Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 442: Love in action

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

"Master Song, this wine has a lot of stamina." The boss said when he passed the two jugs of wine.

Song Ning waved his hand: "If you don't hurry, if you drink well, you want to drink more."

The boss lost his smile and turned away, but at this moment he had a new understanding of this 'Master Song'. The boss just glanced at the jug beside Song Ning and already knew how much Song Ning drank. They looked at Fenglou The wine is inherited from the family, and outsiders may not believe it, but this wine can directly test how much a person's true strength is.

The restaurant has never spread such news, because once it has been spread, their restaurant business will not need to be done, but it does not mean that the owner of the restaurant does not count.

Ordinary Yuanying monks have less than three pots, demigod monks have less than four pots, and gods have five pots. The top Wendao monk has six pots. Now several others are drunk, but Song Ning has five pots. Still sober afterwards, which illustrates some problems.

"It seems that this master Song has concealed his true cultivation behavior. At a young age, Dan Dao's attainments are amazing, and his hiding power is so terrible. Who is he?" The restaurant owner secretly recorded Song Ning's information on the jade paper , He wants to see how much alcohol this person can drink.

This kind of drunkenness is rare for Song Ning. He thought about the situation in Tianyuan School when he was drinking and drinking. After leaving Luoyu for a while, he did n’t know what happened to those old people now. He thought of the past and the melancholy in his heart. Heavier.

The jug was frequently raised and dropped frequently, and the two jugs of wine that had just been delivered soon dried up.

The restaurant owner sent two more pots, and then collected all the empty wine pots around, secretly observing Song Ning. At this time, Song Ning was already on the top of the wine, even if he noticed that the restaurant owner was secretly observing, he did not care. He wanted to come, perhaps because he drank too much and rubbed his boss' attention.

Alcohol is not drunk, everyone is drunk, drunk and waking up more concentrated.

Song Ning didn't want to be drunk, so he could only rely on wine, but this wine didn't make Song Ning drunk. He had nowhere to complain in his heart, but he felt panicked and pulled the two jugs aside. Tao: "Wine!"

The owner of the restaurant in the dark has been stunned, Jiuhu. Among the people he knows, Jiuhu is the strongest amount of drunken immortals. Even Daoxian, he did n’t drink more than ten pots because of their ancestry. : 'Ten pots are the pole, the day cannot be exceeded'.

The boss took out a jug of wine and placed it in front of Song Ning. Song Ning's eyes were slightly blurred at the moment, but he still spoke clearly when he spoke: "Why is there only one jug?"

"There is a rule for small shops to sell alcohol. Each person can have up to ten pots a day." The boss respectfully said.

"If ten pots can drunk me, then ten pots, if they are not drunk, then they need it." Song Ning picked up this pot of wine and poured it. In his view, this is not wine at all, but it seems to be water It didn't feel like drinking in the stomach, only when it passed the throat did the hot feeling make Song Ning feel that he still exists in this world.

The boss hurriedly grabbed Song Ning's wrist: "Master Song, this wine is for tasting, not pouring like this. This wine has great stamina. If you drink this way, you will drink your body. of."

Song Ning looked at the remaining half of the pot and smiled: "Yes, you go."

When the boss went out, Song Ning smiled.

Why did he just drink half a pot?

Because when he was looking for wine before, he took half a pot of wine from Zuo Zimu and drank it. Now it seems that he has drunk half a pot, but in fact he has already filled ten pots!

"Up to ten pots, what happens if I drink again?" Song Ning looked at the jug and couldn't help laughing. His favorite is this kind of regulation, because with the regulation, it will be fun to break, if everything is in accordance with the rules , Then he Song Ning can not go today.

Song Ning picked up the jug and wanted to drink it, but the wine hadn't fallen yet, but suddenly he felt the light shining in the corner of his eyes. He put down the jug and turned his head to look. There was a wind blowing in the air. The color light, like a woman's body, is very beautiful when dancing in the wind.

The scenery is colorful, the streamer is illusory, the shape is changing, it is pleasing to the eye, and it is refreshing.

How can there be no wine for such beautiful scenery?

Song Ning was about to drink. Suddenly he heard what sound came from his ear. He concentrated his energy and pursued the weak sound of the ear. After a while, he realized that this was the melody of the song.

Looking for the sound, Song Ning saw a woman wearing a veil gently strumming the piano in the building opposite. The sound of the piano was accompanied by wind and sound, and it was divided into wonderful.

The woman seemed to notice Song Ning too. She was slightly startled. A surprise flashed in the water-like eyes, but it did not affect the fiddle. The sound of the piano continued. The slender ten fingers continued to fiddle on the strings. .

Song Ning leaned against the pillar of Wangfenglou. In the sound of wind and in the bright light, he smiled at the corner of his mouth, and the hip flask placed on his lips also forgot to lift it up.

Looking back, he remembered Leng Yuexiao playing the piano and the sound of the piano flowing from Leng Yuexiao's hands. Although the melody he heard at the moment was not as good as Leng Yuexiao, it was also a very beautiful sound.

"Jinser's reincarnation, I am as vivid as a butterfly.

Although there are 30,000 miles in the territory, it is destined to be one inch of loess.

The sky is cloudy and the heart is like the moon.

In a lonely city, guarding alone, one heart and one world. "

Song Ning looked up at the sky, took a deep breath, put down the hip flask, and gave a light fist to the building opposite. The woman's finger on the building trembles, and when the string is picked, it is suddenly cut by the string, and a drop of blood , Go with the wind, beautiful eyes look forward, looked at Song Ning.

"The reincarnation of the memory turns into a butterfly, and the infinite territory is in the heart. The sadness in the world has been read. One person locks the empty city in the heart." So touching. "

Song Ning smiled, seemingly free and easy, but with sadness.

At a glance, the woman could see the deep concealment of love in Song Ning's eyes and the sorrow still buried in Song Ning's face.

"I really envy ... It would be nice if someone in the world could love me as much as you love her." The woman talked and laughed with tears in her eyes, and the tears turned and fell. She hugged the piano and left, but heard that Song came from behind. Ning dull voice.

"When the emotions are moving, the temperament is more touching. If it is possible, can you ask Daoyou to play another song."

The woman's body was trembling slightly. She wanted to refuse, but she couldn't bear it. She wanted to stay, but she couldn't be reconciled.

She turned and looked at Song Ning: "Why do you want to play?"

"Only for love." Song Ning calmly.

It ’s a good ‘just for love’.

The woman took a deep breath. Under the veil, there were already two tears, her fingertips fell, and the sound of the piano came back.

Song Ninghe listened with his eyes. He finally heard some differences in the sound of the piano. He just listened to it. His eyes were also wet. That was how he felt when he first heard about Leng Yuexiao playing the piano. The emotion is hurt, and the sound of the piano is the emotion, so this melody has been achieved, but when Leng Yuexiao was first seen in that year, Leng Yuexiao's piano sound was like this. At that time, her heart … Is it already in love?

[The author off topic]: 5 chapters

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