Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 471: It turned out to be her!

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

This song Song Ning is too familiar. If it weren't for the woman who was lying in front of him in a fairy coffin for thousands of years, Song Ning would certainly regard this person as his acquaintance.

But even so, Song Ning still has an illusion. This illusion is as if Song Ning had known this woman once, as if she was the one ...

"Don't be stunned. The situation here is very dangerous. Be careful." The fairy corpse suddenly said.

Song Ning recovered, and saw that the thunder and lightning began to surge again in the sky, and the collapse below continued, just like a bottomless abyss under the palace.

The fairy corpse rose into the air, floating in mid-air, and murmured in his mouth while his hands were stroking the piano: "In order to suppress me, you really do everything you can."

In this fairy corpse's speech, when Song Ning saw the thunder and lightning in the sky, it was interwoven into a power grid. This grid fell like a fishing net, as if to hold the entire fairy corpse.

The guqin in the hands of the fairy corpse is constantly floating with notes. Each note contains immortal power, and each note has a different color, just like a rainbow, enveloped in that fairy corpse and Song Ning. Around, and then quickly expanded, directly withstand the shrinking grid.

The power grid could n’t shrink, and the collapse below continued. At this moment, the entire palace had disappeared. After the collapse, Song Ning discovered that his feet were already a dark abyss. The abyss was bottomless, but he could feel a burst from it. In the wind, when the wind screams, there is the sound of ghosts crying and howling, just like hell.

"It's ten directions hell, where countless demons, undead ..." said the fairy corpse, and his expression was a little nervous. Song Ning heard the tension from the fairy corpse's tone for the first time, but It's just a little nervous, this fairy corpse doesn't seem to care about the ten hells below, but keeps looking up at the sky.

After the huge power grid above the sky was held up, they began to move closer to each other, but in a few breaths, they became a sharp blade. This sharp blade composed of electro-optics was hundreds of feet long. Chop down.

The rainbow formed by the notes around the fairy corpse also changed shape, and ran directly towards the huge power grid. The two rays of light staggered. At this moment, half of the sky is a colorful rainbow, and half of the sky is a white lightning.

This seemingly inconspicuous attack landed in Song Ning's eyes as if it were a catastrophe. Before he saw Dan Lei, the power of Dan Lei was far inferior to that of the current Thunder Blade. If Song Ning did not feel wrong, this Thunder Blade 'S power is a thousand times greater than that of Nathan Lei.

Suddenly, Song Ning's heart shook, and the turbulence generated when the two rays of light interlaced directly caused the entire space to tremble, but the trembling did not stop, and the two rays of light seemed to stand together, rumbling Song Ning continued to distort in the roaring sound. With the space distortion, Song Ning's body also produced different degrees of distortion.

Song Ning was so shocked that her eyes could not be opened at the moment, even the rainbow protection that could protect it was also cracked at the moment, just as the rainbow protection shattered like an eggshell, Song Ning's body came The click sound is like the whole body is twisted into a ball.

At the moment when the rainbow around Song Ning completely shattered, all the rainbow lights under the control of the fairy corpses hit the lightning blade in the sky, but even so, the strength of the lightning blade had already overwhelmed the rainbow.

The rainbow light is like a colorful shield, while the sharp blade is a white light sword with a breath of death. The light sword is pointed above the shield. At this moment, the shield has a tendency to sag.

The fairy corpse seemed to have noticed Song Ning, and besides resisting with all her strength, a fairy force flew towards Song Ning. Song Ning suddenly felt a blessing around him. His twisted body recovered at this moment, although it was not twisted. In a group, but still extremely strange in shape, it is simply not an action that ordinary people can do.

Song Ning can't see the surroundings at this time, but can feel everything around him. The surrounding space is turbulent as if it is collapsing. If the two stalemate, the entire surrounding space will collapse, if the space collapses Now, how can people in this space survive?

The huge tremor made Song Ning Qiqiao bleed, but it was precisely because of this constant tremor that Song Ning found himself slightly adapted to this feeling, and he barely opened his eyes to look at the fairy corpse.

The back of the fairy corpse is bleak, and it can be seen that at this moment she is already a little difficult to resist. She seems hesitant and somewhat emotional. From her mouth, she said a few words gently, with sadness between the lines: "It turns out ... It ’s you who always wanted to seal me ... Why do n’t you want to kill me, but why do you want to seal me? Ten thousand years ... For ten thousand years, you wo n’t let me go, but you wo n’t let me die. Why? Below? It ’s ten directions to hell. Is it really necessary to drive me to hell? "

Song Ning was a little confused and didn't know what the fairy corpse meant, but he seemed to suddenly understand the sadness in the woman's heart.

From the woman's words, it seemed that she was the most important person who did all this and sealed it here, but it did not kill her. Presumably, something extremely changed happened ten thousand years ago.

During the fairy corpse's speech, the shield formed by the rainbow light seemed to have been unable to persevere. She turned to look at Song Ning, as if thinking about how to treat the only person who had entered the fairy tomb for ten thousand years.

But at the moment when the woman looked back, Song Ning was completely stunned again, this time, it was so stupid that Song Ning had already suffocated, because the face of the fairy corpse fell into Song Ning's eyes, Song Ning's mind was Weng Of course, what he saw was not others, but Leng Yuexiao!

That face is exactly the same as Leng Yuexiao, with exactly the same form, manners, and temperament. At this moment, even their expressions are the same.

The woman spoke slowly: "I can't escape in this world, but I don't want you to be buried with me here, I will send you away ..."

Song Ning shivered, how could he relieve his face with such a face?

"What's your name?" Song Ning asked.

However, the woman did not answer Song Ning. She just passed it to Song Ning, a trace of Yuanshen. There was no memory or power in this trace of Yuanshen, but she supported Yuanshen to keep rising, just as Song Ning kept rising. The woman's body is constantly falling, the rainbow shield is broken, but the huge lightning lightsaber has not penetrated the woman's body, but turned into a few chains, binding the woman's limbs ...

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