Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 499: Siege

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

At the moment, more and more monks gathered around Song Ning. The monks seemed to have been attracted by some sort. Song Ning flew over, even those Yuanying monks rushed up, Song Ning now seems to be a magnet, and those monks After rushing up, he immediately attacked Song Ning.

Song Ning dodges frequently, less and less spiritual power can be mobilized in the body.

"Song Ning, don't blame me, blame you for offending people who shouldn't offend!" The voice just came out, followed by an attack.

Song Ning turned over and took some immortality medicine from the storage ring and swallowed it.


Song Ning shook his body and twisted the neck of the person who attacked him, and a demon monk was killed on the spot.

"You can not help me, I will not blame you, but if someone wants to do it with me, I promise not to be merciful." Song Ning's voice is very weak, but this voice is floating around him with the wind, those who thought The figure of the monk who was about to attack immediately froze.

Just like they were attracted by a **** chase order, some of them lost their mind and rushed to Song Ning, but now under the threat of Song Ning, they killed one person between Song Ning's hands. Under the circumstances, horror finally brought them back to reason.

With their cultivation behavior, how can Song Ning be killed? Even the immortal techniques that the sixteen wonderland monks exhibited together did not play a role in Song Ning. Why did they rely on them?

Song Ning's speed did not decrease, and the number of monks next to him also began to decrease. However, there was a decrease and an increase. As long as Song Ning moved forward, as long as there were monks around him, these monks would be attracted to Song Ning by the invitation of a **** pursuit order.

Gradually, Song Ning's hands were covered with blood, and the sixteen Wonderland monks closely followed Song Ning. They did not immediately attack. They found that Song Ning's spiritual power had recovered. The six of them failed to directly kill Song Ning. Now that they have negotiated, let the spiritual monks go forward and fight with Song Ning. When Song Ning runs out of lights, they will not be too late.

The monks around constantly attacked, Song Ning was always surrounded by the crowd, Liu Yunjian waved in Song Ning's hands, and his limbs were continuously cut off, and every moment, monks died.

Song Ning's spiritual energy consumption is extremely serious. In this demon realm, he will be subjected to some kind of suppression, and because of the attack of the sixteen fairyland monks just now, his three types of imperial realm are broken, and Wu Xiu's cultivation is At this moment, it completely disappeared, not to mention the three types of Yuyu. Whatever the empty steps, the nine steps of Xuantian disappeared, and even the coagulation method practiced by Song Ning had faintly lost its effect.

After being so hit, Song Ning did not know whether he could restore the strength of Wuxiu in the future. Although his swordsmanship still has some regulations, he does not have the power of Wuxiu at all. He is only inspired by spiritual power. The monk kept rushing up and dying, and immediately after dying, a monk rushed up, like a moth putting out fire.

Now Song Ning has fully understood that the horror of this Scarlet Pursuit Order lies here. If this continues, he will be killed alive.

He swallowed the last elixir of restoring power, and glanced at the sixteen wonderland monks who were following him, and now he has fully understood it.

These sixteen people followed him, depending on whether he was alive and dead, and then he would take advantage of the fisherman.

Everything seems to have happened for a long time, but in fact it is just a few breaths. In just a few breaths, Song Ning killed hundreds of monks, and the number is still increasing.

Every time a person is killed, the **** color of Song Ning's body is even deeper. However, at this moment, Song Ning no longer cares. What killing does not kill. If he is compassionate to these monks at this moment, then he will be killed next time. Direct bombing.

He doesn't want to die yet.

He can't die yet!

But Song Ning waved Liu Yunjian in his hand, and suddenly felt his body lose strength. At this moment, he even became difficult to maintain the flight.

He can kill ten or even a hundred people with one sword!

But at the moment he was almost out of the power to wield his sword. There were more and more monks around him. The speed of Song Ning's killing was not as fast as their increase.

The **** chase is ordered, the color of the world changes, the blood flows into the river, and the bones become mountains ...

"Kill him!" Said a monk resentfully.

"You kill my dad, I want you to pay your life!"

"He killed so much because we are demon repairs, is he a human monk?"

These people ... had never thought about it, if they were forced to fight, how could Song Ning start killing people? However, at the moment, when they returned to reason, they thought of revenge.

Their pursuit began to become logical, and Song Ning became the source of evil. At this time, no one cared about Song Ning's **** pursuit order. They regarded Song Ning as an enemy.

"The war is over, but Song Ning came to our Demon Territory for slaughter, and we must kill him today!"

"Kill him? To refine him into a puppet, to make him irreversible!"

These people ... Qingjin was exposed, and when these slogans were shouted, Song Ning felt that they were not demons, but devils.


Song Ning's sword was thrown out, and there was almost no spiritual power left in his body. Almost he was about to fall directly from the air. He flipped the storage ring, but he no longer had a panacea that could supplement the spiritual power. When he got out of the way, he suddenly discovered that there was a translucent blue medicine in his storage ring.

This immortality shone like a hockey ball in Song Ning's storage ring, which was exactly what he had obtained by killing the hidden ice dragon in the left battlefield.

Today, it is very likely that the next moment will die. If you do n’t use this medicine, I am afraid that you will not have the opportunity to take it until you die?

Song Ning was bitter and took out the panacea to take it directly.

The people around were attacking Song Ning like crazy, and everyone immediately submerged Song Ning in them. They punched and kicked Song Ning, and Song Ning was like a mouse crossing the street.

"He dare to underestimate our demon repair, he dare to come to slaughter us demon repair!"

These monks said different things, and the weapon attacks kept falling on Song Ning.

The sixteen monks were shocked. If Song Ning was killed by these people, wouldn't they be in vain?


A piece of fairy art popped up and landed on those monks. Under the attack of the fairy art, the monks were like ants, and they fell from the air in a crack, and those that fell were directly killed by the magic art. people.

Reluctantly, a few of them who survived were also seriously injured at the moment, fell to the ground, and watched in panic what happened in the sky. At this time, they came back to God, and there were 16 fairyland monks chasing down Song Ning They are for the **** killing order on Song Ning.

The people around Song Ning died completely, and now in the air, only Song Ning and the other 16 fairyland monks ...

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