Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 290 The Secret of the Power of the Starry Sky!

The news of the secret passages and treasures of the plane of Ayers quickly spread to every part of the town, and everyone knew it.

Because of the meteor shower, tonight is a sleepless night.

The Ayers Plane Treasure thing is true.

There are local residents in the tavern, and many seniors were invited to tell about the treasures of the Ayers plane.

An old man with a bald head and a lump on his head was talking in the tavern.

Tummy old man: Wine! Come up with good ale, and I'll tell you about the treasure of Ayers.

The uncle in white, the dwarf, and the fat man in the tavern were from out of town, and were very interested in this treasure, so they spent money to buy a good ale for the tummy old man.

The old man with the tumor drank the wine, pointed to the tumor on his head, and began to say: Do you know what this is on my head?

The dwarf said decisively: This is a solitary lipoma! It is caused by drinking alcohol. Your human constitution is not good. If you drink too much alcohol, your metabolism will not be clean, and toxins will accumulate in your body! This type of lipoma will form due to the proliferation of subcutaneous connective tissue and blood vessels. Hurry up and cut it off! Although this thing is not painful or itchy, it has the risk of cancer. If it is eroded by darkness, this thing will grow limbs and crawl into your body!

The old man was shocked: This... this is impossible!

The dwarf continued: What's impossible, it's like this, I've seen it a lot, and some people have multiple lipomas, which are densely packed on their backs, and finally these tumors grow tails.

Tummy old man: I...

The uncle in white yelled: Short up, shut up! We're here to hear about the treasure, not about the lipoma! Don't talk nonsense!

The people drinking around also shouted: Yes, yes! Just ignore the lipoma or something. Hurry up and talk about it, Treasure! Yes, Treasure! We want to listen to Treasure!

The old man with tumor pointed to his tumor and said, This is not a lipoma, this is the glorious mark of my adventure on the plane of Ayers! I was young at that time, it was probably 30 years ago, and our village organized the adventure. The team went to the plane of Ayers and met there...

Everyone looked expectantly: What did you encounter...

Old Man with Tummy: Meet the flying white ghosts! The ghosts attacked our station, and then everyone was possessed! We had an experienced old wizard in our team, who bled everyone and took possession of them. The ghost of the ghost came out. This tumor of mine is the bleeding port, the port where the ghost came out!

Everyone looked carefully at the old man's tumor,

There is indeed a cross pattern on it that looks like a full mushroom split, but the skin has already grown, and you can't see it unless you look carefully.

Tummy old man: When I was possessed by ghosts, the ghosts said that they were Ayers' subordinates, Ayers who discovered this plane ten thousand years ago! Ghosts have been enslaved for tens of thousands of years, and their seals will be loosened during the meteor shower. , and escape!

The uncle in white took the notebook and wrote it down while listening.

The old man with the tumor: Fortunately, my life is relatively hard. Among the bloodletting companions, 8 of the 10 died, and I am the survivor!

The crowd listening to the story suddenly said, Then why did your wound grow into a tumor? Is there any residual poison left?

Tummy old man: Uh... No, no, I'm 72 years old! If it's poisonous, I'll die long ago.

The dwarf said decisively: It's a lipoma! There may be a precursor to cancer! This thing will grow bigger and bigger!

The onlookers shouted: Is there any other information hidden in the tumor? The ghost will leave a message in the wound! That's why this big tumor grows! Cut it! Cut it and see! Is there anything to cut Come down and find out!

Seeing that the old man was wrong, he was about to run away, but was held down by the onlookers.

Fatty took out a sharp knife from his small bag: This is a survival knife in a field suit. It's very sharp. Don't struggle, or it won't be good if you cut it elsewhere!

The old man with the tumor screamed, but he was held down, and finally the tumor was cut!

After the tumor was cut off and placed on the wine table, Fatty carefully peeled off the skin on the surface, and then the tumor exploded, and it exploded into a cloud of blood for no reason! The people onlookers sprayed their faces. This blood mist has a heavy smell of greasy oil, which is very unpleasant.

Then someone found that the old man who was cut off the tumor could not move, and everyone knew that the old man was dead.

The old man's death caused a small-scale chaos. The drinkers ran away, and after a while, they ran away cleanly, leaving only the corpses. The tavern owner cursed and called the waiter to dispose of the body.

The waiter dragged the body outside the tavern and threw it into a garbage dump in the alley behind the tavern.

The waiter looked at the meteor shower in the sky and found that the meteor shower was not quite right. It was originally a bright white meteor shower, but it turned red. The whole sky was stained with bright blood red, which looked very strange.

Then a large number of red meteor showers broke off the trajectory, broke through the space fragmentation zone, and flew towards the periphery of the Starfall Canyon.

Several red meteors flew into the town, bringing out red tail flames in the sky of the town.

Boom! A red meteor hit the garbage dump behind the tavern, directly hitting the dead old man!

The impact of the explosion of the red meteor blew the waiter away. The waiter rolled on the ground several times, got up and saw the dead old man resurrected.

The sarcoma gap on the old man's forehead glowed red, and more lipomas grew all over his body.

The waiter hurriedly used both hands and feet to escape the alley.

Originally, Lu Kai and Ma Xiaoling were asleep in the room, but they suddenly noticed the strangeness of the sky and woke up from their sleep. The two opened the window and looked at the sky. From the red meteor shower, they felt a strange fluctuation, which carried a dangerous atmosphere.

The resurrected old man was mutating, his body lipomas were proliferating, and he soon turned into a giant tumor monster crawling on four legs. This tumor monster rushed to the street and began to kill and devour the creatures it encountered.

A bitch yelled at the tumor monster. Behind the bitch was an open space. There was a pile of construction wood piled up in the open space. There were 4 puppies in it. The bitch wouldn't let go.

The tumor monster swallowed the bitch in one mouthful, and then, when she was not full, pulled the building wood pile, and chewed the four puppies inside like jelly beans and swallowed it.

The existence of the tumor monster caused panic among the residents, and the town's guards were also dispatched. More than a dozen members of the escort team fired salvos at the tumor monster with psionic firearms.

The psionic firearm fired one by one explosive bombs, and the exploding tumor monster tumor body burst. The tumor monster suffered from pain and began to run away, crashing through the buildings on the road and rampage.

In the end, the tumor monster was killed by the guards. After killing it, the tumorous monster turned into a pool of pus with a rich smell of oil.

The mayor came out, holding a psionic loudspeaker, standing on top of a vehicle while patrolling and shouting: All residents pay attention, don't linger on the street, there are evil monsters, everyone stays at home and is not allowed to come out Violators will be killed on the spot without mercy!

Other crashed meteors in the town smashed the buildings in the town, and the people who were hit also mutated into tumors, turning into monsters and attacking people around them frantically.

Outside the town, there are also a large number of red meteors falling in the wild. Various wild animals in the wild have come into contact with the red meteors, and they have begun to mutate and become tumors.

There are more and more red meteors, and this tumor monster has appeared in the villages near Starfall Canyon.

The uncle in white mysteriously returned to the room on the second floor of the tavern from the outside. The three of them opened a standard double room, put the two beds together, and the three of them slept together. The relationship seems to be good.

The fat man looked at the sweaty uncle in white and asked, What are you doing out? There are monsters outside.

The dwarf was drinking, and the dwarf sniffed and sniffed, shouting, What did you bring back? It stinks!

The uncle in white took out a sarcoma arm from under the white robe, and said excitedly, This is the arm of those monsters in the town! This is the secret of the power of the starry sky!

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