Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 446: Non-compliance

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

I was still a dying man just now, but now it suddenly gets better, and looking like this, it seems like nothing is wrong, even a little more energetic than before, clean clothes, good looks, even the appearance has returned to what it was before , It looks like Yi Rongdan is used again.

"Daoyou." Song Ning punched Chi Ruolan.

At this moment, the boss of Wangfenglou has gone down. Chi Ruolan wanted to fly directly to Wangfenglou, but in this Roland city, unless special circumstances are not allowed to fly, even if she is Miss Chi family, there are not so many privileges.

"Master Song, you ..." Chi Ruolan stopped talking, and suddenly he didn't know where to start.

"Thank you for the help of Daoyou just now. You haven't asked the name of the Daoist. What Song should do to repay." Song Ninggong said.

Chi Ruolan looked at Song Ning and found that he was really okay. Apart from the surprise, she also felt some emotion. At that time, her father had no such life and died directly under the spirit. Now Song Ning asks Chi Ruolan The name, Chi Ruolan originally wanted to inform directly, but thought again, if it was really told directly, would n’t he just ask for something from the other party? Besides, in Chi Ruolan's view, Song Ning should also participate in the martial arts recruiting relatives tomorrow. Would it be better if he recognized each other during the martial arts recruiting?

Thinking of this, Chi Ruolan shook his head: "Daoyou don't have to thank you, as for my name ... you will know it sooner or later, so farewell, congratulations to Daoyou coming back from Guimenguan."

Song Ning smiled and watched the woman leave without saying much. Instead, she leaned alone beside the pillar of Wangfeng Tower, recalling all the previous things, a heart knot came into being without Song Ning knowing it. .

A woman may be able to tolerate her man who had not been a hot woman before, but if it is a man, I am afraid that it will not tolerate these, even though Song Ning understands that he is sincere about Leng Yuexiao, but still has been entangled in Leng Yuexiao Have you ever loved other men before?

Song Ning sighed, it was another sleepless night. He looked up at the starry sky and held out his hand. The bright moonlight fell on his palm. He felt a hint of coolness. He thought of the moon river demon that night, and remembered the moon river demon. the words said.

In your own heart, there is hatred, maybe it really is.

Song Ning knew that he was not a saint, and some things could not be relieved, but no matter what, the heart that rescued Leng Yuexiao would not change.

Spend the night in Song Ning's cranky thoughts. Song Ning's nightly thoughts were even more than his meditation combined over the years. When the scorching sun rises, Song Ning gets up and gently touches his face Beat twice and tell myself to leave those thoughts behind.

The few drunkards beside him also woke up at the moment. They saw Song Ning also woke up and immediately laughed awkwardly.

"Master Song, it's really a good drink. We have all poured, but Master Song is still awake."

Song Ning smiled: "Boss Tang, help me greet a few Taoist friends in Zichuan Valley. I'm going to participate in the martial arts recruitment."

Competing for marriage?

Master Song, whose strength is comparable to the Sixth Grade Alchemy Master, also participated in the martial arts recruitment?

However, when everyone hadn't responded yet, Song Ning was already standing alone and flew directly from Wangfenglou.

In this Roland city, usually people are not allowed to fly at will. On that day, Song Ning ’s refining pill medicine almost attracted Dan Lei. That was a special case. Otherwise, even the city master could not fly at high altitude, but now Song Ning has Flying directly from Wangfenglou was shocking.

Many people on the ground were staring at Song Ning at the moment, and their eyes flashed with surprise. At first these people felt that the person flying in the sky must be punished, but when they saw that person was Song Ning, they had something in their hearts. Added another idea.

The alchemy master, the sixth-grade alchemy master, even if he violated the prohibition of flying at high altitude in Roland City, it should not be treated very much.

Sure enough, Chi Changjian in the Chi family compound saw Song Ning flying at a glance, but at first sight he did not stand up to stop, but spoke openly: "Song Dan, Roland city does not allow flying at high altitudes, please also observe . "

Song Ning did not directly drop his figure, but returned to: "I am anxious to participate in the martial arts recruitment, if I don't fly, I can only use it. What should I do if I am late and will not let me participate?"

Chi Changjian was slightly startled. Before, he thought Song Ning was not going to participate. Today, Song Ning wants to participate again. He is also in a better mood. Moreover, he just saw that Song Ningfei ’s direction was Wangfenglou. Yesterday, someone in Wangfenglou felt that he directly thought of Song Ning. Now he wants to ask Song Ning what is going on.

"Song Dan, the contest is not in a hurry to participate in the competition, it's better to come to the house and sit for a while, how?" Chi Changjian invited.

"The rules can't be broken, let me go to participate." Song Ning said bluntly.

Chi Changjian didn't expect Song Ning to be so abiding by the rules, so he flew straight out of the city's main palace.

Someone saw Chi Changjian flying out of the city's main palace, and was immediately shocked. Could it be that the city master Chi wanted to start with Master Song? If you forcefully pull it down from the air, this face is really hard to pass, and it is seen by others, but Master Song will be wiped out.

The following people all discussed that when they saw this scene, they could not help feeling that there was a good show to be staged.

"City Lord Chi is also angry when he wants to come. Although Master Song is very powerful in alchemy, he doesn't obey the rules. This point is unbearable."

"It's interesting, the city master is really selfless, even masters such as Master Song, a powerful alchemist, must abide by the rules, otherwise they will have to come and order themselves."

Chi Changjian is popular among the Roland City. The monks of Roland City all worship Chi Changjian as a god. Naturally, they also respect Chi Changjian. Although Song Ning ’s alchemy is very powerful, they do not I do n’t know Song Ning, but I just glanced at it before. I admire Song Ning, but if Chi Changjian and Song Ning conflict, they naturally stand on Chi Changjian ’s side.

At the moment, Bai Yu in the city's main palace saw Chi Changjian flying directly to stop Song Ning, and sneered in his heart: "Boy, I thought you were quite rampant before, how is it now? Flying, without the presence of Chi Changjian, the city owner, I would not easily violate these rules. What are you thinking of, you dare to violate at will? "

Chi Ruolan also came out of the room. She saw the grandfather and Song Ning confronting each other in the air, their hearts were tight, and they only hoped that they would not have any conflict.

【Author's digression】: 4

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