Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 494: Scarlet Pursuit

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No one knows where the Scarlet Pursuit Order came from, but anyone who knows the Scarlet Pursuit Order understands that there are three Scarlet Pursuit Orders in the entire demon realm, and one was used many years ago. Therefore, the number of Scarlet Pursuit Orders present in this demon continent is two.

Nowadays, someone has used one again.

In Roland City, Chi Changjian stared at the sky, and his heart was shocked: "I don't know who is using this **** pursuit order, but who wants to kill him."

Beside him, Chi Ruolan with a dull look, Chi Ruolan looked at the **** sky and always felt restless: "Blood Pursuit Order? What is it?"

"This Scarlet Pursuit Order is a piece of paper full of incantations. Write the name of the person who wants to hunt down on this Scarlet Pursuit Order, then this person will become the enemy of the entire demon domain. There was a Scarlet Pursuit Order before. When the Scarlet Pursuit Order appeared, no one should help the person being chased. If not, within this demon domain, they would immediately explode and die! "Chi Chang Sword said that at this time, he felt thrilled.

He had experienced that incident in those days. Although after many years, he still felt palpitations when he remembered it. The **** chase after that really caused a storm of blood and blood. There were countless deaths and injuries. The hunted person exploded and died directly.

This is the first time Chi Ruolan has heard of this kind of thing. The existence of this kind of **** chasing makes this kind of thing uncommon, so few people usually mention it.

"It's not just anyone who is going to be chased by this kind of thing ..." Chi Ruolan muttered to himself.

Chi Changjian stared at the sky and looked at the lightning among the **** clouds: "Probably in that direction, whoever the lightning landed on was the one who was chased."

Chi Ruolan heard the words quickly and took off, looking in the direction of hundreds of miles away. She wanted to get up and flew over there, but was stopped by Chi Changjian. He knew the horror of the **** pursuit order. Then, near the thunder and lightning is even more dangerous. The place where the person was chased will bleed into a river. If Chi Ruolan is gone now, I am afraid that it will cause trouble.

On the other side, the elders of the faction forces who were discussing Song Ning's influence also noticed the changes in the sky at the moment. They all looked in the direction of the thunder and lightning in the blood cloud. They dare not disperse spiritual knowledge to investigate, for fear that they will irritate anyone.

The old man in Changsheng Mountain who had been meditating with his eyes suddenly opened his eyes. He saw the thunder and lightning that was walking in the blood cloud at the same time. At the same time, he also glanced under the blood cloud, when his eyes fell on a certain one. The young man suddenly frowned when he was on the body, but soon, his eyebrows spread out, as if nothing had happened about him.

In the distance, Moyun Daoxian, who is in the state of falling feathers, also felt this change in the demon domain. He was originally discussing things with Juechen, but his expression suddenly changed.

Jue Chen felt something was wrong with this situation, and immediately asked: "What's wrong, Moyun Daoyou?"

"Someone in the Demon Realm used the Scarlet Pursuit Order ..." Moyun Daoxian's expression was unprecedentedly tense.

Jue Chen was breathing in cold air, and several monks around them at the moment also looked amazed. The first thing they thought of when they heard the words ‘Blood Pursuit Order’ was that a storm was about to start.

But then, Moyun Daoxian breathed a sigh of relief again: "No one among the people I know will be chased by this **** chase order, and the **** chase order in the demon domain is limited to the demon domain. Within range, I am not in the Demon Realm now, as long as I do n’t go back, it ’s okay. This killing order has nothing to do with me. "

There was a sense of ominousness in Juechen ’s heart, but he did n’t care too much, but said: “Forget it, since things do n’t have much to do with us, we do n’t have to worry about it anymore. We still discuss to help Song Ning find more Plan what you need. "

Moyun Daoxian nodded and continued to discuss with Juechen.

The Scarlet Pursuit Order has already reached the country of Fallen Feather, and naturally spread throughout the entire Orchid Continent. At this moment, in a place that is almost not part of the Orchid Continent, here the clouds are misty, like a fairyland. Beyond the five elements, the people living here are above the mortals of the Orchid Continent.

Here is Litian Temple.

In Litian Temple, several people opened their eyes and awakened from the meditation. Their eyes looked far away, falling in the direction of the demon domain, and their hearts were uneasy.

"The Scarlet Pursuit Order appears again, will it repeat the disaster a hundred years ago?"

A hundred years ago, they vaguely remembered, because of that **** chase order, the bones became mountains and the blood flowed into rivers ...

At this time, all the people who learned that the Scarlet Pursuit Order was opened are thinking about a question, that is, who is the name of the Scarlet Pursuit Order, and who is it, which can lead to the pursuit of the Scarlet Pursuit Order !

A hundred years ago, the person chased by the **** chase order was cultivated to become a heaven. After a hundred years, how would this person cultivate?

In the demon realm, people's eyes fell on the thunderbolt flashing in the blood cloud. The thunderbolt was like a thunder dragon. This thunder dragon roared and swelled in the blood cloud. Once it formed, it burst into the blood cloud.

The person that Thunder Dragon was aiming at was the one who was chased by the Scarlet Pursuit Order.

At this moment, everyone in the demon domain held their breath. They stared at the direction where the thunder dragon came. This thunder dragon is like a **** of death at this moment. Wherever it goes, it will continue to die.

In a small city in the east, the Black Wind trio were hiding and waiting for Song Ning to come, but suddenly felt the change in the sky. They looked at the **** clouds in the sky and looked at the sky Between what happened, there was a shock between the eyes.

"Blood ... hunting order ..." Heifeng murmured. In ancient fairyland, this **** killing order is very common. He witnessed too many disasters caused by the **** killing order.

Xiao Burn's eyes shone with blood, and when she saw this blood cloud, she was inexplicably excited: "Blood Pursuit Order, I didn't expect that there will be a Blood Pursuit Order in this era!"

Xiao Ke pulled the corner of Xiaoyingyi gently, and Xiaofen ’s eyes with red flashing lights returned to normal. She looked at the thunderlight where she was walking and sighed, "This **** chasing order is an ancient curse. The decree made from the blood sacrifice has four unexplainable but thrilling powers on it. "

Heifeng continued following Xiaofen ’s words, but at the moment his voice was a little trembling: “First, the Scarlet Pursuit Order must not be disobeyed. Others can avoid the Scarlet Pursuit Order who pursued it, but they must never give assistance. Otherwise, die! 2. Once the **** chase order is dropped, the chased person will become the target of the attack. The bloodlight around him will seem to have a certain attracting power. The monk will kill him when he sees it. "

Xiao Ke's heart tightened. She had never heard of such a vicious thing: "Is there two more?"

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