Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 489: Soulless

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Wraith, release!" Wuwei shouted again.

After this voice came out, the ghost fires around Song Ning began to surge. The moment these ghost fires surged, the ghost fires around Song Ning started to turn. Looks like.

After these wraiths were formed, they all looked at Song Ning, looking like that, they seemed to rush to eat Song Ningsheng.

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha, this is the old man's strongest technique, are you hiding in the past? Today I want you to die in my grievance memorial, I want to see, you are a monk who heard the Dao, How can I let Wuwei die in your hands! "Wuwei laughed wildly.

Now those illusory city masters have also begun to retreat. They looked at this scene, they seemed to feel extremely **** next, and the living monks were about to be eaten up by the countless grudges around them. That scene was definitely disgusting.

Just now because of Song Ning's words, there were some excited monks. At the moment, Song Ning's eyes were also full of strangeness. It seems that he felt that Song Ning's crimes should be deserved.

If there are only countless killings by inaction, then they want to do nothing, but now Song Ning is as heavy as Wuwei, then it does n’t matter who is dying, they do n’t care who is dying, they just hope that the battle will end soon, only I hope they can be stable.

At this moment, no one seems to remember that Song Ning just cancelled the refining domain just for them. It is precisely because Song Ning withdrew the refining domain that led to Wuwei being able to successfully display a grudge attack.

Song Ning was standing still. In the face of these wraiths, Song Ning was not afraid. He could even see the face of the wraith made of green light, the body closest to him. He remembered that this person was In the imperial city of Luoyu, he remembered that this person was killed by his own hands.

These wraiths were heading towards Song Ning. They were very quiet. They did n’t have the feeling of palpitation when the wraiths were not summoned before. general.

Everyone, everyone is waiting in the laughter of inaction, some of them are covering their eyes because of the fear of this **** scene, but even if they cover it, they ca n’t help but leave a gap and want to see the complaint What it looks like to nibble at a living person.

"Song Ning, what would it be like to be killed by someone you killed yourself ?! Falling feather country Tianjiao? Wen Dao monk wants to kill Xu Xian? Do you have a dream, before I do nothing, any disrespect me Everyone is going to die! "Nothing seems crazy like this.

Indeed, he is in a state of madness, with so many injustices around him for a long time, how can his soul be normal?

People hold their breath, and in their view, Song Ning's death is due to sin. If this battle is dead, Song Ning will replace Tian Xingdao. If Song Ning is dead, he will do nothing.


When those complaining spirits came to Song Ning, just as the monks were waiting to watch Song Ning eaten, just when those people resented Song Ning for killing so many people, they saw those complaints. Spirit ... kneels down one after another!

These wraiths have no wisdom, they turned into spirits after they died, and now they are summoned in this memorial of grievances. They do not have any ability to think on their own, but just act instinctively.

If a person kills you and turns into a wraith, will you retaliate?

Instinctively, you will want to kill each other.

But this scene is too weird at the moment. In front of Song Ning, these wraiths are very confused. They originally wanted to go forward to kill Song Ning, but somehow they could n’t help kneeling as soon as they came to Song Ning. Next, one kneeled, two kneeled, followed by ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand!

Ten thousand.

Twenty thousand.

fifty thousand.

One hundred thousand!

More and more grudges knelt in front of Song Ning. Not to mention outsiders, even Song Ning was shocked, but even so, Song Ning was the first person who wanted to understand all this.

Song Ning killed 300,000 people in the imperial city at that time, in order to turn the blood and life of these 300,000 people into strength, so as to cast a large blood burning battle. If absolutely necessary, Song Ning would never do this. Song Ning's heartache at the time of massacre, even now, he can feel it clearly.

Wraiths have no wisdom, but instinct. If people are good, they are not afraid of revenge, because in this world, too few want to revenge him, even this dead wraith, even if it is summoned again, when they Feeling that the people in front of them are not killing them maliciously, they will also choose not to attack.

As for their kneeling, Song Ning naturally understands.

In the imperial city at that time, the 300,000 people killed by Song Ning were not completely random. He killed almost every few people who fled together. In this way, in Song Ning's heart, he offended It was the people of the entire imperial city, because he felt that everyone in each family was killed by him.

And now these wraiths, they know that after Song Ning killed them, they turned into a **** battle to protect their families. They know that everything Song Ning did in those years was to save people, and they were also before they disappeared. Song Ning was regarded as a benefactor, so at this moment, they instinctively knelt down to Song Ning and thanked Song Ning.

Be kind, be kind!

Among them, Song Ning suddenly saw the village head of Stone Village, and his old man seemed to be the first to kneel down. Song Ning still remembers that he was too weak to cultivate at that time. Weaknesses, nor will you need to kill the old village chief to make yourself a breakthrough.

The old village chief knew the purpose of Song Ning. At that time, he was already dying. Waiting for the death to come was the same as being killed by Song Ning. After that, Song Ning killed the demon and saved the others in the village. The village chief knew it, so he was the first to kneel down for Song Ning.

This is for gratitude and gratitude!

The old village chief turned into an innocent soul, but he instinctively remembered that Song Ning fought hard for the demon for Stone Village. These things were deeply engraved in the depths of his soul.

In Song Ning's life, if he was really ashamed of killing several people for his conscience, one of them was a monk who stole his storage ring from Roland City.

At this time, the scene of hundreds of thousands of grudges kneeling at Song Ning was too weird. The monks looked at the sky one by one in a puzzling way, and couldn't figure out why this happened, but don't say it was them at this moment. Even doing nothing is dumbfounded.

Wuwei's soul is mad now, thinking in his heart, he keeps saying in his mouth: "These wraiths have no sanity, they should not know what is fear, they should instinctively gobble you up, it is impossible ... difficult If they do n’t, they do n’t have any complaints about you ?! Impossible, impossible, you killed so many people, how could they have no complaints about you! ”

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