Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 482: I do n’t mind, Tucheng

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

This is what a false fairy said. This false fairy originally wanted to shoot against Song Ning, but as soon as he saw this scene, he withdrew a few steps backwards: "Moyun Daoxian used to be gracious to me, The person who can exhibit the three types of imperial domain is certainly the person of the magic cloud Daoxian. I dare not act rashly. "

At the end of the talk, the Xu Xian flew away.

At the same time, the other few Xu Xian also hesitated. If Song Ning had no background, it would be okay, but now they all already know the name of Song Ning, and they even saw the three forms and mysteries of Song Ning's imperial domain. With the eighth step of the sky, how dare they rush up?

"Song Daoyou is rumored to have an immortal technique called Split Earth. Even the maidens of the Temple of Heaven from the Temple of Heaven are astonished. I don't want to try that palm." There was a virtual immortal evacuation.

"It is better to be known than to meet, Song Daoyou, offended, we will have a date."

These hypocrite monks are very polite to Song Ning. If they have n’t been sure who Song Ning was before, then they can be sure now that Song Ning refused to leave Tiangong even in that country. The young monk is the one who is in the spiritual realm but can perform the magic techniques that make the Dao immortal awesome.

Such people, how could they provoke? If I knew it was Song Ning, I am afraid that even if these people offended Bai Yu, they would not come.

All the imaginary monks left, how could the monks of the spirit realm continue to stay?

More than a hundred thousand monks, after learning Song Ning's identity, after seeing Song Ning's three forms of imperial domain and Xuan Tian's eighth step, they left completely, and did not care about Bai Ru's words. It is extremely rare in the field.

At the moment, Chi Changjian also separated from Bai Yao. After the two sides retreated, Bai Ru stared at Song Ning, and Song Ning also looked up at Bai Ru. After two people stared at each other, Bai Ru sneered: "My sister I missed an incredible person, Song Ning, what do you think you can change? "

"At least, I know you are in trouble." When Song Ning spoke, the Yin and Yang Pisces disappeared under his feet. He knew that this battle could not be fought.

Bai Ru's eyes chilled: "I'm in trouble? I'm going to see who is in trouble. On the Bai's side, I'll explain, as for Bai Ting and Bai Xin you want to protect. , The situation is precarious. Do you think you can do anything on your own? "

"Killing Bai Yu is just a gift. I won't kill you today, but if you meet next time, then you will also be a gift." Song Ning said, taking out the bone-removing and peeling Dan in his hand, and directly Dan The medicine is crushed.

Bai Ru gritted her teeth, she wanted to come forward to stop it, but it was too late, and with Song Ning's cultivation practice, she could never stop it.

"Song Ning, don't think that you can save Baixin. Baixin was exchanged by the demon fairy as an item. This thing is not our frame. We are only helping." Bai Ru said while retreating, before white Yao and Baiyu cannot directly kill Song Ning, so now they will prevent Song Ning's immortal technique.

Song Ning's voice was somber: "You can go away after you finish talking. If you don't, I don't mind killing you now."

Bai Ru was not sure why Song Ning was so slow, but even if she was smart, such as she had been counted by Song Ning for a while, she did n’t want to lose her life here. When Bai Ru wanted to come, Song Ning might be in To accumulate energy, the powerful immortal technique certainly needs some prerequisites, and perhaps another quarter and a half, then the prerequisites will be satisfied.

"Go." Bai Ru ordered the three of them to gallop toward the distance.

The hazy sky exposed the sun, and Roland City's hundreds of thousands of monks looked at Song Ning's eyes full of enthusiasm. Song Ning alone could make more than one hundred thousand monks retreat. This kind of power that only once closed the gates made them worship.

However, when they looked at Song Ning with their eyes full of admiration, suddenly there was a roar of Song Ning's rumbling sound in their ears. This voice, with a touch of dragon chanting power, spread to the ears of all Roland people, Struck their minds: "Hundreds of thousands of people even used a little woman as a shield. Are you worthy to live! I don't kill you, not because the law does not blame the public, but because your sins do not die, but if it is In the future, you will do such a thing with Chi Ruolan again, then I do n’t mind ... Slaughter City! "

Song Ning's roar was targeted, so Chi Ruolan beside him at the moment did not feel discomfort, but after Chi Ruolan heard Song Ning's words, she felt ashamed, and she wanted to use her body in exchange for peace. This may seem to others that she is an unchecked woman.

Chi Ruolan didn't dare to look at Song Ning, but Song Ning turned to Chi Ruolan.

The people in Luolan City were panicked. From the roar of Song Ning just now, they felt Song Ning's anger. At this moment, they look at Song Ning, not worship, but fear. It is the fear of slaughtering the city if they are unhappy.

"Does it still hurt?" Song Ning's voice was very soft, like the soft light in March, falling on the ear, like a whisper of wind, which was comfortable.

Chi Ruolan was a little surprised. She slowly raised her head, looked at Song Ning, and then shook her head: "No pain."

Song Ning looked at the bright red palm print on Chi Ruolan's rosy cheeks, watching Chi Ruolan's cheeks swell slightly, he sighed: "You love someone who is devoted, not me Song Ning If I really gave up Xiaoxiao and stayed with you, you might not love me anymore. I have some obsessions to let go. I owe you the love and pay it back. "

After the words were finished, Song Ning turned around and disappeared before Chi Ruolan.

Chi Ruolan wants to catch Song Ning, but she understands that this man, she can't catch it anyway, as for what Song Ning said, she is just a reason for Song Ning to comfort herself, in this world No one would have love just because of the other person's temperament, Chi Ruolan understood, and Song Ning naturally understood.

'I owe you the love, pay it back', this word echoed faintly in Chi Ruolan's ear. Chi Ruolan raised her hair and smiled bitterly: "You didn't owe my love, but now you saved me again, It's because I owe you the love. I can't finish this life. "

Intentionally planting flowers and not opening flowers, inadvertently inserting Liu Liu Chengyin, Song Ning wanted to use forceful words to force Chi Ruolan to forget him, who would have thought, but unintentionally increased Chi Ruolan's attachment to him.

A few dozen miles away, Song Ning sighed, killing Bai Yu today is considered a complete fallout with the Bai family. He also needs to investigate the Bai family. Bai Ting and he agreed to a truce for ten years. In ten years, he and Leng Yuexiao might be what happened, he was grateful to Bai Ting.

But now Bai Ting and Bai Xin seem to have received some threats. Since they are brothers, he can't ignore them.

"Chi Ruolan ... Hey ... It's not good to fall in love with someone, but to fall in love with a man who can't give her happiness ..." Song Ning laughed at herself and flew towards the East. People, now almost all his enemies have been killed. Now that he has spread his spiritual consciousness, he is not afraid to cause any trouble, but Song Ning ca n’t think of it anyway. He has a pair of eyes on him since a certain moment. ...

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