Chapter One Hundred and One

In the chaos, there is an ancient palace located in it.

The name of this palace is Zixiao Palace.

It is the dojo of Hongjun Daozu.

At this time, above the Taoist platform in Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun’s figure suddenly appeared, and Zhou Shen was enveloped in a mist, with a misty breath.

People can’t see his appearance clearly, it seems that his figure and appearance have been integrated with the heaven and the earth.

This makes his Cultivation Base more sophisticated.

“It’s not Sage, but it can arouse the power of Dao that shocks the world, and it can also make the world show good to him and join him!”

“There is no luck, but there is no way to see through!”

“Weird and weird!!”

The erratic sound echoed in the Zixiao Palace.

It’s like someone is singing the avenue.

After the voice fell, Hongjun’s figure suddenly disappeared in the palace again, as if he had never appeared in the palace.

There is no age in Honghuang, and there is no age for cultivation.

Time flicked by, and soon thousands of years passed.

The preacher Lin Yunji fulfilled all his own promises in these thousands of years. In the first five hundred years, the content of his lectures was the Tao of God, and in the remaining five hundred years, the content of his lectures was the practice of martial arts. road.

In this way, everyone in the human race can cultivate gods and martial arts at the same time.

Suddenly, Lin Yunji stopped to lecture.

In the blink of an eye, the sound disappeared in the space, the golden lotus in the space also disappeared, and the neon clothes Fairy also left.

Everything returned to calm.

All the races who were listening on the ground instantly woke up from their epiphany, and everyone was full of energy.

And their Cultivation Base also broke through extremely fast.

For those with wisdom roots, the way of self-cultivation directly becomes Celestial Immortals early stage.

The human races who practice martial arts directly break into the Xiantian state, their body muscles bulge, and they contain supreme power at a glance.

“Thank you, Father!”

“The kindness of the Father to us will be remembered for generations to come.”

After speaking, all the human races once again bowed to thank you, and shouted loudly, their expressions were very pious.

“The sermon is over, you can leave, do whatever you should do, don’t violate your own heart!” Lin Yunji slowly stood up, waved his hand at them, and smiled calmly.

“Yes, please follow the words of the Father.”

Everyone of the human race prayed again, and then left.

At this time, thunder bursts in the sky, and boundless auspicious clouds gathered together, and finally condensed into a very great cloud of merit.

The auspicious clouds are golden, filling the entire sky, illuminating all the places in this area as golden.

Such a huge momentum, although not as good as daddy preaching for the human race, and also not as good as the Nuwa mother who created the human race, but it is still grand.

“I went, I didn’t expect to have such a harvest?”

Seeing the big cloud of merit, Lin Yunji’s eyes lit up, and she was delighted: “Hahaha, I didn’t expect to have so much merit after only talking about the Tao for thousands of years!”

“Human, it seems that we are destined to be deeply bound, and we will never be able to break it!”

“I don’t know how many belief points can be exchanged for such a great merit?” Lin Yunji became more excited as he thought about it.

at the same time.

When the auspicious cloud of merit appeared, countless big names in the prehistoric world all paid attention to it.

After all, the cloud of merit and virtue is so great, the golden light almost covers the boundless sky, and it is impossible to fail to notice it.

So there was a sudden moment in the hearts of so many big takers, and they all started to forget them one by one.

But soon, they discovered something even more surprising.

That was how they calculated, they could only find that this piece of auspicious clouds belonged to Lin Yunji, but they didn’t know why it appeared.

It’s like the secret of heaven has been messed up, or hidden by someone who exists higher.

Even Heavenly Dao Sage can’t figure it out!

Sanqing Hall of Hunlun Mountain!

“My nephew is so lucky, I didn’t expect to have such a great merit!” Daddy opened his eyes and smiled on his face.

“I don’t know what the hell is this kid doing, he can get so much auspicious cloud merit?”

Master Tongtian laughed happily while shouting.

Obviously, no matter what the reason, when he discovered that Lin Yunji had gained so much merit, he was still very happy for him, smiling like a child.

“Master nephew luck is really good!” Yuanshi Tianzun also smiled, but soon frowned, and said solemnly: “But it’s a pity that he doesn’t have the vitality of the foundation of Dao in his body, otherwise he can achieve the Dao at any time! ”

Hearing Yuanshi Tianzun’s words, Sanqing and the others glanced at each other, and their eyebrows suddenly became sad.

“Do you still remember that when I was in the Zixiao Palace, the teacher once gave Hongyun Daoist a colossal purple qi, and now it seems that he is the only one who has not yet proclaimed!”

Suddenly, Primordial Yuanzun remembered and said, “If…”

As he said, Yuanshi Tianzun’s eyes stretched out and Sen Han’s killing intent flashed.

Although not finished, the meaning is clear!

Even if he killed Hongyun Daoist, he still had to take away the grand and purple energy and give it to Lin Yunji.

“No!” Daddy suddenly shook his head in denial: “Since Hongmeng Ziqi was given to Hongyun Daoist by the teacher, it means that Hongyun Daoist and that Daoist are fate! If we snatch it for Lin Yunji, let’s not say whether it can be true. I’m afraid it’s a success, the teacher will be angry too!”

“Big brother is right!” The Master Tongtian frowned, and said in agreement: “But one day, I will definitely find the majesty and purple spirit for that kid, even if I pay a great price!”

Daddy and Yuanshi Tianzun nodded at the same time.

It’s also not clear. If they knew, Lin Yunji not only possesses the grandeur and purple energy, but also possesses three realms at the same time, what would he think?

Juan Huangtian’s palace.

Nuwa sat quietly on top of the white lotus, with a faint white light radiating from her body, looking extraordinarily holy.

After a while, she opened her eyes slowly, as if she could see through the borderless shore.

“Chuck…” I don’t know what I saw, Nuwa smiled brightly on her face, and then let out a crisp laugh like a bell.

Instantly beautify this world.

“Interestingly, Xiao Zhuo went to the shore of the sea again!”

“It’s just those human races, even if they build the temple, they still put my sculpture and the small bamboo together.”

“Hmph, Xiao Zhuzi, after I understand everything, I will go to you.” She said, closing her eyes again.

But compared with just now, the smile on Nuwa’s face has not disappeared, and the mood is very good at first sight!

Below the Bodhi sacred tree in Western Paradise.

Lead and quasi lift the two sit down cross-legged.

But the two of them looked very bad.

“The sky is actually blocked by I don’t know what power, and I don’t know how Lin Yunji obtained such a great cloud of merit?”

Succeeding in a distressed expression, frowned and said, “Could it be that it has something to do with that human race?”


Zhunti suddenly made a cold snort at this time, with a warm anger on his face.

“I think at the beginning, my senior brother and I established a Western religion, and the merits given by Heavenly Dao are similar to his. And this Lin Yunji didn’t establish any teachings, so why did he give him so much merit?” Zhun said very much. Not reconciled.

Isn’t that true?

In order to obtain the merits and virtues, they set up great teachers like Sanqing, but even so, the merits and virtues did not allow them to prove the truth.

There is no way, they can only make a very big wish and form a very big Karma, and then finally proclaim.

It was also because of this that they had forged an enemy with Sanqing and also offended Xuanmen.

But now the large group of merits and auspicious clouds in the sky almost surpassed what they taught.

Regardless of whether it was a referral or a quasi-promotion, they were very unwilling, and even yelled angrily in their heart. Hongjun was too unfair, and Heavenly Dao was also very unfair.

“Junior Brother, don’t be too anxious. After a while, let’s go to the Human Race to see what’s going on!” Succeedingly said.


The Sun Temple at Heaven Court.

Both Dijun and Taiyi sat on the throne, with a mighty Magic power exuding their bodies, and behind them there was a looming three-legged Golden Crow.

But their expressions at the moment were extremely gloomy.

Obviously, they also calculated that the very great merit and virtue belonged to Lin Yunji.

“That kid Lin Yunji is really hateful, why give him such a Fuze behind him, he now has not only increased his Cultivation Base, but also has such a big cloud of merit?” Tai Yi’s eyes were covered with cold frost. The tone was extremely cold.

Especially when it comes to the three words Lin Yunji, Killing intent is in his expression and tone!

It turned out that he had never forgotten his hatred for Lin Yunji from beginning to end.

Even knowing that there are four Heavenly Dao Sages standing behind Lin Yunji as a backer.

It was because in those years, he was almost killed by Lin Yunji on the spot, so he hated Lin Yunji so much that he would never forget it.

“The coast of the four seas, it seems that the Houtian race created by the Nuwa Empress, which is the so-called place where the human race stays!”

“Back when Nuwa Empress created this Houtian, she was able to prove Dao breakthrough, and Daddy also established a human education, thus proving Dao breakthrough. Now that Lin Yunji has also gained so much merit in the Human race!”

“Obviously, this human race is definitely not that simple. Let’s find a chance to check one or two from the human race!” Di Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, and the gap was shining brightly.

Compared to his wife’s hatred of Lin Yunji, he was more rational and looked extremely long-term.

One sentence, a few words, will give insight into the special features of Human Race.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hongyun Daoist, an old friend, are still talking about each other.

Suddenly they stopped, and then quickly pinched to forget.

“Hahaha, Lin Yunji fellow daoist is indeed Lin Yunji fellow daoist, Fuze is so profound, he is so favored by Heavenly Dao!”

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi stroked his own beard and smiled heartily: “Such a great merit, definitely can make Lin Yunji fellow daoist Cultivation Base by leaps and bounds, the gap between us and him is getting bigger and bigger!”

“No, it really makes me envious.” Hongyun Daoist also said with a smile.

“I didn’t expect this Terran to be really Tai Xuan. I don’t have any disciples under my sect. If I can accept some disciples in the Terran, maybe it would be pretty good. I can still get along with fellow daoist Lin Yunji!” Zhen Yuanzi raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“That’s good!”

At this moment, countless Sage and Da Neng are discussing this matter.

And inside the coast of the four seas.

After a long time of gathering of the clouds of merit and virtue in the sky, they finally reached their extremes.

After that, Xiangyun fell down towards Lin Yunji, and was directly received by Lin Yunji with a wave of his hand.

[Ding Dong, the host currently has a large number of merits and virtues in his chest, do you want to exchange all of them into faith points?]

The forefoot took away the cloud of merit, and the sound of the system was remembered in the back of his head.


Lin Yunji didn’t hesitate at all, and said directly in his heart.

It seems that only this way can he express his anxiety.

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