The battle of the five brothers in the palace was one-sided, and the eldest prince obviously still thought of brotherhood, leaving room for every shot, but only wounded people but not maimed them to death.

The second prince is better. He used to be a senior psionicist. He served as the head of the guard regiment. He has rich combat experience. You can only play soy sauce in this extraordinary battle. Just being scratched by the aftermath of the battle will lose layers of skin.

Lu Kai watched the battle silently, and suddenly thought that from the time he entered this strange world to the present, after deducting the time of fast-forwarding, it seems that it will only take about 90 minutes.

The longer the observation, the deeper the various doubts. At the intersection, I found that the process of this world is based on the life experience of the fifth prince. The important events that happened to the fifth prince happened in this world, and the unimportant things happened in this world Fast forward, because the fifth prince is a sacrifice? What a strange world.

The battle soon came to an end.

The eldest prince was fed up, and with a heavy attack, he broke through the defense of the second prince with a bang, and his fist pierced through his body. The second prince died, his consciousness began to disintegrate, his psychic structure collapsed, his body melted and combined with the gravel and soil on the ground, a large amount of hairy grass grew.

Then three, four and five princes surrendered.

The eldest prince felt tired. Since he had already killed a younger brother, it didn't matter if he killed a few more.

Then the fourth prince was grabbed by the eldest prince, and with a firm grip, the skull shattered into slag and died.

The third prince burst into tears when he saw that his twin brother was dead, Ow~.

Seeing that the momentum was not right, the fifth prince ran away immediately!

After running for hundreds of meters, the fifth prince looked back and saw the eldest prince talking to himself: Let you run for a minute first.

The fifth prince was frightened, and the stirring psionic energy began to run wildly and ran out of the palace.

The large square outside the palace was crowded with people, and the waiter was reading out an edict.

The ministers of the main square, the heads of various departments, businessmen, farmers, and workers were listening quietly.

The king suddenly collapsed and returned to the earth. The youngest bloodline of the king, with the care of the destiny, the blessing of the saints, and the king's bequest, inherit the glory of the kingdom. I would like to tell the gods at this time, that is, the emperor. It takes next year as the first year of XX. Amnesty the world, and renews with the people. Appreciate this!

The fifth prince was stunned - a child he had never seen before, knelt down on one knee, then the priest put a crown on the child, and the minister gave the child a golden scepter and a king's cape.

After the child wears it,

He raised his scepter and gestured to all the national representatives in the main square.

The fifth prince had an incredible expression on his face, obviously unacceptable, who is this kid! ?

The eldest prince killed the third prince and came out of the palace covered in blood. When he saw the new emperor succeeding the throne, he shouted, Who the hell are you!?

The waiter stepped forward and said, This is the sixth prince, the king's illegitimate son. The king passed his seat to him, why don't you kneel?

The eldest prince was furious, raised his arm and punched him with a jet.

This fist is so powerful that if it is solid, the entire square will collapse.

Boom!! This punch hit the moonlight wall set up by the waiter.

The waiter said indifferently: Although you are the eldest prince and the cheap eldest brother of the new king, you are murdering the king! You should be killed according to the rules!

The eldest prince was so angry that he had been busy for so long and was picked peaches, who could bear this, and shouted: Give me death!

The eldest prince's jet punches attacked continuously, hitting the moonlight wall, and the moonlight wall was cracked by the continuous attacks.

The waiter turned his head and said to the new king, Your Majesty, what should we do with this disobedient minister now?

The child king said in a panic, Kill! Kill him!

Waiter: Take orders!

Then the masters lurking in the main square jumped out. These masters are all extraordinary, and there are 5 of them. Together with the waiters, there are a total of 6 people. The six people instantly resonated with psychic energy, forming an enchantment and imprisoning the eldest prince!

The eldest prince was still struggling, his body kept deforming, and then his body was pulled out by the power of the enchantment.

Witnessed by thousands of people in the main square, the eldest prince was dismembered by five horses! The corpse was scattered all over the place and turned into a combination of meat and steel!

The eldest prince's head fell to the ground and rolled under the child's feet.

The eldest prince was only left, and continued to shout: I will kill you! I will kill you!

The waiter motioned for the new king to deliver the final blow.

I saw the young man swing the golden scepter high and swing it down! one strike!

The steel head of the eldest prince shattered in response, the consciousness of the extraordinary was shattered by the scepter, the psionic structure was disintegrated, and it was restored to pure energy.

Ooooo! Everyone in the main square was cheering: Long live the new king! Long live! Long live! Long live the king!

The fifth prince knew that something was wrong, so he ran away immediately.

I ran back to the hotel under the bag and found that there was a fight going on in the hotel.

The housekeeper and his guards were fighting with the guards, and most of the hotel had collapsed and was on fire.

The housekeeper saw the fifth prince coming, so the housekeeper ran away with the fifth prince: Your Highness, it's not good, these people are going to kill you, let's run! I know there is a secret teleportation formation that can leave this half-plane!

The housekeeper ran away with the fifth prince and came to a mansion. The owner of the mansion was a big fat man. When he saw a group of soldiers rushed into his house, he was about to ask what you were doing, when the butler cut off his head with a sword. .

Then the butler took the fifth prince to the secret room of the teleportation array.

And outside the mansion surrounded by more soldiers, the guards of the Fifth Prince are fighting bloody battles, slaughtering themselves with the guards.

A guard was pierced by the guard's spear in the stomach, and then the guard roared, and instead of retreating, he rushed on the guard with the long hair stuck in his stomach, biting the guard's throat with his teeth, and both died.

The guards were taken aback by this behavioral pattern of the Fifth Prince's guards. Suddenly one of the captains of the guards shouted: You are sick! The fifth prince is a traitor, you are part-time workers, why are you taking your life to work with money!? His territory has also been confiscated, and there is no money left. Ah! Bankrupt!!

So the weak-willed guy in the guards of the Fifth Prince woke up: Yes! The fifth prince is trying to run for his life. We might not get a pension if we die.

The captain of the Fifth Prince's guard yelled: Shut up! The food king's concern for Lu Zhongjun! We are the fifth prince's guards! We can only protect the fifth prince with our lives! Brothers! Kill them!

Although the battle was equally fierce, the guards of the Fifth Prince rowed in succession, so the casualties on both sides were greatly reduced.

The fifth prince and the butler opened the door of the secret room. There was a teleportation array in the secret room. There were sparkling gems around the teleportation array, indicating that the teleportation array was already activated.

Some guards have already broken through the line of defense of the rowing guards and came to the door of the secret room.

Butler: His Royal Highness! Hurry up! I'll block them! Hurry up!

The fifth prince entered the teleportation formation with tears in his eyes.

Then the teleportation array started, and the fifth prince disappeared.

After Lu Kai found that the Fifth Prince had left, the whole world began to dissipate, and the green space reappeared. Soon, everything in the city disappeared without a trace, leaving only pure green.

Lu Kai used the eyes of big data to find the trace of the Fifth Prince, but he couldn't find it no matter how he looked. The whole green space is empty! As if everything that happened before had never happened...

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