Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 484: Spiritual consciousness

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Everyone has seen it just now, and Song Ning rejected Chi Ruolan because Song Ning already has a loved one in his heart. Most of us know that Song Ning has a lover, but we haven't seen it. I just got the news just now. It turned out that Song Ning ’s beloved people devoted themselves to the great righteousness when the tribes of the monsters and monsters were fighting, and now they are being blocked in the frost enchantment. "

As soon as this remark came out, when everyone was enlightened, but at the time of enlightenment, they felt a little more admiration for Song Ning, a young man in his twenties.

The monk has a long life, like Song Ning's arrogant son, and his life span is so long that he can't remember it. Such a person often cannot have only one woman in his life, but Song Ning is so focused on this part. Feelings are admirable.

The monk continued: "Everyone may not yet know the purpose of Song Ning's trip to the Demon Realm. I just got rumors that Song Ning had any agreement with Moyun Daoxian and others. He wants to help Moyun Daoxian and other people practice. Elixir, and Moyun Daoxian and others need to help Song Ning rescue his lover from that frost enchantment, do you understand now? "

Everyone nodded their heads, and someone immediately said, "This kid is good. I thought Song Ning's infatuation was spread by others. I didn't expect it to happen. Now it seems that we only need to help Song Ning. It's enough to rescue his loved one from the frost enchantment. "

These people seem to have reached a consensus, and once again transformed the content of the meeting into how to rescue Leng Yuexiao from the frost enchantment.

It has to be said that in order to win over a genius, they really don't have the slightest appearance of a virtual fairy.

As they discussed Song Ning, Song Ning sneezed again and again, just like Song Ning ’s behavior. If someone talked behind him, he would certainly be able to feel it, and now he feels that he may have been received because of Roland City. Some people's attention.

In this demon domain, Song Ning originally did n’t want to be followed, but now it ’s better. He is afraid that he will become the target of these people again. However, Song Ning does n’t care anymore. Someone will remember his identity, it is better to reveal his identity directly, who wants to trouble, then first weigh your strength.

Thinking of this, Song Ningling's knowledge expanded unscrupulously, directly covering hundreds of miles around it.

Within a few hundred miles, Song Ningling swept across mercilessly. There were thirteen fortresses in each of them, and each of them had a city owner.

When the master of the ancient Loucheng felt that he had traversed his city unscrupulously, he snorted coldly and released the consciousness directly: "Who dares to let go ..."

But before the word "Wu" in his mouth was spoken, he felt that this spiritual consciousness was Song Ning, and he shut up immediately, and there was a panic on his face, even the master Bai dare to kill, he What is a city man in an ancient building? At that time, the two Xu Xian of the Bai family had escaped, and he is even more afraid to confront Song Ning.

The Lord of the Cannon City was retreating, and he just told no one to disturb him, but suddenly a consciousness swept in. When he was furious, he was about to crush him with his consciousness.


Song Ning whispered, the spirit consciousness was locked on the city lord of the Cannon City. The city lord of the city was shocked. The spirit consciousness was difficult to withdraw, but when he collided with the spirit consciousness of Song Ning, he immediately shouted: "Song Do you think that the way you met me was ingenious? Ah ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha. "

The laughter of the Lord of the Canary City was extremely pale and weak. He was lucky in his heart. Fortunately, he was not fighting back with his spiritual knowledge. Otherwise, Song Ning might be angered now.

Song Ningling's consciousness moved away from the lord of Canyang City and continued to spread around. This lord of Canyon City was relieved. Seeing that Song Ning was silent, he knew that Song Ning would not care about him.

All the city masters within a few hundred miles under the sweep of Song Ning ’s spiritual consciousness did not even have any anger, and they did not complain at all. Some of Song Ning ’s things outside the Roland city were seen by their own eyes, and some were heard, but now everyone They all sang Song Ning to the gods they preached. How dare they confront Song Ning?

Even if it is a virtual fairy, after losing and losing something outside the city of Roland, they dare not easily fight against Song Ning. In addition to Song Ning, they are also afraid of Song Ning ’s third form of Yuyu and Xuantian ’s eighth step. Song Ning is regarded as the person of the magic cloud Daoxian.

At first they couldn't figure out why Song Ning was so brave that he dared to kill the Bai family directly, but now they understand that since Song Ning has a magic cloud behind him, what can't he dare to do?

Within a few hundred miles, Song Ningling didn't find any figures of Xiao Ke after the investigation. Song Ning felt a little puzzled. According to Song Ning's understanding of them, they should have found a place to hide and wait, But now no one sees them, maybe what happened to them.

Song Ning continued to fly forward, searching while flying, the spiritual consciousness spread out and enveloped a few hundred miles.

Some people know the things before Song Ning, some people do n’t, but when those spiritual knowledge of Wen Dao monks who do n’t know life and death fight back, they are crushed mercilessly by Song Ning ’s spiritual knowledge, and Song Ning does not hurt anyone, after all, Ling It's true that he is overdoing such things, and it makes sense that other people are angry. If someone else sweeps his mind, he will be extremely unwilling.

Sure enough, just when Song Ninggang had such an idea, suddenly a spiritual consciousness confronted Song Ning.

Song Ning frowned, his spiritual consciousness was too scattered, so the spiritual consciousness that fell on everyone was a little weak, although when some of the Taoist monks counterattacked, Song Ning could call other spiritual consciousness to focus on crushing However, if the person who cultivated to a higher level was afraid, it would be difficult. Now Song Ning meets a virtual fairy monk who can directly destroy Song Ning's spirit.

Being swept by people's spiritual consciousness is at most counterattack of spiritual consciousness, and the spiritual consciousness released by Song Ning has also weakened a lot, that is, I don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble, but I didn't expect someone to destroy his spiritual consciousness directly. This surprised Song Ning.

"Huh, it's just a monk who hears Dao, and even dare to disperse such a weak spiritual knowledge to detect the old man? Joke!" This voice pressed Song Ning heart.

In fact, Song Ning also felt that she might have done something too much, so after being wiped out by the other party's spiritual consciousness, Song Ning started the spiritual consciousness again. After all, he did not do it right. Song Ning said: "This Taoist, I was looking for a friend before. I was anxious. Please forgive me for the offense. "

However, as soon as Song Ning's spiritual knowledge was introduced into the other party's body, he was once again killed by the other party: "Careless! I think you are looking for death!"

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