things, he is still very measured.

That’s why he did it directly before coming up.

After breathing out, Zhu Rong took a deep breath, staring at the candle dragon intently, and shouted loudly: “Why, you black dragon, why did you suddenly break into our Wu family’s chassis?”

At this moment, the void beside Zhu Rong suddenly twisted, and then Dijiang’s figure appeared beside him.

“how come?”

The moment he saw the black dragon, Di Jiang’s spirit was tense, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Fortunately, when Zhu Rong hadn’t done it yet, his expression was also very solemn, looking at the dragon’s head.

But he was on the dragon’s head just now, and he felt several breaths.

Zhu Rong didn’t notice Lin Yunji’s breath for the first time, and he didn’t blame him.

After all, the breath of the candle dragon is too powerful and arrogant, Zhu Rong’s attention immediately fell on the candle dragon.

But Di Jiang, his heart is more careful, because of the slight fluctuations in space, he noticed Lin Yun trailing them.

But this was also because Di Jiang’s expression became more solemn when he sensed Lin Yunji’s existence.

How tall is the Cultivation Base of those who conquer the dragon to make this dragon be their mount? Realm?

In any case, he can’t beat it!

He is very self-aware, and his Cultivation Base is probably not as good as the dragon, let alone the one who subdued the dragon.

“I don’t know which Sacred is who came to my Wu Clan?”

Suddenly, Lin Yunji, who was standing on the dragon’s head, walked down slowly with a few women.

“How come! How can there be more creatures?”

Seeing Lin Yunji and them, Zhu Rong’s eyes suddenly rounded, and he said in surprise: “He is still stepping on the dragon’s head! Who is he?”

For a time, the more Zhu Rong looked at Lin Yunji, the more surprised he was.

Because he clearly perceives the misty drum in Lin Yunji’s body, and there is boundless Magic power in the opponent’s body, which is very terrifying and unfathomable!

In addition to this, what surprised him even more.

Lin Yunji actually still has a force capable of destroying heaven and earth.

And that strength is no worse than the physical strength of their ancestor witches.

“How could this be? There are still creatures in this world that can be compared with the ancestral house of our Wu clan!” Zhu Rong cried out in disbelief.

The twelve ancestor witches of the Witch Clan were all formed by Pangu’s Blood Essence. In addition to the power to control order, what makes them most proud is the power of the flesh.So for them, even Heavenly Dao Sage, the power of the body is also inferior to them.

But he couldn’t imagine that the man in front of him could be compared with them just by relying on the power of his body. It was tyrannical and scary, so at this moment, Zhu Rong was very jealous!

Since Zhu Rong was aware of the horror of Lin Yunji, of course Di Jiang was also aware of it.

In an instant, his eyes narrowed slightly, with shrewdness in the gap, his expression extremely solemn and jealous.

Because he knows!

If the candle dragon and the powerful Lin Yunji were to make a move together, it would be the day of the destruction of the Wu clan today.

Even if their twelve ancestor witches join forces, they may not be able to beat each other!

But the only thing I can thank is that there is no hostility on the other side.

But even so, Dijiang still transmitted the voice to Zhu Rong, so he must be careful not to do anything casually, so as not to anger the other party.

“I am a disciple of the Master Tongtian, Lin Yunji, who came here to look for the Houtu Ancestral Witch.”

Lin Yunji’s indifferent voice suddenly rang.

Actually, Lin Yunji and Hou Tu didn’t come into contact very much. They only met when they heard it in Zixiao Palace, and then met once at Eagle Hatoyama. Besides, even when Empress Nuwa opened the Snail Sky , Thick coating has never appeared.

But this is just an excuse for Lin Yunji to come and look for the Heavenly Dao Fragment!

“Are you a disciple of Sage?”

Hearing what Lin Yunji said, Dijiang and Zhu Rong became nervous here.

They still know Sage’s unpredictable methods, especially Houtian, who once heard in the Purple Cloud Palace, described to them the terrifying aspects of Hongjun Daozu.

Even the Wu Clan who is not afraid of heaven and earth will not offend Heavenly Dao’s Sage at will.

Not to mention, what Lin Yunji was talking about was looking for the Houtu Ancestral Witch.

Lijiang immediately smiled and cupped hands said, “I didn’t expect to be Sage’s disciple. I don’t know why Little Sister came to look for Hou Tu this time?”

“There is nothing else, that is, he invited me to have a look at you Wu Clan. I will stop by and take a look this time!” Lin Yunji shook his head slightly and said.

Hearing this, Zhu Rong and Di Jiang glanced at each other, and immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he ran to see the Houtu Ancestral Witch, it was not an enemy.

There was really no way. Just now, Lin Yunji’s aura was so strong that they had to be vigilant.

“Hahaha… Since we are good friends with Little Sister Houtu, they must also be good friends of our witch clan, of course we welcome it very much!”

Zhu Rong smiled very nicely and said, “I was too rude just now!”

It can also be seen from this that, although Zhu Rong has a hot temper and likes to be strong and combative, he has a very good friendship with his brothers and sisters.

Although there are always conflicts with Gonggong, in fact, the relationship is very good.

Not long after, ten figures suddenly appeared in front of them, and one of them happened to be Houtu.

“Lin…Little friend Lin Yunji!”

Hou Tu’s eyes lit up when he saw Lin Yunji, and he screamed happily.

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