Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 448: Cunning

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"If you don't even say anything, you still have to agree on what to do." Song Ning was puzzled.

Chi Changjian smiled instead of answering Song Ning, but flew towards the meeting place where the martial arts recruited relatives. Although Chi Changjian arranged a border around his granddaughter's room, no one could notice this room, more I do n’t know if there are others in the room, but the whole city ’s main palace is not bound. When Chi Ruolan held Song Ning and entered the city ’s main palace, Chi Changjian already saw Song Ning, but he did n’t know Song Ning. When did you leave?

Therefore, Chi Changjian asked Song Ning if he was comprehending at Wangfenglou. It was also a speculation. After all, in Chi Changjian's view, Song Ning might be in Chi Ruolan's room at that time.

Chi Changjian knows very well about her granddaughter. Her boudoir has never entered any opposite sex. Even his grandfather, everything is said to stand outside Chi Ruolan ’s room. Chi ’s teaching is very good. Strictly, women ’s boudoirs cannot allow the opposite **** to come and go casually, this is a regulation.

However, Chi Ruolan hugged Song Ning directly into her room, which was indeed a big wave in Chi Changjian's heart.

"It's just that Song Ning seemed to be seriously injured on that day, but now it looks like how it is like no one else?" Chi Changjian thought about Song Ning's situation yesterday, and he still had some puzzles in his heart, but there are many things in this world that are difficult to explain. By the way, the more he reaches the level of cultivation, the more he can feel the long and endless road of cultivation of immortals. The truth contained in it is also extremely mysterious, and it is not fully understood by ordinary people.

After Chi Changjian left, Song Ning hesitated a little. He didn't quite understand Chi Changjian's words. Of course, this was under the premise that he didn't know that Chi Ruolan saved him yesterday.

"That Miss Chi family doesn't know what it looks like, so many people are optimistic, maybe they are ordinary people, everyone is for the dowry given by the Chi family?" Song Ning secretly said, blinking, Also flew towards the contest to recruit relatives.

The meeting place was surrounded, some people were inside the meeting place, some people were standing outside the meeting place to watch, Song Ning looked at the guards wearing uniform service, and secretly said: "This Chi family is really interesting, the meeting place spends It ’s not enough to arrange the money. It ’s really interesting that this wall is surrounded by so many monks. "

Song Ningzheng strode into the entrance, but was suddenly stopped by a monk.

"Huh?" Song Ning wondered.

The monk raised his hand: "Do you want to join in the martial arts or watch?"

"Participate in martial arts to recruit relatives." Song Ning said.

"One Thousand Spirit Stones," the monk said.

Song Ning shook his mouth and felt amused in his heart. He immediately asked, "What if it's watching?"

"One hundred spirit stones." The monk said.

Song Ning was speechless. After he paid a thousand spirit stones, the monk gave him a jade note with a number on it: "When the jade note lights up, it's your turn to play."

Song Ning felt a slight pain in his finger when he took the jade note, as if it was pierced by the jade note. He looked down at his hand, but there was no slight scar on his hand, which made him a little puzzled, but Song Ning I didn't pay much attention to this kind of details. I took the jade paper into the meeting place and swept my gaze. I immediately had a rough idea of ​​the number, and my heart could not help but secretly said: "The late City Lord is really dark enough, So many people, there are hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. "

In fact, these people who watched the competition and those who participated in the contest were sitting together, but they had the number jade paper in the hands of participating in the martial arts recruitment. When the jade paper was lit, they came to the stage.

Song Ninggang just entered, Chi Changjian said loudly: "Okay, now, no one is allowed to enter the venue."

As soon as everyone heard Chi Changjian's speech, the sound of discussion suddenly dissipated, and there was silence, as if the sound of the needle falling on the ground could all be heard.

Chi Changjian glanced at everyone, and then said: "First of all, please forgive Chi for a dashing test for you just now. This test can directly reflect your real strength. Yujian will be based on the difference in real strength. To divide everyone's opponents, a total of five people will be selected in this competition, including two in the infant period, one in the demi-god period, one in the deification period, and one in the Dao period. Next, everyone will start the competition. Do not injure people's lives as a result of one side conceding defeat or being flies off the court. "

Everyone looked at Chi Changjian suspiciously. Chi Changjian just said that he tested everyone's strength. This is really incredible. What test did he pass, and when did he test it?

Others did n’t feel much, but Song Ning understood that when I took the jade note, I felt a finger pain. Now I want to come, it ’s not the finger that hurts, but a force that penetrates into his hand very quickly. , And then came out of his hands again, since then, he really gave feedback to Yu Jian, and at the same time, he also felt a trace of pain.

Song Ning looked up at Chi Changjian, and Chi Changjian smiled at Song Ning: "Wen Daoqi, huh, huh, yeah, yeah!"

Song Ningbai gave Chi Changjian a glance, only then did he feel that these self-cultivating old guys were really old traitors, and they were carrying a lot of traps when they spoke. Now even a number jade paper has such an organ.

"It's okay." Song Ning did not want to take care of Chi Changjian, but after all, there was a deal, he was not good to ignore it directly, he said casually.

The on-stage comparison test started, no one presided over. Among the thousands of people watching, two people's jade papers glowed. The two immediately jumped onto the comparison table. When they faced each other, they talked about how they were investigated just now. The practitioners also turned the topic away and started a round of this competition to see who can win.

These are two Yuanying monks. Song Ning does not care about the winning or losing of these Yuanying monks. Of course, if Zhang Tianqi came out, Song Ning would be interested to see.

Song Ning crossed his knees and soon saw Zhang Tianqi playing. Zhang Tianqi had seen Song Ning come to the competition venue before. He thought that Song Ning would appear among Yuan Ying monks. The faint feeling Song Ning concealed really cultivated behavior.

Song Ning saw Zhang Tianqi coming to power and nodded at him. Zhang Tianqi saw it and didn't know how to respond. He nodded his head and then held a fist at the opposite monk: "Next Zhang Tianqi, please enlighten me."

Zhang Tianqi's opponent Yuan Ying peaked in the later period. He was extremely tall. When looking at Zhang Tianqi, he lowered his head and hummed: "You don't need to know the name, anyway, you will lose soon."

Zhang Tianqi frowned, and said that this person was really crazy enough to speak, so he did not politely deal with the other party and shot directly.

【Author's Digression】: 1

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