Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 250: There is constant reincarnation here

As the convoy slowly advanced, the territory was beginning to disappear.

Then time accelerated, and the territory became a pure green space. Lu Kai looked at the newly generated scene in front of him, this time it was the journey of the Five Princes team.

On the way, I encountered a monster attack and a bandit robbery, but because of the large number of people, it was easily solved. I also met a team of merchants passing by, and the team of merchants joined the convoy of the Fifth Prince and went to the capital together on the way.

In short, time accelerated several times, showing the main events on the Fifth Prince Road.

The road was floating in the air, watching. But doubts grew. I feel like I can't grasp anything. Lu Kai thought about whether to kill the Fifth Prince and his gang to see if there would be any new situation. Because the adventurous process on this road is obviously before the event of the five princes of the capital competing for the throne, if the protagonist of the fifth prince is killed... Will this world collapse completely and turn into an unchanging green? Will I never be able to get out?

Lu Kai is very entangled now, and the nodule induction signal is very mysterious here. In a Schrödinger-like existence, he seems to sense it, but he can't sense it, and he can't give guidance at all.

Time accelerated, and the fifth prince came to the capital.

The housekeeper took the local specialties from the territory and sold them to wholesalers. The fifth prince went to the so-called aristocratic winery in order to investigate news and develop contacts. He met noble girls here and became the bright boy of the winery. .

Then there is the road to the palace, according to the previous development.

In the main square, the housekeeper was smashed by the second prince, and then the white-bearded old man was no longer in control. The fifth prince began to frantically create human beings. Then he visited the king, was humiliated by the eldest brother and the second brother, and came back to practice hard to become the peak of psychic power, and then the king Died, then the five brothers fought infighting, then ran away, then the throne was taken by the sixth prince who suddenly appeared, then the eldest brother died, then the guard died, and then ran away in the teleportation formation.

Then... the entire space disappeared again, turning into a solid color space.

In this world, the five princes are the protagonists, and they are constantly reincarnated. But why is it so? Just because the five princes made sacrifices at the pyramid altar?

Lu Kai kept guessing that after the fifth prince was teleported, he probably ran to the foggy wetland boundary.

Soon, the world began to change, and Lu Kai returned to the Fifth Prince's territory, hiding his figure and observing carefully.

There was a riot at the market, and a wild boar that was dead suddenly came alive and jumped up and attacked the people in the market.

Then the guard of the Fifth Prince appeared, and the captain of the guard took care of the wild boar.

Then the fifth prince and the butler appeared.

The fifth prince asked what happened, and the captain of the guard said that it was all right, just a wild boar.

Then I got the news from the housekeeper that the king of the capital was seriously ill, and there was a meeting...

Just when the Fifth Prince and his gang were having a meeting in the castle, Lu Kai remembered.

The place where the wild boar riot appeared was the place where he forgot to hide his figure and was discovered by the villagers last time! !

The influence you caused in the previous round will be rationalized in this round!

So Lu Kai tried to change the content of the events of the fifth prince's round.

Next is the journey of the Fifth Prince from the territory to the capital.

Lu Kai first found the monster that attacked the Fifth Prince's convoy. This is a...monkey fish that builds a nest in a tree?

This monkey fish-man has a fish-man's head, but instead of scales, it has monkey hair and a fish-man's tail. Kind of weird anyway.

Lu Kai stretched out his tentacles, and without the monkey fish person noticing, the tentacles were inserted into the monkey fish people's brain. After a few simple operations, Lu Kai mastered this guy's action pattern.

So Lu Kai changed the tentacle that operates the brain into a handle. Therefore, the control is further simplified, and it becomes controlled by the eight buttons of up, down, left and right and triangle, circle, cross, and square.

Then Lu Kai added a rubbing system to this control.

Press and hold the square to defend, the circle to cast, the cross to be the foot, and the triangle to be a punch. With different combinations of the arrow keys, you can use hundreds of moves.

Then the convoy of the fifth prince came, and the monkey fish jumped out according to the script and attacked the fifth prince.

The captain of the guard bravely stood up and fought with the monkey fish.

The captain of the guard was agitated with psychic energy, pulled out his long sword, and stabbed the monkey fish directly!

This is a mid-stage attack. Lu Kai used the rear + defense, and the guard captain's straight stab was empty. The monkey fish man dodged this attack and ran into the guard captain's arms.

Lu Kai used the →↓← cast, and the captain of the guard was knocked into the air by the monkey fish! Then Lu Kai continued to rub the tricks: ↓←↑→ vote! ↑←↓→ vote! This rubbing move was completed within 0.1 seconds, and the effect was: the monkey fish jumped up and hugged the captain of the guard, took the captain of the guard into the air 15 meters above the ground, and then rotated with their heads down at the highest point. The meal just fell!

Boom! The captain of the guard landed his head firmly on the ground.

Ah ah ah! The guards surrounded and killed with weapons. The monkey fish were killed according to the previous script and chopped into pieces.

The previous script was that the captain of the guard killed the monkey fish without injury, but now he is seriously injured. So there is a new plot.

Originally, after killing the monkey fish, the time accelerated and encountered the thief robbery.

Now when camping at night, the captain of the guards wraps his head like a mummy, and then sits by the bonfire, the fifth prince pours fish soup for the captain of the guards - after the monkey fish was killed, it was not wasted, and it was chopped and stewed into a pot.

The fifth prince touched his chest and said, It's dangerous, your head is cracked. If you exert more strength, your whole head will be smashed into slag.

After the captain of the guards finished drinking the fish soup, he said with a pained face: The devil knows that this monkey fish can do this trick... Now my head is dizzy, and I see double images...

The fifth prince said helplessly: Have a good rest. Then the fifth prince turned the pot with a big spoon and pulled out the monkey fish's head: Come, come, eat some brains to replenish.

Just as the fifth prince was feeding the captain of the guards monkey brains, the guards patrolling around the camp shouted: No! No! It's on fire!

The woods around the campsite were on fire, and thick smoke billowed.

The fifth prince hurriedly asked the guards to put out the fire, and there happened to be a river next to the camp.

But the fire was very stubborn. It was doused with water in one place, and the other was on again. Moreover, the fire spread and formed an encirclement, which could only be kept out. They kept putting out the fire until the next morning, and everyone in the team was exhausted.

Lu Kai watched silently from the side, um, the fire was opened by Lu.

Seeing this group of people lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, Lu Kai became even more suspicious: if every time there was an accident and a new plot was created, would he be able to stay where he was without going to Advance to the next episode? The time of the previous plot was about 120 minutes. After two rounds of interference, the five princes' time in this plot has exceeded 12 hours.

But why this is so, still no clue.

Just when Lu Kai was thinking, time accelerated, and then returned to normal, the fifth prince's motorcade had already started a fight with the bandits who robbed the road.

The wounded captain of the guard broke out with great combat effectiveness and easily defeated the bandit.

Time then speeds up to move on to the next event.

At this time, Lu Kai found that the psionic group counter left in this space before is still there. After the counter is placed, the distance can be known through induction, and the psionic energy of the counter is dissipated at a constant speed, and the half-life is about 1 hour. . And now the strength of this indicator has not dissipated much compared to before.

Lu Kai suddenly thought: his interference did not prolong the time that the fifth prince experienced, but because he set fire and participated in the incident, he was in a state of acceleration! !

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