Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 466: Can't save

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

But, at the next moment, Song Ning felt cold behind him, and cold sweat had already wet his entire body. There are three thousand skeleton archers. Just as there were three thousand archery skeletons just now?

Song Ning still feels afraid for a while now. Fortunately, he didn't deliberately cross the past, otherwise it will be very tragic. Although Song Ning feels that the fairy corpse is exaggerated, he doesn't think there is only one skeleton inside.

From the way of suppressing the fairy coffin, it seems that the existence of the fairy coffin is extraordinary. Now that the corpses inside have all spoken, it can be seen that the strength of this life is stronger, the more powerful, inside the palace guarded in front It should be stronger, so even if there are no three thousand skull archers, there are at least a hundred.

Song Ning thought of this and asked weakly: "If I really helped you lie, would you kill me?"

"Fraud corpse?" The fairy corpse asked, obviously not understanding what Song Ning meant.

Song Ning quickly changed his mouth: "I mean, I will help you see the sun again, will you kill people and kill your mouth?"

"For those of me who are gracious, I wo n’t shoot. If you were not the first one in this ten thousand years to come to me, if I had not borrowed a trace of spiritual power from you, if you had not spoken to me, , Then when you called me "you" just now, I already killed you. "That fairy corpse said.

Song Ning's eyes twitched, and his heart was very dangerous. Although this person spoke very softly and had a very calm attitude, Song Ning felt an invisible grief, which seemed to be blocked by the fairy coffin, otherwise it would be directly Burst out.

"So how do I call it?" Song Ning asked.

The fairy corpse hesitated for a moment, but said indifferently: "Yes, this Qingxuan, you can call it whatever you want. The world today is probably very different from ten thousand years ago."

Song Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and he could hear from the other party's tone that the other party really didn't have any killings. After all, Xiao Burn was beside him before, and he still felt very sensitive to killings.

"Will I help you out, can you agree with me on any condition?" Song Ning asked.

"You can talk and listen first, I will not do unsure things, nor will I promise you anything at random, before you borrowed a trace of my spiritual power, I forgive you for the sin of speech conflict, you talk to me, I spare you If you can escape the guilt crime, then if you can rescue me out, then I promise you a condition. "Fairy Road.

The feeling of this fairy corpse to Song Ning really is the kind of person who promises a lot of money, but Song Ning thinks again, such a strong person, there is no need to deceive him a monk who hears the Tao, and is feeling the strength of this fairy corpse. At the same time, Song Ning already had some ideas in mind.

"In order to fill the gap of the enchantment, my loved one turned into frost and entered the enchantment. If I save you, you will help me save her from the enchantment." Song Ning said.

Immortal corpse heard the question, and immediately asked: "Frost enchantment?"

Song Ning shook his head: "How do you know?"

The fairy corpse seemed to hesitate and asked again: "The one you said, but the yin and yang are intertwined, the frost enchantment in the extreme cold snow?"

Although Song Ning knew that the title might be different, but when Song Ning thought about it, the description of this fairy corpse should be the same as what he said.

"Yes, that's that." Song Ning bite.

If this fairy corpse does not know what the enchantment is or where it is, then even if she agrees, Song Ning will have some worries. After all, the other party ’s linking world dare to agree and still do not rely. The score, but now Song Ning is excited, the look of anticipation in his eyes.

Now that she knows the frost barrier, she should be able to stay close to ten.

However, while Song Ning was expecting the other party to come down, the fairy corpse suddenly denied: "I ... can't help you, change the condition."

Song Ning shivered: "I only have this one condition, if you can't do it, then I won't let you go out!"

The fairy corpse sighed, and seemed a little sorry: "If it is other conditions, I will do it, but this ... I can't do it. If you really don't want to help me, then it will be all right."

Song Ninglian stepped back a few steps, his heart hurt, and he asked: "Can't you even do it? You can't do such a simple thing, I just have such a condition!"

Falling from the top of hope to the bottom of this disappointment, Song Ning's mood experienced unparalleled pain.

The fairy corpse didn't seem to fully understand Song Ning's meaning. She calmly said: "The person who made the frost enchantment is too strong, not to mention that I am now, even if I was in the heyday of the year, I wanted to integrate Huashen Frost into the knot. It is very difficult for people in the world to rescue, and the success rate is only half. "

"Impossible, impossible! There are some ways to rescue her, but you don't know it." Song Ning's roar increased again.

The fairy corpse hesitated a little, and she was not angry. She just saw Song Ning's emotions. She felt a sense of pain inexplicably: "Maybe, I have been lying here for thousands of years. There should be a way to rescue it, but I I ’m really not sure, it ’s better ... I will help your soul recover completely, and then promise you a condition, how? Your soul seems to have been hit hard, the mood swings are extremely strong, and the soul has signs of being eroded for a long time. Don't say save people anymore, I'm afraid I will take a step first. "

Song Ning gritted his teeth tightly. He didn't care about his soul or other things. If he saw this fairy corpse, he wouldn't even care if he would meet this ancient fairy or if someone would help him save Leng Yuexiao. Because he himself knew how to save Leng Yuexiao.

The fairy corpse saw that Song Ning did not answer, thinking that his own bargaining chip was not enough. When he thought that there was only such a person in ten thousand years, and this person was so persistent with his emotions, the fairy corpse let go: "I promise you two conditions, No more, if you are willing, tell me, if you are not, I am afraid that you can only die here. "

Song Ning was at a time of sorrow, and suddenly heard the other person say this, where would he care about what fairy corpse and what to do?

"You threaten me?" Song Ning said angrily.

The fairy corpse smiled indifferently: "I am talking about the facts, not threatening you. You cannot go out by yourself. At that time, in order to suppress me, the thirty-sixth heavenly king array, the seventy-two stars, bound the fairy, gossip Spirit map, Nirvana fairy coffin, such a lineup, so handy, do you think you can easily leave? You are just a spiritual realm monk, countless people want to save me in this 10,000 years, and many want to take away from me The funerary things, but all of them are dead, none of them is the weak in the fairyland. "

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